
LHC An invitation to further reading. Mike Lamont CERN/AB 1 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

LHC An invitation to further reading. Mike Lamont CERN/AB 1 CERNs accelerators LHC 2 LHC LHC 3 LHC - overview Eight sectors plus: Point 1: Atlas Point 2: Alice, injection Point 3: Momentum cleaning Point 4: RF Point 5: CMS Point 6:

  1. LHC An invitation to further reading. Mike Lamont CERN/AB 1

  2. CERN’s accelerators LHC 2

  3. LHC LHC 3

  4. LHC - overview Eight sectors plus: Point 1: Atlas Point 2: Alice, injection Point 3: Momentum cleaning Point 4: RF Point 5: CMS Point 6: Beam Dumps Point 7: Betatron cleaning Point 8: LHCb, injection LHC 4

  5. Design basics � We want to deliver high luminosity at the maximum beam energy for maximum physics reach Review of Particle Physics, PDG, Chapter 25 LHC 5

  6. Maximize Luminosity ( ) ( )   2 2 − −  N N f k x x y y = − − b 1 b 2 rev b 1 2 1 2 L F . exp  ( ) ( )   ( )( ) σ + σ σ + σ 2 2 2 2 2 2 π σ + σ σ + σ 2 2 2 2 2   x 1 x 2 y 1 y 2 x 1 x 2 y 1 y 2 1 N 1 , N 2 number of particles per = F bunch 2 θ σ   k – number bunches per beam +   1 c z σ *  2  f – revolution frequency σ – beam size θ c – crossing angle σ z – bunch length � High bunch current � Beam-beam, collective effects � Many bunches � total beam power, crossing angle, long range beam- beam, beam diffusion � Small beam size � triplet aperture, triplet field errors LHC 6

  7. End up with… � LEP tunnel � which for economy we’d better use – defines the bending radius � 7 TeV � Play off momentum against achievable field strength in the bending magnets � Superconducting magnets � B ~ 8.4 T � I = 11,850 A T= 1.9 K � Two vacuum pipes – 2 in 1 design � Exceptional field quality � Huge cyrogenics system � Protons and Ions � 5 or 6 experiments LHC 7

  8. Dipoles – final configuration � Momentum at collision 7 TeV / c � Momentum at injection 450 GeV / c � Machine Circumference 26658.883 m � Revolution frequency 11.245 kHz � Number of dipoles 1232 � Dipole field at 450 GeV 0.535 T � Dipole field at 7 TeV 8.33 T � Bending radius 2803.95 m � Main Dipole Length 14.3 m LHC 8

  9. LHC beam parameters (at 7 TeV) Bunch Intensity 1.15 x 10 11 Number of bunches 2808 5 x 10 -10 m emittance β * fully squeezed 55 cm beam size at IP 16 µm Crossing angle 285 µ rad Bunch length 1.06 ns (7.5 cm) 10 34 cm -2 s -1 Luminosity Total Beam energy 362 MJ per beam Full list at: http://cern.ch/ab-div/Publications/LHC-DesignReport.html Chapter 2 LHC 9

  10. Superconductivity � To produce the high magnetic fields we need very high currents… � Make use of the remarkable properties of He II � Superfluid helium: � Very high thermal conductivity (3000 time high grade copper) � Very low coefficient of viscosity… can penetrate tiny cracks, deep inside the magnet coils to absorb any generated heat. � Very high heat capacity…stablizes small transient temperature fluctuations LHC 10

  11. Phase diagram of Helium 10000 SOLID 1000 SUPER- CRITICAL Pressure [kPa] He II He I CRITICAL 100 POINT PRESSURIZED He II SATURATED He I (Subcooled liquid) 10 VAPOUR SATURATED He II 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Temperature [K] LHC 11

  12. Critical surface of niobium titanium ) K ( e Field (Tesla) � Niobium titanium NbTi is the r u t a r e p m standard ‘work horse’ of the e T superconducting magnet business � picture shows the critical surface , which is the boundary between superconductivity and normal resistivity in 3 dimensional space Current density (kA.mm -2 ) � superconductivity prevails everywhere below the surface, resistance everywhere above it LHC 12

  13. Niobium-Titanium Rutherford cable Strand Cable Filament Used 1200 tonnes/7600 km of cable LHC 13

  14. LHC - dipole B +J -J I I I B LHC 14

  15. Stuck inside… LHC 15

  16. Stuck inside the LHC tunnel LHC 16

  17. LHC - quadrupole Two intersecting ellipses, rotated by 90 ° , generate a perfect quadrupole fields LHC 17

  18. Cryogenics system LHC 18

  19. Cooling the magnets 10000 10000 SOLID SOLID 1000 1000 CRITICAL POINT CRITICAL POINT λ line λ line HeII HeII HeI HeI P [kPa] P [kPa] 100 100 Pressurized He II Pressurized He II GAS GAS 10 10 Saturated He II Saturated He II 1 1 1 1 10 10 T [K] T [K] Thermo-hydraulics of two-phase flow in He II (and limitations!) ( ≈ 1W/m) Serge Claudet LHC 19

  20. Cyrogenic subsystems Point 8 Storage Surface QSCA QSCC QSCB QSCC QSRA QSRB Shaft QURA Cavern QUIC QURC QURC Tunnel Sector 7-8 Sector 8-1 LHC 20

  21. Vacuum Beam vacuum ~10 -10 Torr (~3 million molecules/cm 3) 27 km (x ~2 +): warm, cold, transitions, valves, gauges etc. The vacuum group are very, very busy… LHC 21

  22. Miscellaneous Potential aperture restrictions! LHC 22

  23. RF - point 4 • Superconducting 400 MHz • 4 cavities per module, 2 modules per beam • 16 MV at 7 TeV (5.5 MV/m) LHC 23

  24. Collimation pp, ep, and ppbar collider history ~ 80 kg TNT 2008 Collimation & Machine Protection 1992 SC magnets 1971 1987 1981 The “new Livingston plot“ of proton colliders: Advancing in unknown territory! A lot of beam lot of beam comes with a lot of garbage lot of garbage (up to 1 MW halo loss, tails, backgrd, ...) � Collimation. Machine Protection. Ralph Assmann LHC 24

  25. Collimation � Collimators must intercept any Top view losses of protons such that the rest of the machine is protected („the sunglasses of the LHC“): > 99.9% efficiency! � To this purpose collimators insert diluting and absorbing materials into the vacuum pipe. � Material is movable and can be placed as close as 0.25 mm to the circulating beam! � Nominal distance at 7 TeV: ≥ 1 mm. LHC 25

  26. Halo Ralph Assmann LHC 26

  27. “Phase 1” Momentum Collimation Betatron Collimation C. Bracco 27 LHC 27

  28. Schematic Layout of LHC beam dump system LHC 28

  29. Beam dump is rather essential 2009 LHC 29

  30. Interlocks and machine protection Mask all Interlocks Disable Beam Dump All Collimators Out Call Ralph A change in culture might be required

  31. Typical view of LEP control room Fixed Display Operator

  32. Experiment Insertion beta* Beam size at IP (µm) 17 92 11 74 9 67 5 50 1 22 0.55 17 LHC 32

  33. To the left of Atlas LHC 33

  34. Beam - Squeeze Small beam in the IP → big beams in the inner triplets → reduced aperture Therefore inject & ramp (& collide initially) with bigger beam sizes at IP. LHC 34

  35. Beam - Crossing angle With 2808 bunches per beam work with a crossing angle to avoid parasitic collisions. Can leave the crossing angle off with up to 156 bunches per beam Cons: • generates additional tune shift • requires larger triplet magnet aperture • breaks symmetry between x,y planes • odd order resonances are exited • couples longitudinal and transverse motion • breaks the bunch symmetry • lowers available luminosity LHC 35

  36. Crossing and Separation Bumps LHC 36

  37. Beam-beam LHC 37

  38. Bunch configuration LHC 38

  39. Collisions • Inelastic - 60 mbarn ~600 million inelastic L = 10 34 cm -2 s -1 • Single diffractive -12 mbarn collisions per second • Elastic - 40 mbarn N N f k = L b 1 b 2 rev b Events per crossing ~ 19 ( )( ) π σ + σ σ + σ 2 2 2 2 2 x 1 x 2 y 1 y 2 � A 25 ns. beam gives us a peak crossing rate of 40 MHz. � Because of the gaps we get an average crossing rate = number of bunches * revolution frequency = 2808 * 11245 = 31.6 MHz. � times 19 events per crossing at nominal luminosity gives us our 600 million inelastic events per second. LHC 39

  40. Luminosity and lifetime Growth rate[hours] Growth rate [hours] 450 GeV 7 TeV Residual gas – multiple Coulomb scattering ~17 ≈ 500 Collisions – elastic scattering - 87 Transverse IBS 38 80 Longitudinal IBS 30 61 Cuts in above 6 σ Long range beam-beam Longitudinal emittance damping - -13 Transverse emittance damping - -26 Single beam contribution Luminosity burn – 2 IPs ~70 hours (inelastic) Beam gas 100 hours Single beam total 36 hours     1 1 1   − + + t     τ τ τ 2 2 −   1 1 e gas x y ( ) − τ   t = + N t N e 1 gas Luminosity lifetime b 0 1 1 1 τ   + + N ~ 18 hours   τ τ τ 2 2   gas x y 18/01/2008 LHC 40

  41. Luminosity Monitors Monitor the collisions rate by detecting the flux of forward neutral particles generated in the interactions LHC 41

  42. BACKGROUND 22/5/2007 LHC 42

  43. LHC – Sources of Background � Make distinction between: � Ultra Fast Losses – nasty � Operational losses during machine cycle � Background…. � Background � Experiments on, disturbed (trigger, occupancy) by… � Products of the secondary cascades, caused by proton losses upstream and downstream of the experiment � Wide range of spatial orgins for secondaries LHC 3/04/2008 43


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