kennady north exploration project proposed advanced

KENNADY NORTH EXPLORATION PROJECT Proposed Advanced Exploration - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

KENNADY NORTH EXPLORATION PROJECT Proposed Advanced Exploration Program (AEP) MV2013L2-0005 MV2016C0030 Technical Workshop November 10, 2016 Kennady Diamonds Inc. Kennady is a public company listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX-V)

  1. KENNADY NORTH EXPLORATION PROJECT Proposed Advanced Exploration Program (AEP) MV2013L2-0005 MV2016C0030 Technical Workshop November 10, 2016

  2. Kennady Diamonds Inc. • Kennady is a public company listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX-V) under the symbol KDI • KDI formed in mid-2012 as a spin-off from Mountain Province Diamonds Inc. • Sole focus on the Kennady North Project. • Outsourcing model – operations sub-contracted to northern companies, e.g. Aurora Geosciences Limited. S l i d e | 2

  3. Kennady North Project – Regional Location •Kennady Yukon Territor y North is located 280 km ENE of British Columbi Yellowknife a Albert Newfoundlan a Sas d k. Manitob a Quebe c Ontari o S l i d e | 3

  4. Kennady North Project • The project consists of 16 mineral leases and 58 claims over 61,000 ha • Four areas with diamond-bearing kimberlites: Kelvin, Faraday, MZ and Doyle S l i d e | 4

  5. At what stage is the Project now? Finding out where the kimberlite is (the host rock that contains Prospecting diamonds Exploration Figuring out how much kimberlite there is and where it is Advanced Figuring out: - the exact size and edges of the kimberlite deposit Exploration - how many diamonds there are and what their quality is (EA) Including mine construction, operation, closure and Mining reclamation S l i d e | 5

  6. Main activities associated with Exploration Taking kimberlite samples Diamond Drilling Small RC Drilling Camp of <100 people S l i d e | 6

  7. Transition to Advanced Exploration Exploration Advanced Exploration • Drilling from surface • Drilling from • Underground decline surface • Send bulk sample offsite • Process samples onsite using for analysis portable mill • Kelvin Camp <100 people • Kelvin Camp <200 people • All-weather airstrip, laydowns, and • Seasonal access some roads on the site S l i d e | 7

  8. Proposed Activities for Advanced Exploration •Decline •Quarry •Lay-down areas •All-season roads •Airstrip •Bulk sample to 5000t/yr •Bulk sample plant •Camp ≈ 200 people S l i d e | 8

  9. Earthworks - Quarry •Quarry needed to source clean rock. •Two potential locations. •Preliminary geochemical results - low potential for acid generation or metal leaching. •Associated management plans: •Quarry Management Plan •Rock Management Plan •Explosives Management Plan S l i d e | 9

  10. Quarry Management Plan Describes the design, management, execution and closure of quarrying activities •Quarry 100 m from waterbodies •Quarry supply approx. 400,000 bcm for building roads, pads and the airstrip. •Quarry approx. 155 m by 335 m & 25-30 m deep •Snow collection and overburden adjacent to quarry •Quarry floor will be sloped to form a sump S l i d e | 10

  11. Quarry Management Plan After development, the quarry will be used to: • Collect precipitation for start-up of the portable bulk sample process plant • Store processed kimberlite and associated process/reclaim water S l i d e | 11

  12. Rock Management Plan Describes how different types of rock will be sourced, characterized and used/stored. •Objective: minimize potential for environmental effects •proper characterization and management of various types of rock onsite. •Describe geochemical criteria for differentiating potentially acid-generating (PAG) rock from non-PAG rock •Rock from quarry and decline tested during extraction; •non-PAG rock used for site earthworks - PAG rock will be managed by: •Placing it in the quarry perimeter or deeper fill sites on surface and covering with non-PAG •Placing it in the quarry sump and covering it with water •Backhauling it to the decline prior to closure S l i d e | 12

  13. Explosives Management Plan Outlines management practices for the storage and use of explosives onsite. •Practices described are based on the following: •Transportation of Dangerous Goods Act •Canada Explosives Act; •Northwest Territories Mine Health and Safety Act and Regulations; •Natural Resources Canada – Explosives Regulations and Guidelines for Bulk Explosives Facilities; •Fisheries and Oceans – Guidelines for the Use of Explosives In or Near Canadian Fisheries Waters. S l i d e | 13

  14. Decline Development •Approx. 4m by 4m decline - depth 150m – 1.5 km drift •Approximately 30,000 m3 of rock removed •rock extraction, use and storage in the Rock Management •Decline within permafrost to minimize groundwater inflow •analysis of potential groundwater quality/quantity will be finalized once final location is chosen. S l i d e | 14

  15. Primary Laydown Area – Conceptual Layout S l i d e | 15

  16. Waste Management – Help quantify uncertainty, verification, and early problem detection. Camp-related waste : •Combustible waste will be incinerated onsite; other garbage, recyclables or hazardous wastes will be sent to Yellowknife for disposal. •At the New Kelvin Camp: sewage and greywater directed to sewage treatment plant; treated effluent discharged to land at a location approved by the Inspector. Sewage solids will be incinerated. •At the Old Kelvin and Bob Camps: blackwater collected daily from Pacto toilets and incinerated; greywater directed to a sump. S l i d e | 16

  17. New Kelvin Camp S l i d e | 17

  18. Equipment • Additional equipment needed for AEP (see lists in Project Description) •Additional fuel will also be required. • Major equipment includes: •A portable bulk sample processing plant •Rock crusher S l i d e | 18

  19. Waste Management Plan Describes waste management requirements, infrastructure, and processes. Camp-related waste : •Combustible waste will be incinerated onsite; other garbage, recyclables or hazardous wastes will be sent to Yellowknife for proper disposal. •At the New Kelvin Camp: sewage and greywater directed to sewage treatment plant; treated effluent discharged to land at a location approved by the Inspector. Sewage solids will be incinerated. •At the Old Kelvin and Bob Camps: blackwater collected daily from Pacto toilets and incinerated; greywater directed to a sump. S l i d e | 19

  20. Waste Management Plan Hazardous waste : •Stored safely onsite then backhauled on winter road; shipped to appropriate waste facility by KBL Environmental. Drill cuttings : •Placed in a natural land depression at least 100m from the high water mark. Processed kimberlite and process water : •Pumped from the portable bulk sample process plant to quarry sump; process water will be recycled to the plant in a closed loop. S l i d e | 20

  21. Spill Contingency Plan •Provides details of spill response procedures to minimize potential health and safety hazards, environmental damage, and clean-up efforts for spills of any size •Identifies roles/responsibilities of key personnel in the event of a spill S l i d e | 21

  22. Closure & Reclamation Plan •Buildings taken apart and shipped offsite with equipment, vehicles, waste, and any chemicals or leftover fuel. •Surfaces of gravel pads, all-season roads and airstrip will be scarified to blend with the natural landscape and allow natural plants to regrow. •Contaminated soils will be bagged up and shipped offsite for treatment. •Any PAG rock will be sequestered: either underneath clean rock, underwater within the quarry or within the underground decline. •Processed kimberlite and process water will remain in quarry sump. • Quarry allowed to fill naturally to form a pond not connected to any waterbodies. • Quarry in competent rock and wholly within permafrost. • Studies show water quality at non-harmful levels (after TSS settles). S l i d e | 22

  23. Wildlife Mitigation and Monitoring Plan •Describes the kinds of wildlife present or expected in the region •Describes mitigation for: •Direct and indirect habitat loss •Wildlife mortality or injury •Species at Risk •Describes monitoring for: •Winter road public use •Wildlife sightings •Site surveillance •Wildlife incident reporting •Considers current monitoring at Gahcho Kue Mine S l i d e | 23

  24. Screening of Impacts •Valued Ecosystem Components: •Wildlife •Fish •Aquatic ecosystem •Traditional land use •Socio-economic well-being •Human health •Conclusion: Temporary land disturbance, confined area, no direct discharge to water, additional mitigations to reduce or eliminate impacts to be included in permit/licence and management plans. S l i d e | 24

  25. Corporate Information Head Office Vancouver Office 161 Bay Street, Suite 2315 999 West Hastings Street, Suite 900 Toronto, Ontario Vancouver, B.C. M5J 2S1 V5J 2S1 Tel: (416) 640-1111 Rory O. Moore, President & CEO Tel: (604) 558-6238 TSX-V: KDI S l i d e | 25

  26. END OF PRESENTATION S l i d e | 26

  27. Preliminary Project Schedule S l i d e | 27

  28. Kelvin Kimberlite Geology Model • Sub-horizontal boomerang shaped N kimberlite pipe • Plunges 12-15 degrees to the NNW • Strike length 610 m • Vertical thickness 75 m in SE limb to 200 m in the north limb • 30 to 60 m wide • Remains open to the northwest Image of 3D Kelvin Kimberlite model with drill hole traces. Image looking SW. S l i d e | 28


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