Japan’s Response to 3/11: Eight Lessons for Disaster Risk Management 日本における3・11の災害対応: DRMへの8つの教訓 Leo Bosner Fellow, International Institute of Global Resilience Leobosner@hotmail.com May 10, 2013, Brookings Institution Washington, DC リオ ボズナー グローバルレジリエンス研究所 研究員 2013年5月10日、ブルッキングス研究所 ワシントン DC
Map of Japan from worldatlas.com Seismic intensity on 3/11 - Japan Meteorological Agency The epicenter was about 300 km (200 mi) from Tokyo, but the shaking could still be felt in Tokyo. 地震の震源地は東京から300kmぐらい。東京でも 地震を感じることができました。
Tsunami disaster area, June, 2011. Photos by Leo Bosner
Interior of damaged hospital, Iwate Pref, Jan. 2012, Photo by Leo Bosner
Interior of damaged hospital, Iwate Pref, Jan. 2012, Photo by Leo Bosner
In 2012 returned to Japan for 6 weeks 2012年来日、6週間滞在 Japan Society for Promotion of Science (JSPS) Fellowship 日本学術振興会のフェローシップ Sponsor was Kanagawa University スポンサーは神奈川大学 Purpose: Study the 3/11 disaster response 目的は3・11災害対応の研究
Visited… 訪問先 横浜・ Yokohama 東京・ Tokyo 盛岡・ Morioka (Iwate Prefecture) 大船渡・ Ofunato City (Iwate Prefecture) 釜石・ Kamaishi (Iwate Prefecture) 仙台・ Sendai (Miyagi Prefecture) 石巻・ Ishinomaki (Miyagi Prefecture) 静岡・ Shizuoka 松本・ Matsumoto 神戸・ Kobe 久留米・ Kurume 金沢・ Kanazawa
Met with… インタビュー 日本政府の職員・ Japan Government staff 県の職員・ Prefectural Government staff 市の職員・ Municipal Government staff 自衛隊・ Japan Self Defense Force (JSDF) 非営利団体・ Non-Profit Organizations (NPOs) 医療・ Medical personnel 消防・ Fire Service personnel 大学の教授・ University professors 会社・ Private sector company members ボランテイア・ Individual disaster volunteers
Damaged hospital, Iwate Prefecture, January, 2012. Photo by Leo Bosner
For More Information: もっと詳しい情報はこちらをご参照ください In English: http://www.japanfocus.org/ -Leo-Bosner/3754 The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 日本語: http://risktaisaku.com/sys/magazine/ ?p=000008 リスク対策
For More Information: もっと詳しい情報はこちらをご参照ください “Great Eastern Japan Earthquake, March 11, 2011” May 2011 David Rubens Associates, London, England http://www.davidrubens-associates.com/
Eight Lessons for DRM DRMへの8の教訓 1. In time of disaster, be truthful and accurate in communicating with the public – “Risk Communication.” 1.災害発生時、誠実かつ正確に国民とコミュニケーショ ンをするー“リスク・コミュニケーション。” Photo – White House
Eight Lessons for DRM D RMへの8の教訓 2. Simple warning systems can save lives. 2.シンプルな 警告システム が命を救う。 Photo – NOAA.GOV
Eight Lessons for DRM DRMへの8の教訓 3. Communications and damage assessment are key to the response. 3.コミュニケーショ ンと損害評価が災 害対応の鍵。 Photo- Jacqueline Chandler/FEMA
Eight Lessons for DRM DRMへの8の教訓 4. Work with non- profits and with private sector before the disaster. 4.災害発生前から (平時から)NPOや 民間部門と協力する。 Photo – Tetsuo Nakahara/U.S. Army
Eight Lessons for DRM DRMへの8の教訓 5. Be prepared to coordinate with outside groups after the disaster 5.災害発生後は、 外部組織との協力 体制の準備をする。 Photo by SSG Ali Flisek/U.S. Air Force
Eight Lessons for DRM DRMへの8の教訓 6. A country’s military are probably prepared to do a lot… Search & Rescue Transportation and logistics Feeding disaster survivors 6.軍隊はおそらく様々 なことができるだろう: 捜索・救助 運輸とロジスティックス 生存者への食糧供給。 Photos – Japan Ministry of Defense; U.S. Department of Defense; Leo Bosner
Eight Lessons for DRM DRMへの8の教訓 …but military probably not prepared to do everything: Nutritional planning for shelterees? Shelter management? Volunteer coordination? Donations management? 。。。しかし、すべてに備えることは難しいだろう。 避難者の栄養計画は? 避難所経営は? ボランテイアの調整は? 寄付金の管理は?
Eight Lessons for DRM DRMへの8の教訓 7. Develop a realistic disaster response plan. 7.現実的な災害 対応計画を開発・ 発展する。 Source – www.FEMA.gov
“Emergency Support Functions” (ESF’s) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. 運輸 - Transportation 9. 捜索・救助 - Search/Rescue 2. 通信 - Communications 10. 危険な物質 – HAZMAT 3. 公共事業 - Public Works 11. 食べ物 – Food 4. 消防 - Fire Fighting 12. エネルギー – Energy 5. 危機管理 - Emergency 13. 警察 – Public Safety & Management Security 大衆管理 - Mass Care 14. 市の長期の復旧 - Long- 6. (e.g. Mass Feeding & Shelter) Term Community Recovery 7. ロジスチックス - Logistics 15. 広報・活動 – Public and 8. 保健・医療 - Health/Medical External Affairs Source – www.FEMA.gov
Eight Lessons for DRM DRMへの8の教訓 8. Make use of available emergency management Independent Study Program training/education (ISP) resources. 8.危機管理の トレーニング・教育を利用する。 Source – http://training.fema.gov/IS/crslist.aspx
Independent Study Program (ISP) ISP Courses (160 Courses) Course Course Title Code IS-1.a Emergency Manager: An Orientation to the Position IS-3 Radiological Emergency Management IS-5.a An Introduction to Hazardous Materials IS-7 A Citizen's Guide to Disaster Assistance IS-8.a Building for the Earthquakes of Tomorrow: Complying with Executive Order 12699 IS-10.a Animals in Disasters: Awareness and Preparedness IS-11.a Animals in Disasters: Community Planning IS-15.b Special Events Contingency Planning for Public Safety Agencies http://training.fema.gov/IS/crslist.asp?page=all
www.aboutiigr.org www.iaem.com
Disasters and Distributed Technologies y 25,000 • Renewable Power and a week of energy storage (33 kwh) Fuel Cell System Shipments by Key Countries: 2008-2011 • Communication via Satellite/WiMax (data collection, etc.) 20,000 Systems Shipped • 3D Printing of medical equipment, & other high value 15,000 supplies, etc. 10,000 5,000 - 2008 2009 2010 2011P All Others Germany South Korea Japan United States The fuel cell market remains strong Win with over 20,000 systems shipped d in 2011, a > 35% increase over LEDs Solar 2010 1 700 units were installed with DOE funding support, an additional 1300 backup power FCs have been installed without DOE funding 2 Communicati on 3D Printer Energy Storage Electrolyzer FC-H2 / Battery 1 Sources: FuelCells2000, Pike Research, Markets & Markets, DOE Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Program Plan, Monterey.Gardiner@ee.doe.gov www.hydrogen.energy.gov/pdfs/program_plan2011.pdf; “Effects of a Transition to a Hydrogen Economy on Employment in the United States,” http://hydrogen.energy.gov/pdfs/epact1820_employment_study.pdf 2 Calling all Fuel Cells Article: http://energy.gov/articles/calling-all-fuel-cells
Poster in disaster evacuees’ shelter, June, 2011, Photo by Leo Bosner
Japan’s Response to 3/11: Eight Lessons for Disaster Risk Management 日本における3・11の災害対応: DRMへの8つの教訓 Leo Bosner Fellow, International Institute of Global Resilience Leobosner@hotmail.com May 10, 2013, Brookings Institution Washington, DC リオ ボズナー グローバルレジリエンス研究所 研究員 2013年5月10日、ブルッキングス研究所 ワシントン DC
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