lake park elementary school

Lake Park Elementary School Student Advisory Council SAC October - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Lake Park Elementary School Student Advisory Council SAC October 23, 2019 6:00 pm Lake Park Elementary School Media Center Principal's Message Mrs. Fleming Principals Report: State of the School as of 10.23.19 A+ Money / School

  1. Lake Park Elementary School Student Advisory Council SAC October 23, 2019 6:00 pm Lake Park Elementary School Media Center

  2. Principal's Message Mrs. Fleming

  3. Principal’s Report: State of the School as of 10.23.19 A+ Money / School Recognition: SAC input and vote ★ New Stafg Members: Mrs. Pataca (2nd), Ms. Navarro (1st), Mrs. Holland (CLF), ★ Mrs. Smith (5th), Ms. K. Fleming (Co-Located Mental Health Counselor) Newly promoted Ms. Lambrou as our Single School Culture Coord. {SSCC} ★ New Math series: enVision Florida/Pearson Success Maker/Pearson Realize ★ End of 1st Trimester - Report Cards going home Friday, November 15th ★ “SY20WIG”: Wildly Important Goal = Maintain our ‘A’ Status ★ Make sure your children are working on iReady Reading & completing all ★ homework assigned, especially READING 20-30 minutes daily :) Red Ribbon Week: October 28th - November 1st / Dress Up Days ★ No School November 11th ★ Vision & Hearing Screening = November 13th ★ Coming up soon….. Winter Diagnostics & iReady Diagnostic #2 ★

  4. Pre-Kindergarten Mrs. Benavides-Hynes and Ms. Fuller After reading the story, “Please Don’t In math, we are using shapes to Upset P.U Zorilla!”, students will use design pumpkin faces for Fall! their sense of smell to predict what is inside of each covered container.

  5. Kindergarten Mrs. Bond, Mrs. Addison, Mrs. Hatch-Sabers Reading Science ● Working on Unit 1 - Key Ideas ● Matter and details in literature ○ Properties in Matter ○ Identifying characters, ○ Changes in Matter setting & major events Writing Math ● Finishing up Unit 2- Narrative ● Finishing Up unit 4 writing ○ Comparing Numbers ○ Student are drawing ○ Unit 4 test will be next and writing to narrate a week. single event. Please Remember: ● Sign Agendas Daily ● If there is a change in how your child is dismissed please write a note or call the school to let us know.

  6. First Grade Mrs. Ehlers, Mrs. Hurless, Ms. Heinrich, Ms. Navarro Math READING ● Topic 4: Subtraction to 20 ● Finishing up Unit 1 ● Early Math skills ● Unit 2: Informational Text ○ Adding to 10 ● Still working on Phonics skills ○ Simple Subtraction ○ Letter sounds ○ Number lines ○ Blending ○ Multiple strategies ○ Word Families Welcome, Ms. Navarro!! REMINDERS ● Sign Agenda Daily ● Join Class Dojo ● Field Trip November 8th to Yesteryear Village $5

  7. Second Grade Mr Mrs. Mesadieu, Mrs. Pataca, Ms. Spevak & Ms. Wiederhold MATH Fluently add within 100 Students need to know how to use: * place value, * partial sum, * break apart, * number bond * number line to add

  8. Second Grade Reading Writing Unit 3 - "Craft & Structure in Informational Text" We are learning how to write a narrative The Unit will start on Wednesday. The unit covers unfamiliar paragraph. Please check agendas nightly! words, text features and author's purpose. Standards Mastery (Reading Unit 2) test will be administered on 10.22. Please,parents Reading homework is given every night (which includes 20 minutes of reading).

  9. Third Grade Ms. Morgan, Mrs. O’Gorman, Mr. Schmidt Math: The third graders have just begun unit 6. By the end of the unit, they should be able to find the area of a shape by counting the square units. They will also be able to find the area of a square or rectangle by multiplying the length by the width. ELA: Students have just finished their iReady Unit 1 Standards Mastery Exam. We are now learning Unit 3- Craft and Structure in Informational Text. The first lesson in Unit 3 is Lesson 9- Unfamiliar Words. Students will be using context clues to figure out the meaning of unknown words in non-fiction text.

  10. Fourth Grade ELA Ms. O’Connor & Mrs. Davis Writing - Students are continuing to work on their Opinion writing. They are currently writing an opinion essay about homework. Reading - we are about mid-way through our second unit which is Key Ideas and Details in Informational Text. Students are reading historical, scientific and technical texts - examining the cause-effect relationship.

  11. Fourth Grade Math Ms. Dean USA UNIT 4 Here is data from your Unit 4 Test on Multiplying 2 by 2 digit numbers. -They rocked it again with 83% overall proficiency and beating the district now 4 USA’s in a row. SO proud of their hard work and effort. -We are currently in Unit 5 Dividing by a 1 digit Divisor this is one of the toughest units and standard taught in 4th grade.

  12. Adventures in Fifth Grade The LPES 5th Graders got to participate in “Government Week” by walking to Lake Park Town Hall and learning about the difgerent jobs in town government!

  13. Adventures in Fifth Grade 5th Grade Students also had an informative presentation from the Organization of Black Aerospace Professionals (OBAP)

  14. Fifth Grade ELA Ms. Mulcahy and Mrs. Smith The 5th Grade Team would like to introduce Mrs. Smith. She will complete the team as the second ELA teacher. Mrs. Smith is originally from from New York. She is married with 2 elementary aged children. She has taught for 15 years in the PBCSD. She believes all children can be taught to LOVE learning under the right teacher!

  15. Fifth Grade ELA Ms. Mulcahy and Mrs. Smith ELA Writing Students are currently Over the last two weeks in their second unit of we have finished our first the Ready Reading PBL and moved on to expand our sentences in books expanding on our body paragraphs. We their knowledge of key have been focusing on ideas and details in informational texts with informational text. Our up two sources. next FSQ is tomorrow and they are looking forward to making BIG GAINS!

  16. Fifth Grade Ms. Whitman, Ms. Bradley Fifth Graders are Currently working in Topic/Unit 5. Students will learn how to use models and strategies to Divide Whole Numbers. The unit has 8 lessons: Things Parents can do at Example : #1 Use Patterns and Mental Math to Divide Home to Help with Math #2 Estimate quotients with 2-Digit Divisors #3 Use Models and Properties to Divide with 2-Digit Divisors ● Help students make lists of multiples #4 Use Partial Quotients to Divide ● Practice Multiplication Facts #5 Use Sharing to Divide: 2 -Digit Divisors ● Do the homework with them #6 Use Sharing to Divide: Greater Dividends ● Access the textbook on line and look at #7 Choose a Strategy to Divide the examples #8 Problem Solving ● Encourage students to look at their own notes in their binders from the day’s lesson. Their notes have Assessment Information for Unit 5 examples and practice problems they ● U5 FSA : Wednesday 10/23/19 may help them with their homework. ● U5 USA : Tuesday 10/29/19

  17. Fifth Grade Ms. Whitman, Ms. Bradley Students have been very busy learning 5th grade Science Standards. Unit 3 Energy and Electricity just in time for Halloween. Unit 3 Forms of Energy: Investigations Example : Students are investigating and describing basic forms of energy, including light, heat, sound, electrical and ● Open and closed Circuits chemical energy. ● Static Electricity Upcoming lessons will revolve around What is Energy and What causes Energy to Change. The pacing for these lessons will be October 4-November 17. Assessment Information for Unit 3 ● U3 NGSQ1 10/15/2013 ● U3 NGSQ2 10/30/2019 ● U3 NGSQ3 11/07/2019

  18. Fine Arts Team Mrs. Fickling, Mrs. Hoyos, Ms. Johnson, Mrs. Williams Music PE In music, Kindergarten and first Kids Heart Challenge and Parent Day is This Friday!!!!! grade students are exploring their During their Fine Arts time, each student will be solo voices, whispering and on the blacktop participating in the Kids Heart speaking voices, and expressing Challenge!! They will participate in several stations, including jump rope (both short and themselves artfully to music. 2nd long ropes), fitness stations and a station using through 5th grade have started heart rate monitors to check their heart rate. playing xylophones and drums We are excited to invite all parents to come and join us this Friday!!!! Please sign in in the front and are working together towards office and then head back to the blacktop to creating music as an ensemble. participate with your child!! Times are as This requires listening skills, follows: 2nd grade 9:45-10:15 4th grade 11:30-12:00 sensitivity to their peers, and self 5th grade 10:15-10:45 3rd grade 12:00- 12:30 control. We will be beginning our Kindergarten 10:45-11:15 1st grade 1:00-1:30 Christmas music next week.

  19. Fine Arts Team Mrs. Fickling, Mrs. Hoyos, Ms. Johnson, Mrs. Williams Art In Art, K-5 students are creating fall pumpkins. We are exploring new media using oil pastels, glue, and pastels (chalk). With the pastels, students are learning to show gradual value change from highlights to darker shadows. This technique of blending helps to create an illusion of 3 dimensions on their 2 dimensional paper.

  20. Fine Arts Team Mrs. Fickling, Mrs. Hoyos, Ms. Johnson, Mrs. Williams Maker Spaces! Media Fresh Paint! C o m S e f y a t i n g ! Video Penpals! Special Adult Effects! Lounge!


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