
1 Streetscape Concepts & Design Approach Street Design - PDF document

1 Streetscape Concepts & Design Approach Street Design Approach STREETSCAPE TYPOLOGY LAND USE Main Street Midblock Institutional Naturalized Treatment with Layby Parking Permanent Intersection Low-Density Residential Commercial Mixed

  1. 1 Streetscape Concepts & Design Approach Street Design Approach STREETSCAPE TYPOLOGY LAND USE Main Street Midblock Institutional Naturalized Treatment with Layby Parking Permanent Intersection Low-Density Residential Commercial Mixed Use Treatment N < Lower Density Midblock N Treatment Main Street Facing East – Boulevard Section from 1+200 Dimensions in millimeters KEY MAP N Main Street Facing East – Boulevard Section from 1+400 Dimensions in millimeters Potential for Centre Turn Lane be a Planted Median at key points of interest where a turn lane is not necessary. KEY MAP N COMMUNITY INFORMATION MEETING | LAMBETH MAIN STREET STREETSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS | OCTOBER 2017

  2. 2 Streetscape Concepts & Design Approach Main Street Facing East – Boulevard Section from 1+600 Dimensions in millimeters Potential for Centre Turn Lane be a Planted Median at key points of interest where a turn lane is not necessary. KEY MAP KEY MAP N Main Street Facing East – Boulevard Section from 1+800 Dimensions in millimeters Potential for Centre Turn Lane be a Planted Median at key points of interest where a turn lane is not necessary. KEY MAP KEY MAP N Main Street Facing East – Boulevard Section from 2+140 Dimensions in millimeters Potential for Centre Turn Lane be a Planted Median at key points of interest where a turn lane is not necessary. * Cross Section to be updated with tree planting detail KEY MAP N COMMUNITY INFORMATION MEETING | LAMBETH MAIN STREET STREETSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS | OCTOBER 2017

  3. 3 Streetscape Concepts & Demonstration Wharncliffe Road Facing East – Boulevard Section from 2+220 Dimensions in millimeters KEY MAP N Boulevard Section Long Term, Typical Dimensions in millimeters Potential for Centre Turn Lane be a Planted Median at key points of interest where a turn lane is not necessary. N Streetscape Demonstration: Corridor Placemaking * The Streetscape Demonstration Plan illustrates the long term placemaking vision for Main Street. The details will be fjnalized in construction drawings. COMMUNITY INFORMATION MEETING | LAMBETH MAIN STREET STREETSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS | OCTOBER 2017

  4. 4 Streetscape Demonstration Renderings Gateway Placemaking at Colonel Talbot Road * The Streetscape Demonstration illustrates the placemaking vision for the Main Street West Gateway. The design details, including the paving pattern and public art, will be fjnalized in construction drawings. Gateway Placemaking at Campbell Street * The Streetscape Demonstration illustrates the placemaking vision for the Main Street East Gateway. The design details, including the paving pattern and public art, will be fjnalized in construction drawings. COMMUNITY INFORMATION MEETING | LAMBETH MAIN STREET STREETSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS | OCTOBER 2017


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