j esus in i ndia

J ESUS IN I NDIA Jesus in India S UMMARY SO FAR PUBLISHERS NOTES J - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

J ESUS IN I NDIA Jesus in India S UMMARY SO FAR PUBLISHERS NOTES J ESUS IN I NDIA Jesus in India is the English version of Masih Hindustan Mein, an Urdu treatise Jesus in India written by the Holy Founder of the worldwide Ahmadiyya Muslim



  3. J ESUS IN I NDIA Jesus in India is the English version of Masih Hindustan Mein, an Urdu treatise Jesus in India written by the Holy Founder of the worldwide Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat, Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, the Promised Messiah and Mahdi The main thesis expounded in this treatise is Jesus' deliverance from death on the Cross and his subsequent journey to India in quest of the lost tribes of Israel whom he had to gather into his fold as foretold by Jesus himself 1835-1908 Page iii

  4. ‘ J ESUS IN I NDIA ’ PROVIDES EVIDENCE THAT Jesus started his journey from Jerusalem and passing through Nasibus and Iran, Jesus reached Afghanistan Jesus in India Where he met the Jews who had settled there after their escape from the bonds of Nebuchadnezzar From Afghanistan Jesus went to Kashmir where some Israelite tribes had also settled He made Kashmir his home where he died and is buried in Srinagar, Kashmir Page iii

  5. A IMS AND OBJECTIVE OF WRITING THE BOOK Jesus in India To dispel serious misconceptions about the earlier and later life of Jesus (on whom be peace) by authentic evidence Page 1

  6. M ESSIAH OF THE TIME Jesus in India I alone am the light of this age of darkness He who follows me will be saved from falling into the pits prepared by the Devil for those who walk in the dark Page 12-13

  7. J ESUS IN I NDIA ; THE FACTS REVEALED I shall try to prove in this book that Jesus did not Jesus in India die on the cross, nor did he go up to the heavens; nor would he ever again come down to the earth The fact of the matter is that Jesus died at the age of 120 years at Srinagar, Kashmir, where his tomb is still to be found in the Khan Yar quarter Page 14

  8. S UMMARY OF B IBLICAL TESTIMONIES Jesus came out of the tomb (bowels of the earth) alive and went to his tribes who lived in the Jesus in India eastern countries Jesus had to make this journey, for the divine object of his mission of meeting the lost tribes of Israel who had settled in different parts of India Jesus did in fact travelled East and discovered the lost sheep of Israel among Buddhists, who ultimately accepted him the way Jonah was accepted by his people These were the ten tribes of the Israelites who 721 years* before Jesus, had been taken captive and forced to leave Page 17-18 Samaria by Shalmaneser, King of Assur. They eventually came to India and settled in various parts of the country

  9. Jesus in India E VIDENCE FROM THE H OLY Q UR ’ AN Jesus did not die on the cross

  10. E VIDENCE FROM THE H OLY Q UR ’ AN J ESUS DID NOT DIE ON THE CROSS اُّمُّو ِّهّٓوِّلُّتُّق اُّمُّو ۚ‌ّّهللّٱا ُّلّٓوِّسُّر ُّمُّيّٓرُّم ُّنّٓبا ُّسُّٓيّّع ُّحّٓيّّسُّّٓلٓا اُّنّٓلُّتُّق اُّّْنّّا ّٓمّّّّلّّٓوُّقُّّْو Jews neither murdered Jesus, ٖهّّب ّٓمُِّّلّ اُّم ؕ‌ِّهّٓنّّّْم َّّْكُّش ّّّٓفُّّل ّّهّٓيّّف آّوِّفُّلُّتّٓخا ُّنّٓيّّذُّّْلا ُّّْنّّاُّو ؕ‌ّٓمُِّّلّ ُّهّّّْبِّش ّٓنّّكـٰلُّو ِّهّٓوِّبُّلُّص Jesus in India nor did they kill ۙۢاًنّٓيّّقُّي ِّهّٓوِّلُّتُّق اُّمُّو ۚ‌ّّّْنُّّْظلا ُّعاُّبّّّْتا ُّّْلّّْا َّمّٓلّّع ّٓنّّم ‏‏ him on the cross; And their saying, ‘We did kill the Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, the Messenger of Allah;’ whereas they slew him not, nor crucified him , but he was made to appear to them like one crucified ; and those who differ therein are certainly in a state of doubt about they were merely it; they have no definite knowledge thereof, but only labouring under follow a conjecture; and they did not convert the this conjecture into a certainty misconception that Jesus had 4:158 died on the cross Page 57

  11. E VIDENCE FROM THE H OLY Q UR ’ AN J ESUS DID NOT DIE ON THE CROSS In these verses God Almighty says that though it is true that Jesus was placed on the cross, and that the intention was to kill him Jesus in India Yet it was wrong for the Jews and Christians to suppose that Jesus actually died on the cross God caused things to happen which saved Jesus from death on the cross Page 57-58

  12. G OD CAUSED THINGS TO HAPPEN WHICH SAVED J ESUS FROM DEATH ON THE CROSS Coma Sabbath hence night taken for Jesus in India Darkness dead and earthquake Bones not broken In order to save Dream of Jesus, Divine ‘Body’ Pilate’s power and disposed wife majesty off quickly intervened Page 58-59

  13. E VIDENCE FROM THE H OLY Q UR ’ AN J ESUS WILL BE HONOURED IN THIS WORLD Jesus in India ۖ ِّهّٓنّّّْم َّةُّمّّلُّكّّب ّّكِّرّّّْشُّبِّي ُّهللّٱا ُّّْنّّا ِّمُّيّٓرُّٰيٱ ِّةُّكّّ ٮٰٰٔلُّّٓلٓا ّّتُّلاُّق ّٓذّّا ِّحّٓيّّسُّّٓلٓا ِّهِّّٓسٓا ‏ ‌ُّّٓيّّبُّّْرُّقِّّٓلٓا ُّنّّمُّو ّّةُّرّّخّٰٓلْاُّو اُّيّٓنِّّْدلا ّّّٓفّ اًهّٓيّّجُّو ُّمُّيّٓرُّم ِّنّٓبا ُّسُّٓيّّع When the angels said, ‘O Mary, Allah gives thee glad tidings of a word from Him; his name shall be the Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, honoured in this world and in the next , and of those who are granted nearness to God 3:46 Page 59

  14. E VIDENCE FROM THE H OLY Q UR ’ AN J ESUS WILL BE HONOURED IN THIS WORLD This verse means that not only will Jesus have honour and eminence, and enjoy greatness in the people's eyes in Jesus in India this world, but also in the hereafter It is evident that Jesus was not honoured in the land of Herod and Pilate The truth is that Jesus, having escaped from those accursed people, graced the land of the Punjab with his presence, where he met the ten lost tribes of Israel and God blessed him with great honour and eminence Page 59

  15. E VIDENCE FROM THE H OLY Q UR ’ AN J ESUS WILL BE HONOURED IN THIS WORLD Jesus was accorded great esteem and respect in this land Jesus in India Recently a The coin coin has clearly been shows that Another discovered Jesus came coin in the to this land displays Punjab, and was the figure which given royal of an bears the reception, Israelite name of and the male. It Jesus in coin must appears Pali have been that this characters. issued by a too is the This coin king who figure of goes back had Jesus to the time become his of Jesus follower Page 60

  16. E VIDENCE FROM THE H OLY Q UR ’ AN J ESUS WILL BE HONOURED IN THIS WORLD Jesus in India ‌ِّتّٓنِّك اُّم ُّنّٓيُّا اًكُّراُّبِّم ّّّٓنُّّلُّعُّجُّو ‏ ُّ ّّةوٰلُّّْصلاّّب ّّّٓنّٰصّٓوُّاُّو و ّّةوٰكُّّْزلاۖ‌اًّْيُّح ِّتّٓمِّد اُّم Jesus was blessed by God And He has made me blessed wherever he went and wheresoever I may be, and has these coins show that he enjoined upon me Prayer and did not die until he was almsgiving so long as I live honoured like a king 19:32 Page 60

  17. E VIDENCE FROM THE H OLY Q UR ’ AN J ESUS WILL BE CLEARED OF ALL CHARGES Jesus in India ا‌ّٓوِّرُّفُّك ُّنّٓيّّذُّّْلا ُّنّّم ُّكِّرّّّْهُّطِّمُّو ُُّّّْلّّا ُّكِّعّّفاُّرُّو ُّكّٓيّّّْفُّوُّتِّم ّّّّْٓنّّْا ٰۤسُّٓيّّعٰي ِّهللّٱا ُّلاُّق ّٓذّّا ُُّّّْلّّا ُّّْمِّث ۚ‌ّّةُّمٰيّّقّٓلا ّّمّٓوُّي ٰلّّا اّۤٓوِّرُّفُّك ُّنّٓيّّذُّّْلا ُّقّٓوُّف ُّكّٓوِّعُّبُّّْتا ُّنّٓيّّذُّّْلا ِّلّّعاُّجُّو ‌ُّنّٓوِّفّّلُّتُّّٓتُ ّّهّٓيّّف ّٓمِّتّٓنِّك اُّمّٓيّّف ّٓمِّكُّنّٓيُّب ِّمِّكّٓحُّاُّف ّٓمِّكِّعّّجّٓرُّم When Allah said, ‘O Jesus, I will cause thee to die a natural death and will exalt thee to Myself, and will clear thee from the charges of those who disbelieve , and will place those who follow thee above those who disbelieve, until the Day of Resurrection; then to Me shall be your return, and I will judge between you concerning that wherein you differ 3:56 Page 60-61

  18. E VIDENCE FROM THE H OLY Q UR ’ AN J ESUS WILL BE CLEARED OF ALL CHARGES Meaning that, ‘O Jesus! I shall clear thee of these charges Jesus in India The Jews alleged that Jesus, having been crucified, became accursed (God forbid) Christians on the one hand, they say that Jesus was the Son of God, and on the other, they call him accursed The prophecy of the Holy Qur’an points out that a time would come when God would clear Jesus of these charges Page 60-61


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