jets and missing at the lhc

Jets and Missing at the LHC Jay Wacker SLAC BSM: Results from the - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Jets and Missing at the LHC Jay Wacker SLAC BSM: Results from the 7 TeV LHC Nov. 9, 2011 w/ E. Izaguire D. Alves R. Essig J.Kaplan A. Hook M. Lisanti Outline Simplified Models Two Examples Light Flavored Models Heavy Flavored Models

  1. Jets and Missing at the LHC Jay Wacker SLAC BSM: Results from the 7 TeV LHC Nov. 9, 2011 w/ E. Izaguire D. Alves R. Essig J.Kaplan A. Hook M. Lisanti

  2. Outline Simplified Models Two Examples Light Flavored Models Heavy Flavored Models Future Directions Stops High Multiplicity Searches Quark/Gluon Tagging

  3. All started a few years back... Had an MSSM model that predicted a spectrum ... ˜ B q 140 GeV � W ¯ q ˜ q ∗ ˜ 80 GeV g 70 GeV ˜ B ˜ g

  4. All started a few years back... Had an MSSM model that predicted a spectrum ... ˜ B q 140 GeV � W ¯ q ˜ q ∗ ˜ 80 GeV g 70 GeV ˜ B ˜ g Surely this must be excluded! The production cross section at the Tevatron is σ ( p ¯ p � ˜ g ˜ g ) � 2 nb

  5. I went through the 25 years of squark and gluino searches They all came back to versions of this: -1 DØ Preliminary, 0.96 fb 600 mSUGRA Squark Mass (GeV) tan =3, A =0, <0 ! µ 0 (Five parameters to rule them all) CDF II 500 m 1 2 , m 0 , A 0 , tan β , sign µ m 1 2 → m ˜ 400 g DØ IA UA1 UA2 CDF IB no mSUGRA m 0 → m ˜ q solution 300 DØ IB 200 but where is B ? 100 m ˜ LEP 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Gluino Mass (GeV)

  6. mSugra has “Gaugino Mass Unification” g : m ˜ W : m ˜ B = α 3 : α 2 : α 1 � 6 : 2 : 1 m ˜ Most models look like this ˜ q ˜ g H ˜ H ˜ � � W ˜ B h A shocking lack of diversity (see the pMSSM)

  7. Jets + MET Solution to Hierarchy Problem If the symmetry commutes with SU(3) C , new colored top partners (note twin Higgs exception) Dark Matter Wimp Miracle: DM a thermal relic if mass is 100 GeV to 1 TeV Usually requires a dark sector, frequently contains new colored particles Fewest requirements on spectroscopy Doesn’t require squeezing in additional states to decay chains

  8. Spectrum in Different Theories Universal Extra Dimensions MSSM High Cut-Off Low Cut-Off Large Mass Splittings Small Mass Splittings g 2 Λ 2 g 2 δ m = δ m = 16 π 2 m log Λ 16 π 2 m g 1 ˜ g w 1 b 1 ˜ w ˜ b

  9. Radiative Corrections to Kaluza-Klein Masses Cheng, Matchev, Schmaltz (2002)

  10. Radiative Corrections to Kaluza-Klein Masses Cheng, Matchev, Schmaltz (2002)

  11. Simplified Models Effective Field Theories for Collider Physics Limits of specific theories Only keep particles and couplings relevant for searches Still a full Lagrangian description Removes superfluous model parameters Masses, Cross Sections, Branching Ratios ( e.g. MARMOSET) Add in relevant modification to models ( e.g. singlets) Not fully model independent, but greatly reduce model dependence Captures specific models Including ones that aren’t explicitly proposed Easy to notice & explore kinematic limits

  12. Simplified Models When an anomaly appears, we want evidence of discovery for each particle We want to know that we need χ ± , χ 0 g, ˜ ˜ but nothing else to explain the anomaly Then design searches to piece together the rest of the spectrum

  13. Simplified Models Direct Decays MASS ˜ g color octet majorana THREE-BODY fermion (“Gluino”) q ¯ q χ 0 ˜ g 1 ˜ q ˜ χ neutral majorana fermion (“LSP”)

  14. Tevatron Reach g > ∼ 120 GeV m ˜ Simplified Models showed a gap in Tevatron coverage 4 fb -1 2 σ sensitivity 150 Bino Mass � GeV ⇥ g → ˜ Bjj ˜ 100 X 50 g → � Wjj → ( ˜ ˜ Bjj ) jj 0 100 200 300 400 500 Gluino Mass � GeV ⇥ Alwall, Le, Lisanti, Wacker 2008

  15. Important to keep the cross section free All searches at LHC are model dependent Easy to dilute signal with small branching ratios g → X )) 2 Rate ~ σ × (Br(˜ g → X ) ∼ 1 If Br(˜ 3 the rate drops by an order of magnitude If is a scalar, drops by ~1/6 ˜ g σ Dropping S/B by an order of magnitude dramatically changes discovery prospects

  16. Putting it all together There could have been discoveries! LHC 70 nb -1 g → χ q ¯ ˜ q ! prod = 3 ! " NLO-QCD 100 pb ! prod = ! " NLO-QCD 200 pb ! prod = 0.3 ! " NLO-QCD 300 pb ! prod = 0.1 ! " NLO-QCD 500 pb Sample theory 1 nb Tevatron 2 nb mSUGRA

  17. Much easier to interpret! m χ 0 = 50 GeV g = 800 GeV σ × Br ≤ 20 fb m ˜ m χ 0 = 600 GeV g = 800 GeV σ × Br ≤ 2 pb m ˜

  18. Outline Simplified Models Two Examples Light Flavored Models Heavy Flavored Models Future Directions Stops High Multiplicity Searches Quark/Gluon Tagging

  19. Light Flavored Simplified Models 4 Topologies Studied Based On Gluino Pair Production Light Flavored Squark Pair Production Not Studied Yet Squark Gluino Associated Production Not Studied Yet m ˜ q m ˜ g m ˜ γ m ˜ g m ˜ q q † ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ q q g g g g g q q q g g g g g g q q g

  20. Simplified Models Direct Decays MASS TWO-BODY ˜ g color octet majorana g fermion (“Gluino”) χ 0 ˜ g 1 THREE-BODY q ¯ q ˜ χ 0 χ ˜ g neutral majorana 1 ˜ q fermion (“LSP”)

  21. Simplified Models One-Step Cascade Decays MASS q ¯ q ˜ W ( ∗ ) g color octet majorana fermion (“Gluino”) χ 0 ˜ g 1 ˜ χ 2 q χ ± ˜ electroweak majorana fermion (“Wino”) ( m ˜ g + m ˜ χ ) χ ± = m ˜ χ + r m ˜ ˜ χ r = 1 4 , 1 2 , 3 neutral majorana fermion (“LSP”) 4

  22. Simplified Models Two-Step Cascade Decays MASS q ¯ W ( ∗ ) W ( ∗ ) q ˜ g color octet majorana fermion (“Gluino”) χ 0 ˜ g 1 ˜ χ 2 χ 3 q χ ± ˜ electroweak majorana fermion (“Wino”) χ � 1 ˜ neutral majorana ( m ˜ g + m ˜ χ ) χ ± = m ˜ χ + m ˜ fermion (“Higgsino”) 2 ˜ χ 1 neutral majorana ( m ˜ χ ± + m ˜ χ ) χ � = m ˜ χ + m ˜ fermion (“LSP”) 2

  23. Hunting for Optimal Cuts Want to have good coverage for all these models for all kinematic ranges σ lim (cut) Want to minimize: σ optimal lim QUESTION : Is there a single cut whose sensitivity is close to optimal for all masses and decay modes? ANSWER : No

  24. Hunting for Optimal Cuts TASK : Find the minimum set of cuts on MET and H T whose combined reach is close to optimal (within a given accuracy) for all models. σ lim cut 2 cut 1 σ opt 1 . 3 model space cut space 1 model space

  25. ⇥ Hunting for Optimal Cuts 47, MET > 150, H T > 750, 4j 47, MET > 150, H T > 750, 4j ˜ ˜ 2-body 3-body g g 800 800 E.g. , reach of the search region 600 600 m c H GeV L m c H GeV L ˜ ˜ � 150 GeV E T χ χ 400 400 & H T ≥ 750 GeV 200 200 0 0 200 400 600 800 200 400 600 800 443, MET > 150, H T > 750, 4 j 47, MET > 150, H T > 750, 4j é H GeV L m g é H GeV L m g ˜ g ˜ within 10% of optimal 800 800 g within 20% of optimal 600 600 m c H GeV L m c H GeV L ˜ ˜ χ χ within 30% of optimal 400 400 200 200 0 0 200 400 600 800 200 400 600 800 é H GeV L é H GeV L m g m g

  26. Multiple Search Regions • minimal set of cuts ( multiple search regions ) whose combined reach is within optimal to a given accuracy for all masses and decay modes Set up a genetic algorithm to optimize search strategies • size of the set depends on the optimal accuracy ✦ 5% O ( 30 cuts ) ✦ 10% O ( 16 cuts ) ✦ 30% O ( 6 cuts ) ✦ 50% O ( 4 cuts ) • not sensitive to exact values of the cuts • only comprehensive when combined

  27. combined reach � � � � � � within 30% of optimal Multiple Search Regions • 6 search regions necessary: Dijet high MET E T > 500 GeV , H T > 750 GeV E T > 450 GeV , H T > 500 GeV Trijet high MET E T > 100 GeV , H T > 450 GeV Multijet low MET E T > 150 GeV , H T > 950 GeV Multijet very high H T E T > 250 GeV , H T > 300 GeV Multijet moderate MET Multijet high MET E T > 350 GeV , H T > 600 GeV


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