lake street streetscape project

Lake Street Streetscape Project Project Overview Progress to Date - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Lake Street Streetscape Project Project Overview Progress to Date Project Scope & Materials Project Scheduling/Construction Staging Next Steps Lake Street Streetscape Progress to Date / Public Involvement Steering

  1. Lake Street Streetscape Project • Project Overview • Progress to Date • Project Scope & Materials • Project Scheduling/Construction Staging • Next Steps Lake Street Streetscape

  2. Progress to Date / Public Involvement • Steering Committee Meetings (4) • Business District Meetings – Hemingway (2) DTOP (2) and North Marion (2) • Public Open House • Print Newsletters (2) & E-Blast Newsletter • Open House Public Notice Ads (2) • News Releases • Social Media Posts • Website Updates • Village Board Meetings (3) Lake Street Streetscape

  3. Project Timeline 2007 Nov April Aug 2016 2020 2019 June 2018 August 2018 January 2019 Phase I Construction Anticipated Design Plans Pre-Final Project Approval Submittal Letting Lake Street Streetscape

  4. Project Scope • Advanced Work • Vault Repairs & Private Utilities • Village Water & Sewer Project • Resurfacing Project (Euclid to Austin) • Streetscape Project Lake Street Streetscape

  5. Proposed Project Oak Park Harlem to Forest Forest to Oak Park Euclid to Austin to Euclid W E S T C E N T R A L E A S T R E S U R F A C I N G Reconstruction/Streetscape Resurfacing Utilities Lake Street Streetscape

  6. Streetscape Design Lake Street Streetscape

  7. Streetscape Design Lake Street Streetscape

  8. Streetscape Design Lake Street Streetscape

  9. Streetscape Design Lake Street Streetscape

  10. Streetscape Design Lake Street Streetscape

  11. Streetscape Design Lake Street Streetscape

  12. Streetscape Design Lake Street Streetscape

  13. Streetscape Design Lake Street Streetscape

  14. Streetscape Design Lake Street Streetscape

  15. Streetscape Design Lake Street Streetscape

  16. Streetscape Design Lake Street Streetscape

  17. Streetscape Design Lake Street Streetscape

  18. Streetscape Design Lake Street Streetscape

  19. Streetscape Elements Typical raised planter at bump-out Typical tree grate Typical bluestone sidewalk Typical site furnishings Typical raised planter with tree Typical urn style movable planter Typical bike rack Typical streetscape lighting Lake Street Streetscape

  20. Construction Staging – April 2019 to August 2020 Full Closure from Harlem Avenue to Marion Street – April 2019 through June 2019 Far West Section Short Term Intersection Closure at Lake Street & Marion Street – Early July 2019 Lake St & Marion St Intersection Lake Street Streetscape

  21. Construction Staging Full Closure from Marion St. to Forest Avenue – Mid-July 2019 through August 2019 Near West Section Short Term Intersection Closure at Lake Street & Forest Ave. – Early September 2019 Lake St & Forest Ave Intersection Lake Street Streetscape

  22. Construction Staging Lane Closures from Forest Ave to Grove Ave – Late Sept 2019 Central Section (Eastbound) Lane Closures from Forest Ave to Grove Ave – Early October 2019 Central Section (Westbound) Lake Street Streetscape

  23. Construction Staging Streetscape & Utilities - Lane Closures from Grove Ave to Oak Park Ave – Late Oct. to Mid-November Central Section Lake Street Streetscape

  24. Construction Staging Utilities Project – Partial Intersection Closure at Oak Park Ave – March 2020 Lake St & Oak Park Ave Intersection Lake Street Streetscape

  25. Construction Staging Utilities Project – Full Closure from Oak Park Ave to Euclid Ave – March 2020 through April 2020 Streetscape - Full Closure from Oak Park Ave. to Euclid Ave. – May 2020 through Mid-June East Section Lake Street Streetscape

  26. Construction Staging Partial Intersection Closures at Euclid Avenue – Mid- June 2020 through Mid-July 2020 Lake St & Euclid Ave Intersection Lake Street Streetscape

  27. Next Steps • Final Design Submittal • Easements • Vault Design • Board Approval of Project • Agreements with State Perspective view of Streetscape at Forest Avenue Lake Street Streetscape


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