japan economy

JAPAN ECONOMY 1 JAPAN Chief of the State Emperor AKIHITO MER DE - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

JAPAN ECONOMY 1 JAPAN Chief of the State Emperor AKIHITO MER DE LEST DE LEST Political Regime Constitutional monarchy Capital Tokyo GDP/Cap $34,000 Osaka, Kobe, Nagoya, Main cities Fukuoka, Kitakyushu Source: CIA Fact book


  2. JAPAN Chief of the State Emperor AKIHITO MER DE L’EST DE L’EST Political Regime Constitutional monarchy Capital Tokyo GDP/Cap $34,000 Osaka, Kobe, Nagoya, Main cities Fukuoka, Kitakyushu Source: CIA Fact book 2011 2

  3. MAIN ECONOMICAL INDICATORS Statistics( 20010) Japan trends Population (millions) 126,475,664 Superficy (km²) 377,915 Median agae 44.8 GDP trillion$ 4.31 trillion Growth 3,9 Pop active 62.97 mi. Unemployment rate 5% Inflation rate 0,7% Exchanges Exports billion$ $ 765.2 Imports billion $ $ 639.1 Finance Investment rate 19.1% GDP Budget -7,7% GDP Official currency YEN Change Euro/JPY 110, 55 Source : OECD, IMF, CIA Source: CIA Fact book 2011 3

  4. 8 REASONS TO GO TO JAPAN Japan’s 127m consumers Rich and vast market 3rd biggest economy in the world Strategic business sectors Sophisticated consumers Sophisticated consumers It is a strategic stepping stone for other Asian markets Leading International exhibitions in ASIA Key areas for business Source: CIA Fact book, UKTI 4

  5. BUSSINES IN JAPAN Bridge nation connecting Asia and the world which contributes to Asia’s growth. Promises a safe, secure and comfortable environment. Large numbers of leading global companies and SMEs with proprietary technologies Japanese consumers are sensitive to fashion and European high quality goods. The economic size of each region within Japan can be compared to one country’s economy. Test marketing before entering Asian markets. It is also a country with “soft power,” which sets trends Best infrastructure in terms of advanced infrastructure Source: CIA Fact book 2011, Jetro, IMF 5

  6. JAPAN, BUSINESS OUTLOOK Import commodities Import commodities - - partners partners Export commodities Export commodities - - partners partners Transport equipment, motor vehicles, Machinery and equipment, fuels, semiconductors, electrical machinery, foodstuffs, chemicals, textiles, raw chemicals materials China 18.9%, US 16.4%, South Korea China 18.9%, US 16.4%, South Korea 8.1%, Hong Kong 5.5% 8.1%, Hong Kong 5.5 Export – Export – Import revenues Import revenues Main industries Main industries Motor vehicles, electronic equipment, Imports $ 639.1 billion (2010 est.) machine tools, steel and nonferrous metals, ships, chemicals, textiles, Exports $ 765.4 billion (2010 est.) processed foods 6

  7. JAPAN, MAIN SECTORS Ship industry Ship industry Textile Textile Machine tools Machine tools Chemicals Chemicals Food Food Electronics Electronics Automobile Automobile 7


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