IND NDIA IAN SOCIE N SOCIETY FO TY FOR B R BUD UDDHIS DHIST S STUD UDIES IES (ISBS ISBS) List o Li t of f Acc Accepte pted Abs d Abstrac tracts ts for Pre r Presentation ntation in in the the 17 17 TH TH An Annua nual C l Conf nfere rence nce a at S t Sanc nchi hi U Univ nivers rsity ity o of f Budd Buddhi hist-Indi Indic St c Stud udie ies, Bar , Barla la, R , Raise isen (M. n (M.P. P.) dur ) during 1 ing 13-15 15 O Octobe ctober, 20 r, 2017 17. S. No. Name of the Delegate Place Title of the Proposed Paper 1. Prof. KTS Sarao Delhi First Encounters of Indian Buddhists and Hindus with Islam 2. Dr. Anirban Sengupta Kolkata Common Religious Beliefs of Ancient India as Revealed through Pali Patiala Poetic Symbols: With Special Reference to Buddhacarita 3. Dr. Ambalicka Sood by Aśvaghoșa Jacob Mettā and Karuṇā— Buddhist Tools for Reformation of 4. Dr. Suresh Kumar Delhi Criminals 5. Dr. Chayanika Singh Kolkata Buddha and Freud in Our Everyday Life Kum ā raj īva and Huiyuan: A Buddhist Connection b etween 6. Dr. Poonam Surie Delhi India and China बौद्न अधॎयातॎमिक साधना िेः तप 7. Dr. Niharika Labh Delhi Mett ā : A pathway to Global Peace 8. Dr. Amita Kapoor Delhi Exploration of Desire 9. Sh. Narotam Singh Delhi Environmental Protection as Reflected in Jātaka 10. Sh. Prabhash Barua Calcutta University 11. Smt. Pallabi Mukherjee Nalanda Cognitive Process in Reiki as Depicted in Buddhism 12. Ms. Priyanka Paul Kolkata Concept of Peace in Buddhism श. Namrata A. Howal 13. Mumbai Legacy of Buddhism in India with Special Reference to Dr. B. R. Ambedkar’s Religious C onversion Sahajayāna: The Vehicle of Common P eople 14. Ms. Sulagna Kolkata Bhattacharya 15. Ms. Sagnika Kolkata Tibetan Dream Yoga: The Dream of Consciousness Bhattacharya 16. Prof. Sunanda Y. Sanchi Some Thoughts on Path of Purification Shastri Nāgārjuna and Pratī tyasamtup ā da 17. Dr. Vakul Mittal Lucknow The Versified Paths for Attaining Mok ṣ a in Buddhist and 18. Dr. Dipankar Kolkata Mukhopadhyay Other Sects: A Comparative Study Buddhist St ū pa: Historical & Philosophical Facets 19. Ms. Sonam Lamo Jammu 20. Dr. Neekee Chaturvedi Jaipur Perspectives on Evolution of Buddhism in Rajasthan: Bairat and Kholvi Monastic Complexes Kālacakra : A Journey From Abstract To Embodiment 21. Dr. Saheli Das Kolkata 1 | P a g e
वैशॎववक vkardokn ds lek/kku esa ckS) vfgalk 22. Ms. Sushma Shree Nalanda Mah āsatipṭṭhāna Sutta as the Effective Way for the 23. Dr. Subhash Athawale Shirpur Purification of Beings 24. Dr. Praveen Kumar Bhubaneswar Analysis of Early Buddhist Philosophy as reflected in Visuddhimagga Relevance of Sing ā lov ā da-Sutta in the Modern Times 25. Ms. Ekta Kumari Jammu Life and Contributions of S ā riputta and Moggall ā na to 26. Dr. Neeru Choudhary Jammu Buddhism 27. Dr Arindam Kolkata Some Thoughts on Buddhism and Environmentalism Bhattacharyya Significance of Stū pa in Buddhism 28. Ms. Meenu Verma Jammu Buddha’s Theory of Mind and World Peace 29. Shri Ashwani Kumar Jammu Ms. Rachna Delhi Bauddha Dharma mein N ā aari ka Sthan 30. लंकावतारसूत्ऱ मेः चित्थ 31. Shri Pinku Kumar Nalanda 32. Dr. Vivek Sharma Jammu History of Kashmir with Special Reference to Buddhism 33. Shri Shrikishan N Aurangabad The Buddhist Jurisprudence: An Overview of its Impact on Indian Constitution Morey 34. Dr. Shedup Tenzin Santiniketan Significance and Contributions of the Three Periods of Kay Cad (bkas bcad) cq)dkYkhu fÒ{kqf.k;¨a dk thou 35. Dr. Mohad Devi Aurangabad Prabhakar Rao 36. Dr. Ashok Pandurang Aurangabad ikfy Hkk"kk dh vko';drk ,oa egÙo Sarvade ckS) /keZ vkSj dfu"d 37. Sh. Shubam Kumar Nalanda Music as Revealed in Buddhist Literature 38. Dr. Swarupa Charan Kolkata Survival and Transformation of Buddhist Goddess T ā r ā in 39. Ms. Elora Tribedy Pune Contemporary Eastern India अष्ांगमागग मेः वरॎणगत समॎयक् दॄशॎष् एवं समॎयक् संकलॎप की 40. Sh. Bharat Mani Delhi सामाशॎिक उपादेयता बौदॎध शॎ शॎ शन मेः शॎ रॎणगत ववरतॎनोः का शॎ ाशॎ शवनक शॎएं 41. Sh. Balram Roy Delhi सामाविक अनुशॎ लन 42. Ms. Oindrila Ghosal Kolkata Contribution of the Belgian Indologist Louis De La Vallée Poussin to Buddhism Buddhist Vihā ras and St ūpas in Mumbai: A Cultural 43. Mangesh G. Sawant Mumbai Heritage 44. Dr. Aamir Riyaz Delhi Ethics of Panchsheel: Buddhist Perspective 2 | P a g e
45. Ms. Priyanka Tafadar Kolkata An Analysis of the Buddhist Cultural Cohesion between India and Southeast Asia A Comparative Study of the Concepts of Upek ṣā -Bh ā van ā 46. Dr. Sanghmitra West Bengal Dasgupta and Shitaprajn Mathurā as Known to the Buddha 47. Sh. Neeraj Yadav Delhi 48. Ms. Bharti Delhi Missing Image of the Buddha in Early Buddhist Art: An Examination Caturvy ū hav āda , 49. Prof. Avinash Biharsharif Four Dimensional Theory: Srivastava & Dr. Sarita The Singular Basis of Medical Science, the Science of Kumari Yoga and the Buddhist Four Noble Truth 50. Dr. Bina Sengar Aurangabad Buddhist Religious and Cultural Transitions through Trade Routes in Deccan during Seventeenth and Eighteenth Century 51. Mr. Ravi D. Khillare Aurangabad Pitalkhora: An Overlooked Buddhist Monument of Emperor Ashok’s Era Kamma as Depicted in Kath ā vatthu 52. Sh. Shailendra Kumar Varanasi Singh Comparative discussion of Śūunyatā according to 53. Dr.Kuheli Biswas & West Bengal Nāgārjuna and Advayavajra Dr. Lily Biswas Ms. Arushi 54. Delhi Stance on Feminism in the light of Applied Buddhism in Modern Indian Society Ms. Sama Haq Delhi Locating the Icon and the Image at Prasat Phimai in 55. Thailand 56. Dr. Jasbir Chawla, Chandigarh Reading Between the Lines in Jatak बौद्न और सांखॎय दशगन मेः दुख ननरृपण Dr. Virender Kumar Patiala 57. Buddhist Vih ā ra at Deogarh: A Spiritual Legacy 58. Dr. M. C. Joshi Sanchi बौद्नदरॎशन िेः वर्तित ब्ऱह्यतॎवहार की वतशिान सिय िेः प्ऱासतॎगिकता 59. Ms. Khushboo Kumari Delhi पातॎिसातॎहमय िेः आचायश बुद्नघोष का योिदान 60. Sh. Satish Kumar Delhi 61. Amrita Singh Delhi The Medium and the Religion: Oral, Textual and Visual Worlds of Early Indian Buddhism Cūlasīhanāda Sutta and Addiction of Mobile Phone Abuse 62. Mithu Lahiri 63. Mrs Paulavi Das Delhi Environmental ethics in early Buddhism: A contextual and contemporary exploration 64. Ms. Ruchika Singh Delhi Reconnoitring Socio-Religious Constructions through realms of Early Buddhist Art and Architecture वॎयापॎत नां बोदॎधदशगननॎयायदशगनरीतॎया वववेिनम् 65. Sh. Rakesh Kumar Delhi ववज्टानवाद मेः संकॎलेश एवं वॎयवदान की अवधारणा 66. Sh. Pratik Kumar Delhi ववज्टानवाद एवं अदॎवैतवाद का सत्था ववषयक ववनॎतन 67. Sh. Vijay Gupta Delhi बौद्न दशगन मेः वरॎणगत अह ंसा की समकालीन प्ऱसंगताककता 68. Sh. Sanjay Kumar Delhi बौद्न धमॎम एवं दशगन क े प्ऱमुख पयग्न सॎथलोः मेः सारनाथ 69. Sh. Shailesh Kumar Delhi शूनॎयवाद एवं अदॎवैतवाद : एक दाशगननक ववमशग 70. Sh. Shayam Kumar Delhi ‘ Hridaya- Vijaya’ through ‘Ahimsha’: 71. Sh. Jayadev Dash Odisha 3 | P a g e
Buddhist Approach to resolve Left-Wing Extremism in India 72. Dr. Seema Kour Jammu Status of Women in Buddhism and Sikhism -A Comparative Study ISBS ISB S Te Team 4 | P a g e
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