policy development and perspectives on circular economy

Policy development and perspectives on circular economy in Japan - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Policy development and perspectives on circular economy in Japan Japan-EU Cooperation in the Era of International Order Transformation: In Search of a Stable World System The 20th Annual Japan EU Conference Brussels Masachika Suzuki, Ph.D.

  1. Policy development and perspectives on circular economy in Japan Japan-EU Cooperation in the Era of International Order Transformation: In Search of a Stable World System The 20th Annual Japan EU Conference Brussels Masachika Suzuki, Ph.D. Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies Sophia University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability United Nations University

  2. Outline: 1. Policy development in Japan: Basic Act on Establishing a Sound Material-Cycle Society 2. Material flow (plastics and E-waste) and resource circulations within and outside of Japan 3. How can we cope with circular economy in the EU and Japan? 4. Suggested areas for co-operations between EU and Japan n Global supply chain n Labelling 2

  3. Policy development in Japan ○ Measures on Containers & Utilization of rare metals Measures on bulky Measures on other large and packaging accounting for contained in small mass disposed waste electrical devices and large waste 60% of household waste Special measures Cost sharing by Cost sharing by Cost sharing by for designated generators generators manufactures and businesses under distributors (consumers) (operators) waste mgt. law Legal system Containers and Home End-of-life Construction Small elec. addressing Food matters packaging individual Devices appliances vehicle materials material recycling law issues facing recycling law recycling law recycling law recycling law recycling law challenges Air-conditioners, Wood, concrete and Food Glass bottles, PET automobiles Small refrigerators/freezers, asphaslt residues bottles, paper and plastic electric TVs, washing containers and devices machines/dryers packaging materials Appropriate Waste management and public cleansing law treatment of waste Responsibility of municipality in treatment of household garbage, permit system for waste management companies, and setting up of standards for waste management, etc. Promotion of Law for the promotion of effective use of resources Designated 69 activities on 3R products including on the whole personal computers Establishing a voluntary collection and recycling system by manufacturers Basic Basic Law on establishing a sound material-cycle society Framework ① reduce generation (reduce) Basic Plan on establishing a sound ② Reuse 3 ③ Recycle Basic principles material-cycle society (revised in May 2013) ④ thermal recovery 3 ⑤ appropriate disposal (Source: Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry) 3

  4. Policy development in Japan Key points in the draft paper for the next Basic Act on Establishing a Sound Material-Cycle Society ( ������������ ) (released on Sept. 13 2017) n To promote the items adopted under the Toyama Framework and SDGs. n Sound Material Cycle Society: coordination with Low Carbon Society, Society in Harmony with Nature. n Focus on region-specific needs and characteristics: To better understand each flow of recyclable materials including plastics and consider ”regional resource circulation models” that may be suitable for conditions in each region. n Based on the needs of developing countries, to promote the use of Japanese environmental technologies and (infrastructure) systems such as waste-to-energy system, recycling, and treatment of household wastewater. n To promote the concept of sharing economy. (Source: Ministry of the Environment Japan) 4

  5. Policy development in Japan Key points in the draft paper for the next Basic Act on Establishing a Sound Material-Cycle Society n To encourage resource circulations based on life-cycle perspectives. n To promote industries with high resource productivity as well as industries for 2R such as sharing and re-manufacturing. n To highlight policy mix including the adoption of EPR, promotion of voluntary actions, use of economic incentives, information dissemination, and building partnership with business. n To cope with the issues related to microplastics in the marine environment, reduce the volume of disposable plastic packages, enhance awareness for separate after use, and implement policies for proper disposal. (Source: Ministry of the Environment Japan) 5

  6. Policy development in Japan Draft Paper Section 3: Resource circulations based on life-cycle perspectives n Resources among various materials including plastics. n Food: reduction of food waste linked to SDGs. n Metals including base metals and rare metals: For 2020 Tokyo Olympics, to encourage interests in society for recycling small household electronic appliances and produce Olympics medals (gold, silver, bronze) from the materials collected from “urban mines.” n Construction materials: To reduce construction waste through refurbishment of existing houses considering the direction for the low carbon society and resilient society. n Products and materials promoted as mitigations efforts for climate change. Many points and areas in common with EU’s circular economy? (Source: Ministry of the Environment Japan) 6

  7. Overall material flow in Japan � FY2000 FY2012 Imported products(48) Exports(120) Imports Accumulated Imported products(60) (800) net increase Imported (1.110) resources Exports(179) (752) Imports Input of all (800) Accumulated net increase materials Imported (2.138) (529) resources Input of natural Input of all (741) resources materials Energy consumption and (1.925) Input of natural (1.606) industrial process Domestic resources resources emissions (1.125) (1.361) Energy consumption and (500) Fertilization Domestic industrial process (16) resources Fertilization emissions Food consumption (97) (561) (14) (504) Natural reduction(85) Natural reduction(82) Generation Gener of Water ation waste(595) Waste content, etc. Water of reduction Waste (299) Final content, etc. waste (241) reduction Final disposal (260) (554) (209) disposal (56) (18) Circularity usage Circularity usage (213) (Unit: Million tons) (244) (Unit: Million tons) (Note) Water content, etc.: Water content in waste (sludge, animal manure, excrement, waste acid, and waste alkali) and input of earth and sand accompanying : (Source: Ministry of the Environment Japan) 7

  8. 地域循環圏とは 地域循環圏とは、「地域の特性や循環資源の性質に応じて、最適な規模の循環を形成することが重要であり、地 域で循環可能な資源はなるべく地域で循環させ、地域での循環が困難なものについては循環の環を広域化させる ことにより、重層的な循環型の地域づくりを進めていく」という考え方。 つまり、廃棄物等の適正な処理を前提としつつ、循環資源そのものや地域特性などに対し、従来からの見方や捉 え方を変えることで、これまで未活用であった循環資源を最適な規模で循環させることができ、重層的な循環型の 地域を作ることができるといったものである。 Regional resource circulation models 都市・近郊地域循環圏のイメージ 平成 年 月に策定された「第三次循環型社会形成推進基本計画」では、「循環型社会形成に向けた取組の中長 期的な方向」の一つとして資源効率性の高い社会経済システムの構築を掲げており、この実現に向けた国の取組 として「地域循環圏の高度化」が挙げられている。 里地里山里海地域循環圏のイメージ 静脈産業地域循環圏のイメージ 人口集積の多い都市エリアでは多種多様な循環資源を排出。 都市近郊の農村地域、静脈産業集積地(エコタウン等)や動 脈産業の集積(臨海部工業地帯等)のエリアとも連携をはか りながら、効率的な資源循環を構築していく。 図 地域循環圏がもたらす効果 図 地域循環圏の広がりイメージ 農山村、漁村を中心とした循環圏で、農林業や水産業に由来するバイオ マス資源の地産池消的な利活用を推進します。また、都市や動脈産業と 連携した循環システムを構築する。 (Source: Ministry of the Environment Japan) 8 セメント、鉄鋼、非鉄精錬、製紙等の基幹産業の基盤やインフラをこれまで以上に活用しながら、 循環資源を大量に抱えもつ大都市エリアとの物流システム等を高度化させ、より効率的な循環シス テムの構築やエネルギーの利活用システムを高度化させていく。

  9. How can we cope with circular economy in the EU and Japan? (my views) n Understanding new technologies, products and services from the holistic social perspectives. n Understanding changing trends of people’s values, perceptions and expectations. n Understanding changing trends of possible policy instruments. 9

  10. Conceptual framework Understanding social acceptance Transition management (Source: Wustenhagen, R., Wolsink, M., & Burer, M. (Source: Geels, F. W., & Schot, J. (2007). Typology of J. (2007). Social acceptance of renewable energy sociotechnical transition pathways. Research Policy, 36(3), 399– innovation: An introduction to the concept. Energy 417. ) Policy , 35 (5), 2683–2691. ) 10


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