thomas h zurbuchen

Thomas H. Zurbuchen Associate Administrator Science Mission - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Thomas H. Zurbuchen Associate Administrator Science Mission Directorate @Dr.ThomasZ April 18, 2018 First U.S. Satellite Sputnik launched October 4, 1957 Explorer 1 launched January 31, 1958 Unlike Sputnik, Explorer 1 carried a

  1. Thomas H. Zurbuchen Associate Administrator Science Mission Directorate @Dr.ThomasZ April 18, 2018

  2. First U.S. Satellite • Sputnik launched October 4, 1957 • Explorer 1 launched January 31, 1958 • Unlike Sputnik, Explorer 1 carried a science payload • The first observations yielded a surprise

  3. TESS Explorer 98, Launch April 18, 2018 3

  4. Defined by FY19 Budget Request As of Feb. 6, 2018 4

  5. 5

  6. MMS Entering Magnetotail Reconnection Region Kelvin Helmholtz waves at boundary, allowing particles from solar wind to enter Earth’s magnetosphere 6

  7. March 29, 2018 - Parker Solar Probe readying for shipment to Florida for final launch preparations 7

  8. SOLAR ORBITER Observing the Sun From New Vantage Points 8


  10. GOLD Global-scale Observations of Limb and Disc 10

  11. 11

  12. Solar Dynamics Observatory 12

  13. Exp xplo lore re As On s One e In In Spa Space ce Wea eath ther er Ad Advan vancing cing Resear arch Transit nsitionin ioning g to Ope peratio ations ns Co Connecti cting g He Heliophy ophysics sics and d Sp Space Weather r Se Servic vices es 13

  14. 14


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