lake park elementary school

Lake Park Elementary School Student Advisory Council SAC February - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Lake Park Elementary School Student Advisory Council SAC February 26, 2020 6:00 pm Lake Park Elementary School Media Center Principal's Message Mr. Preddy Welcome to Lake Park Elementary, Mr. Preddy & Family Diff *Subject Area SY19

  1. Lake Park Elementary School Student Advisory Council SAC February 26, 2020 6:00 pm Lake Park Elementary School Media Center

  2. Principal's Message Mr. Preddy

  3. Welcome to Lake Park Elementary, Mr. Preddy & Family

  4. Diff *Subject Area SY19 FSA SY20 Diag. SY19 Diag. (test to test, year to year) 3rd - ELA 52.3 45.3 46.6 1.3 4th - ELA 33.3 61.1 44.1 -17 5th - ELA 48.8 47.6 38.5 -9.1 3rd - Math 69.2 85.9 77.8 -8.1 4th - Math 49.3 66.2 70.7 4.5 5th - Math 53.7 58.1 61.8 3.7 5th - Science 33 34.2 1.2 29.3

  5. Pre-Kindergarten Mrs. Benavides-Hynes and Ms. Fuller Students are learning about “How-To” texts. They learned How to Make a Bookmark (see picture) and how to write a “How to Text” (see picture). They also Students are learning about collections, such learned about how to write a letter telling someone as rocks, buttons, shells, etc. They are how to do something - “How to Play Block and Roll learning how to sort and re-sort their (see picture). collections.

  6. Kindergarten Mrs. Bond, Mrs. Addison, Mrs. Hatch-Sabers Math Reading We just finished up with our ● ● Types of Text unit on Numbers 11-19. ● Unknown words Next unit is counting using ● ● Authors & Illustrators role in patterns. the story Counting by 10 to 100 ○ We had an amazing Field Day today!

  7. First Grade Mrs. Ehlers, Mrs. Hurless, Ms. Heinrich, Ms. Navarro READING Math ● Unit 4: Informational ● Topic 10: Adding Tens & Ones ● Text Features ● Keep working on Math skills ● Text Evidence ○ Adding to 10 fluently ● Fundations: Tapping out words ○ Simple Subtraction ● Word of the day: proper ○ Counting & Skip Counting sentence structure by 2’s, 5’s and 10’s REMINDERS ● Sign Agenda Daily ● Next Monday: Science Center in school presentation ● Next Tuesday: Field Trip to the Science Center

  8. Second Grade Mr Mrs. Mesadieu, Mrs. Pataca, Ms. Spevak & Ms. Wiederhold Reading Second Grade enjoyed a field trip to see “The Nutcracker Ballet”. *Winter iReady Reading Diagnostics were completed in Field Day - February 26 (changed due to December! Parents met with bad weather conditions). Letters were teachers to discuss result before / sent home on Monday. during the “Science Night” in January. *Second Grade students have made tremendous gains by using iReady regularly in class and at home. Math *Students took the Unit 4 “Craft & *We have finished Unit 8 “Money Structure in Literature” - and Telling Time”. Standards Mastery (unit test). Scores have been sent home. We are now working on Unit 1 - *We are working in Unit 9 Number “Key Ideas & Details in Informational Text”. Sense to 1,000. *Students are to read for 20 *Then we will begin 3 Digit Addition minutes every night and practice their vocabulary words. word problems with regrouping.

  9. Third Grade Ms. Morgan, Mrs. O’Gorman, Mr. Schmidt Reading: iReady growth is evident in third grade! Students are now in full FSA preparation mode as they polish their reading skills. Reading daily for 30 minutes and keeping those journals going is all part of the practice. Don’t forget to use your FSA Prep Binders! In class we are learning to identify and use text structure to better understand informational text. - cause and effect, sequencing and compare and contrast. Writing: we have been researching important figures by reading their BIOGRAPHIES and gathering facts. Next, we will use those facts to write informative book reports, teaching others what we have learned. Math: Students continue to explore ways of applying their knowledge of multiples as they continue the unit on fractions. At home practice can be found on Success Mather and Prodigy .

  10. Fourth Grade Math Ms. Dean -Unit 12 Decimals and Fractions USA 12 82% was a great unit for 4th grade with 82% proficient. -We are now in Unit 13 Measurement and Area/Perimeter….hmmm...still under construction with the concept. -4th grade FSA Parent Night is on 3/3/20 from 3-5pm. Any 4th grade parents that attend earn’s an “ Ice Cream Social ” invite for their child. Math FSA- May 12th & 13th

  11. Fourth Grade ELA Mrs. Davis and Mrs. O’Connor Reading - We just completed Unit 4 - Craft and Structure in Literature and are finishing up our Standard Mastery - which has been going very well. Next we will begin Unit 5 - Integration of Knowledge and Ideas in Informational Texts. Writing - Our writing FSA is in 17 school days! We are reviewing both informative and opinion essays in the weeks remaining. Please continue to check homework and agenda nightly. *** Next week - Tuesday March 3rd - 4th grade is hosting a data chat from 3:00-5:00 in our classrooms. Please try to join us. Writing FSA April 1st Reading FSA May 5th and 6th

  12. Fifth Grade ELA Ms. Mulcahy and Mrs. Parker ELA: Writing: We are in our fifth unit ● We are using information ● studying informational from our sources to write texts. Specifically using an opinion piece on multiple sources and how whether homework should authors can use there be given to students on the point of view to have a weekends. reader swing one way or another. 5th Grade FSA Data Chat is March 3rd, in the Media Center from 3:00-5:00 FSA Writing is April 1st! FSA ELA is May 5th and 6th! FSA Math is May 12th and 13th! FSA Science is May 19th and 20th!

  13. Fifth Grade Ms. Whitman, Ms. Bradley Math SECME Science, Engineering, Communication, Mathematics, In math this month, students have learned how and Enrichment Club. to Divide Fractions by Fractions, Whole Attended the SECME Olympiad on Saturday 2/22/20. Numbers and Mixed Numbers Example: 2 ÷ ⅙ = 12 They also learned how to draw, read, and interpret information from a line plot. This unit was especially difficulty. Example: Ariel created a line plot showing the weight, in pounds, of her dog's puppies when they were 2 months old. What is the difference, in pounds, between the puppy that weighed the most and the puppy that weighed the least?.

  14. Fine Arts Team Mrs. Fickling, Mrs. Hoyos, Ms. Johnson Music Art K and 1st grade: We are working on All Artists have finished their developing solo voices, continuing steady African inspired lions. Please beat and making artful expressions to keep an eye out for them to music. be displayed throughout the school. We will beginning a 2nd/3rd grade: We are wrapping up our lesson next week on glass genre unit, having studied classical, blowing artist Dale Chihuly. gospel, patriotic, salsa, pop and jazz music genres. Art Club students finished their coral reef sculpture for 4th and 5th grade: We’ve been working on the 35th Annual Artigras Fine drumming, improvisation, keeping the Arts Festival. steady beat within a group setting, and playing instruments together as a class.

  15. Fine Arts Team Mrs. Fickling, Mrs. Hoyos, Ms. Johnson PE Pre-K - 2nd Grade had a Great Field Day on Campus today. 3-5 will go to Field Day at Kelsey Park tomorrow! Next week, K-2 will start dribbling and passing skills, with both their hands and feet. While 3-5 will begin dribbling, passing, offense and defense in an invasion game.

  16. Things to Remember Next SAC Date is March 18, 2020

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