J ESUS IN I NDIA Jesus in India is the English version of Masih Hindustan Mein, an Urdu treatise Jesus in India written by the Holy Founder of the worldwide Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama'at, Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, the Promised Messiah and Mahdi The main thesis expounded in this treatise is Jesus' deliverance from death on the Cross and his subsequent journey to India in quest of the lost tribes of Israel whom he had to gather into his fold as foretold by Jesus himself 1835-1908 Page iii
‘ J ESUS IN I NDIA ’ PROVIDES EVIDENCE THAT Jesus started his journey from Jerusalem and passing through Nasibus and Iran, Jesus reached Afghanistan Jesus in India Where he met the Jews who had settled there after their escape from the bonds of Nebuchadnezzar From Afghanistan Jesus went to Kashmir where some Israelite tribes had also settled He made Kashmir his home where he died and is buried in Srinagar, Kashmir Page iii
J ESUS IN I NDIA T HE MESSAGE Jesus — a true prophet of God was saved from Jesus in India death on the cross, lived a long life and is buried in Srinagar Kashmir It transformed the Masih Hindustan Mein, theological landscape was — it still is — an epoch- of Judaism, Pauline making and cataclysmic Christianity and book conventional Islam Page iv
J ESUS IN I NDIA Written in 1899, and partly serialized in Review of Religions in 1902 and 1903, the book was published Jesus in India on 20th November 1908 The first English translation, by the late Qazi Abdul Hamid, was published in 1944 On instructions from Hadhrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad, Khalifat-ul-Masih IV, Imam of the worldwide Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama'at, the present edition was thoroughly revised by Professor Muhammad Ali Chaudhry Page v
Jesus in India I NTRODUCTION
A IMS AND OBJECTIVE OF WRITING THE BOOK Jesus in India To dispel serious misconceptions about the earlier and later life of Jesus (on whom be peace) by authentic evidence Page 1
T HE AIMS AND OBJECTIVE OF WRITING THIS BOOK Jesus in India These misconceptions about the life of Jesus and Jihad have hijacked and destroyed the concept of Tauhid — Divine Unity and has adversely effected the moral condition of Muslims Page 1
T HE AIMS AND OBJECTIVE OF WRITING THIS BOOK Commenting lamentably at the deteriorated moral conditions of Muslims and totally erroneous concept of Jihad, the Promised Messiah ( on whom be peace) said, Jesus in India ‘By the grace of God, I have adduced arguments powerful enough to dispel these unfounded beliefs from peoples’ minds’ The Promised Messiah ( on whom be peace) expressed hope that by clear proofs along with conclusive circumstantial and historical evidence truth will be understood The real object of this book is to correct the wrong beliefs which have found their way into the creeds of the Muslims and the Christians Page 3
J ESUS AND BELIEFS OF M USLIMS AND C HRISTIANS Christians are guilty of a grave error in calling a humble man God Jesus in India Christians and most Muslims believe that Jesus was raised to the heavens alive; he is still alive in the heavens and will return to the earth sometime in the latter days Muslims believe in a bloodthirsty Mahdi and an equally violent Messiah Page 3, 6
B ELIEVING IN A BLOOD - THIRSTY M ESSIAH AND M AHDI This belief has corrupted their moral condition to the extent that Muslims can not live with other people in peace and harmony, or can be loyal to a non-Muslim government Jesus in India A belief that non-Muslims should be subjected to coercion that they should either become Muslims or be put to death, is open to very serious objections Such harsh thinking makes hearts devoid of human sympathy, justice and compassion; and allows spite and ill will to flourish leading to brutality But it is only too obvious that such teachings cannot be from God, Who punishes only after His message has been fully communicated Page 6-7
M ESSIAH OF THE TIME Jesus in India I alone am the light of this age of darkness He who follows me will be saved from falling into the pits prepared by the Devil for those who walk in the dark Page 12-13
M ESSIAH OF THE TIME God has commanded me that with I have been sent by God to lead the humility and peace I should invite world to the True God Jesus in India people to God I publicly proclaim that God has revealed to me that the Promised Messiah who is also the Mahdi, tidings of whose appearance are found in the Bible, the Holy Qur’an and Ahadith is none other than myself God has provided me with I have been sent to re-establish the heavenly signs for the satisfaction reign of moral values in Islam of seekers of truth Page 12-13
J ESUS IN I NDIA ; THE FACTS REVEALED I shall try to prove in this book that Jesus did not Jesus in India die on the cross, nor did he go up to the heavens; nor would he ever again come down to the earth The fact of the matter is that Jesus died at the age of 120 years at Srinagar, Kashmir, where his tomb is still to be found in the Khan Yar quarter Page 14
A NOTE TO THE READER FROM THE AUTHOR I trust that those who read this Jesus in India book will do so carefully, and will not reject, out of prejudice, the truth contained in it I pray to God that He may help me in this undertaking and lead me by His special revelation and inspiration to the perfect Light of truth Page 15
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