kickstart your application

Kickstart your Application! Webinar No. 3: Community Need and - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Brownfield Grantwriting Training Webinar S eries: Kickstart your Application! Webinar No. 3: Community Need and Community Engagement June 18, 2020 Pre-Webinar Q&A: What questions do you have from Webinars 1 & 2 or Brownfields in

  1. Brownfield Grantwriting Training Webinar S eries: Kickstart your Application! Webinar No. 3: Community Need and Community Engagement June 18, 2020 Pre-Webinar Q&A: What questions do you have from Webinars 1 & 2 or Brownfields in general? Webinar No. 3 will start at 2pm Hosted by: Louisiana Dept. of Environmental Quality Kansas S tate University's Technical Assistance to Brownfields Program Sponsored by: 1

  2. Webinar Logistics  All participants will be muted during presentation. However, please mute yourself and minimize distractions and background noise.  S ubmit questions via chat to “ Everyone.”  A recording of the webinar along with slides will be available after the webinar on the KS U TAB website. 2

  3. If you are using a phone for audio – make sure your Computer Audio is turned off. 3 3

  4. Introductions  Rebecca Otte S tatewide Brownfield and VRP Program Coordinator Louisiana Dept. of Environmental Quality  Danielle Getsinger, Community Lattice/ KS U TAB Partner  Jennifer Clancey KS U TAB Region 7 Coordinator (former Brownfield Coordinator for the City of Houston) 4

  5. Brownfield Grantwriting Training Webinar S eries: Kickstart your Application! Webinar No. 1: Check all the Boxes: Narrative S ummary S heet & Threshold Criteria Webinar No. 2: Proj ect Area Description & Plans For Revitalization Webinar No. 3: Community Need & Community Engagement Webinar No. 4: Task Descriptions, Cost Estimates & Measuring Progress Webinar No. 5: Programmatic Capability & Past Performance Webinar No. 6: Updates to the new Request for Applications Tip: Every Point Counts! 5

  6. Today’s Webinar  PART 1: PROJECT AREA DESCRIPTION AND PLANS FOR REVITALIZATION  1.c. Strategy for Leveraging Resources  1.c.i. Resources Needed for S ite Reuse  1.c.ii. Use of Existing Infrastructure 6

  7. Today’s Webinar 2. COMMUNITY NEED AND COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT  a. Community Need  i. The Community’s Need for Funding  ii. Threats to S ensitive Populations  Describe how this grant will address or facilitate the identification and reduction of threats to:  (1) Health or Welfare of S ensitive Populations  (2) Greater Than Normal Incidence of Disease and Adverse Health Conditions  (3) Disproportionately Impacted Populations  b. Community Engagement Tip: Type Questions in  i. Proj ect Partners Chat Box!  ii. Proj ect Partner Roles  Iii. Incorporate Community Input 7

  8. 1.c.i 1. PROJECT AREA DESCRIPTION AND PLANS FOR REVITALIZATION c. S trategy for Leveraging Resources i. Resources Needed for S ite Reuse 8

  9. 1.c.i Writing approach: Ranking Criteria Evaluation Criteria Describe the applicant’s eligibility for monetary The extent to which the applicant is eligible for funding from other resources… monetary funding from other sources… and how the grant will stimulate the availability and the extent to which the grant will stimulate of additional funds for environmental assessment the availability of additional funds for or remediation… environmental assessment or remediation… and subsequent reuse (e.g. demolition, redevelopment activities, etc.) of the priority and subsequent reuse of the priority site(s). site(s). The extent to which the identified potential Identify potential key funding resources that will funding resources will advance the current state be sought for use in the assessment, remediation, of the priority site(s) toward completed and/ or reuse strategy for the priority site(s). assessment, remediation, and/ or revitalization. (Note, a response may not earn full points if the (Do not duplicate sources discussed in 3.a. applicant duplicates sources that are listed in Description of Tasks/ Activities and Outputs.) 3.a. Description of Tasks/ Activities and Outputs.) 9

  10. Leveraging Resources  Leveraged Resources vs. Description of Tasks/ Activities (Activity paid for by This Grant) IV.F. Leveraging Cleanup and Mult ipurpose Grant s Tip: KSU Review  Leveraged Resources vs. Cost S hare can help spot  Cost S hare = Commitment overlaps 10

  11. S timulate Additional Resources Leveraged Funding  Brownfields is early money  If the assessment is completed, what will that trigger? Brownfields Funding 11 Graphic Credit: http:/ / ~/ media/ Images/ MEN/ Editorial/ Articles/ Magazine% 20Articles/ 2003/ 10-01/ In% 20a% 20Nutshell% 20Oak% 20Tree% 20and% 20Acorn% 20Facts/ oak-acorns.j pg

  12. 1.c.i Leveraged Resources – S ite Reuse  Think through the Reuse of your Priority S ites  Assessment  Cleanup  Redevelopment  S ite Purchase  Infrastructure Improvements  Neighborhood Improvements  Crime reduction initiatives  Beautification  Things to bring life back to the Target Corridor  What funding is already in place?  What’s in progress?  What are potential sources? 12 Graphic Credit: https:/ / b/ gold-coins-dollar-sign-clipart-2638170.j pg

  13. Examples of Leveraged Resources – Site Reuse Activity Paid for By: Leveraged Funding? Phase I Environmental Prospective Purchaser YES ! Assessment Phase II Environmental This grant – the one No Assessment you’ re applying for Parish Brownfield Cleanup Plan YES ! Program (not this grant) Tip: S CPDC & ABC Brownfield Cleanup Cleanup YES ! Revolving Loan Fund LDEQ BCRLFs Redevelopment of Developer YES ! Property S treet Improvements to support the City YES ! redevelopment Grant to put in a Fresh Federal Partner YES ! Food Grocery S tore 13

  14. 1.c.i Examples of Leveraged Resources – Site Reuse  Property Purchase Price  Federal Funding   Investment by Private Developers/ Investors Economic Development Administration   Traditional Financing/ Bank Loans Housing and Urban Development (HUD)  Disaster Recovery  US Dept. of Agriculture (US DA)  Historic Tax Credits  EP A  Affordable Housing Tax Credits  Local Foods, Local Places  New Market Tax Credits  National Endowment for the Arts  Infrastructure Improvements  Community Development Block Grants  TIF Districts Community Involvement Tip: Quantify when possible 14 Graphic Credit: https:/ / b/ gold-coins-dollar-sign-clipart-2638170.j pg

  15. 1.c.i Next S teps:  Think through the Reuse of your Priority S ites  Brainstorm Ideas for Leveraged Resources  Look through other Plans/ S tudies for Ideas Tip: Check out EPA’s  Contact Local Partners for Ideas Brownfields Federal Programs Guide  Redevelopment Partners  Developers  Real Estate Professionals  Nonprofit Partners Tip: Think Aspirationally!  Economic Development Agencies  Transit Agencies  Regional Planning Commissions  Federal Partners  Add Leverage Resources to your Priority S ites Table  Quantify Whenever Possible 15

  16. 1.c.ii 1. PROJECT AREA DESCRIPTION AND PLANS FOR REVITALIZATION c. S trategy for Leveraging Resources ii. Use of Existing Infrastructure 16 Graphic credit: https:/ / contentsvc/ stable/ ui/ index.html?

  17. 1.c.ii Writing approach: Ranking Criteria Evaluation Criteria The extent to which this grant will facilitate Describe how this grant will facilitate the use the use of existing infrastructure for the of existing infrastructure at the priority priority site(s) and/ or within the target site(s) and/ or within the target area(s). area(s). If additional infrastructure needs are key to If additional infrastructure needs are key to the revitalization plans for the priority the revitalization plans for the priority site(s), describe the infrastructure needs and site(s), the extent to which the identified funding resources that will be sought to resources are relevant to the proj ect. implement that work. 17

  18. Use of Existing Infrastructure  What infrastructure does your site currently use?  S ewer  Water Lines LIS T THESE  Roads OUT  Broadband  Electrical Lines  What other infrastructure will the redevelopment need?  How will you pay for it?  If none, state that. Tip: Potential Brownfields Planning Activity 18

  19. 1.c.ii Next S teps:  List out what Existing Infrastructure Y our Proj ects will Utilize  Make a List of Any Infrastructure Improvements that might be Needed for Y our Planned Reuses  Research Potential Funding S ources  Add information gathered to Priority S ites Table 19

  20. 1.c.ii tretch Break Pause for Questions / S 20

  21. Brownfield Grantwriting Training Webinar S eries: Kickstart your Application! Webinar No. 1: Check all the Boxes: Narrative S ummary S heet & Threshold Criteria Webinar No. 2: Proj ect Area Description & Plans For Revitalization Webinar No. 3: Community Need & Community Engagement Webinar No. 4: Task Descriptions, Cost Estimates & Measuring Progress Webinar No. 5: Programmatic Capability & Past Performance Webinar No. 6: Updates to the new Request for Applications 21

  22. 2.a.i 2. COMMUNITY NEED & COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT a. Community Need Tip: Match up with Part 1 Tip: Don’t hold back! 22 Graphic credit : https:/ / st4.deposit 1967477/ 20313/ v/ 450/ depositphotos_203131008-stock-illustration-illustration-crying-emoticon-cartoon.j pg


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