the astrophysical jets

THE ASTROPHYSICAL JETS Wolfgang Kundt Washington, 27 July 2007 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

THE ASTROPHYSICAL JETS Wolfgang Kundt Washington, 27 July 2007 Vulcano, 27 May 2010 THE BIPOLAR-FLOW FAMILY Jets from the centers of (active) galaxies (AGN) Jets from young binary neutron stars (or BHCs). Jets from forming white

  1. THE ASTROPHYSICAL JETS Wolfgang Kundt Washington, 27 July 2007 Vulcano, 27 May 2010

  2. THE BIPOLAR-FLOW FAMILY • Jets from the centers of (active) galaxies (AGN) • Jets from young binary neutron stars (or BHCs). • Jets from forming white dwarfs, inside planetary nebulae (PNe). • Jets from newly-formed Stars (or YSOs), like our Sun, or even from newly-formed Brown Dwarfs.

  3. CONSTRAINTS • Supply: rate (abundant), duration ( � 10 Myr), hardness (10 2 � γ � 10 7 ). • Stability: no splitting ever, stiffness (only mild bending), jet opening angle ( � 1%), weak propagation losses. • Efficiency: lobe/core power ratio ≈ 1%. • Sidedness and superluminality: γ � 1. • Spectra: hardness ( � TeV), synchrotron plus inverse (self) Compton, require large γ ‘s . • Weak synchrotron cooling (on Mpc scales, wt. in-situ). • Head propagation speeds: given by ram-pressure balance, want low (non-hadronic) inertia of jet medium.

  4. JET PROPERTIES • Jet medium { lighter , heavier} than environs, { leptonic , hadronic, multi-fluid}? e ± -plasma ! • Particle Creation {via B-reconnection , else}? • Particle Acceleration { by CE , in-situ}? • Jet Focussing { inertial , magnetic}? • Jet Propagation { E x B -drift , MHD}? • Jet Radiation non-thermal: { leptonic , hadronic} plus thermal: by channel-wall material; upto TeV-energies. • Central Engine { universal , various}? Rotating Magnet! • ∆ W = e ∫ ( E + β β x B ) · d x = 10 12 eV β -3 B 6 dx 6.5 . β β

  5. FORMATION • Relativistic pair plasma created in magnetic reconnections. • Post-Acceleration of the pair plasma by buoyancy and by Low-Frequency Waves. • Cooling of escaping pair plasma via thermal photon bath. • Jet Formation by traversing a self-swept deLaval nozzle. • On crossing the nozzle, the charges´ energy distribution changes from a relativistic Maxwellian to a delta function, via a self-generated (axi-symmetric) E x B -drift. • Repeated self-focussing of the jet by the inertia of the ambient CJM, of de Laval-nozzle type .

  6. PROPAGATION • An axisymmetric approximation can be modelled analytical- ly, with E rad = B tor , j ≈ ρ c, r ρ (r=0) ≠ 0, with equipartition of energy densities of particles and fields, and with vanish- ing (synchrotron) radiation, as a radial Fourier expansion. • An additional longitudinal B -field is an option. • The mono-energetic spectrum of the leptons is stabilized by the E x B -drift.

  7. TERMINATION • When a jet encounters (conductive) resistance, mirror char- ges and mirror currents are induced in it such that the almost relativistic flow is diverted sideways and reflected subsonic- ally, in a gyrating mode, observed as `knots´ and `head´. • The compression of the excess charges liberates the huge convected electric potential (between axis and periphery), of order e Φ = 10 19.5 eV √ L 44 , and a space-charge limited fall of the pair plasma through it converts its energy distri- bution into the observed broad power law.

  8. SPECIAL SOURCE PROPERTIES • Head of jet propagates {super, sub} -sonically w.r.t. the CJM: Eilek type {A, B}, of {young, old} sources. • Multiple heads of stellar jet sources: not via re-starting, but via low-density shells of CJM. • QPO frequencies of the stellar-jet sources (micro quasars) have often small integer frequency ratios: reminiscent of stick-slip couplings of the corotating magnetosphere, interacting with the circumstellar disk; (remember Fourier transform of a sawtooth function).

  9. Cen A Ø =0.48 Mpc (d/3Mpc) here: inner 10%

  10. 4‘ ≅ 20 kpc

  11. 3‘ ≅ 0.6 Mpc (d/0.6 Gpc)

  12. 3C 20

  13. 3C 438

  14. 3C 273 75 kpc / H -17.7

  15. SUPERLUMINAL MOTIONS Galactic Extragalactic What is the nature of Discovery of two- sided moving jets One-sided moving jets ? Owen & Birretta (1999) Mirabel & Rodriguez (1994)

  16. The Great Annihilator 1‘ ≅ 2 pc

  17. d = 1 kpc , ∅ � 25“ � 0.2 lyr

  18. Garden Sprinkler 1 lyr (d/5.8 kpc)

  19. 1.7‘ � 0.23 pc (d/0.46 kpc) HH 34

  20. HH 30


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