islington climate change partnership agm and green

Islington Climate Change Partnership AGM and green economy market - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Islington Climate Change Partnership AGM and green economy market place Chairman of the ICCP Tony Upson Our achievements in 2011/12 Engaging Islington businesses Introduced a membership fee and kept the majority of our large members and

  1. Islington Climate Change Partnership AGM and green economy market place

  2. Chairman of the ICCP Tony Upson

  3. Our achievements in 2011/12 Engaging Islington businesses • Introduced a membership fee and kept the majority of our large members and many of our smaller ones • We also welcomed new members including Balfour Beatty, Know Your Planet, Family Mosaic and Interface

  4. Our achievements in 2011/12 Bringing members together & communicating our work • Event highlights: Staff Engagement Master Class with Futerra and Food Waste debate with the Sustainable Restaurant Association • Introduced online ‘ eventbrite ’ system for bookings • Lots of member case studies now on the website • 170 businesses following our Twitter feed • over 300 e-newsletter subscribers

  5. Our achievements in 2011/12 Monitoring our progress • New online system for reporting energy use data • This year we took into account the weather and changes in building floor space • Those who reported their data collectively reduced carbon emissions by 3% between 2010/11 and 2011/12.

  6. Our achievements in 2011/12 Supporting our community • 2 work experience placements within the ICCP team • Many other ICCP members offering work placements including Workspace Group and Balfour Beatty • Staff volunteering schemes such as Slaughter and May’s Garden Club at Moreland Primary School

  7. Our achievements in 2011/12 What next? Energy monitoring – more flexibility around reporting data • Projects – staff volunteering, green jobs and skills, local carbon offsetting, sustainable venues - tell us your ideas! • New Constitution for the ICCP, Co-operative Banking & new membership renewal process • Next event – 10 th Oct, 9-11am Fredericks Restaurant, Topic: Energy efficient lighting

  8. Thank you to our event sponsors

  9. Unleashing Green Economy: Low carbon jobs Prateek Sureka Big Innovation Centre

  10. In this presentation… • Low carbon jobs: context • The ‘race’ to secure low carbon jobs for the UK • Low carbon jobs in cities • Policy ideas

  11. Grand social challenge Resource use Source: European Commission > Environment

  12. Green Economy and Low carbon Jobs ‘ The green economy is one that results in improved human well-being and social equity, while significantly reducing environmental risks and ecological scarcities .’ - UNEP “A revolution in our energy sector could create hundreds of thousands of new green collar jobs in the UK by 2020. If we do not make these changes soon other countries could take these valuable, skilled jobs .” – David Cameron, 2009

  13. Low carbon jobs in cities: do areas have different potential to invest in housing energy efficiency? Highest and lowest average household CO2 emitters Lowest Highest City of London St. Helens Tower Hamlets South Bucks Islington Chiltern St Edmundsbury Isles of Scilly Norwich Windsor and Maidenhead Southwark Elmbridge Exeter Eden Hackney Cotswold Plymouth West Devon St Albans Waverley

  14. Low carbon jobs: context • Current state of the ‘sector’ in the UK • £100bn • 900,000 jobs • 4% growth pa • Drivers of (global) growth: • Climate change / decarbonisation • Energy security • ‘Low carbon’: not an easily defined sector • “Jobs that are materially supported by the need to reduce carbon emissions” – The Work Foundation, 2010

  15. The ‘race’ for low carbon jobs: the scale of international spending Green stimulus packages: the UK is being out-invested Country Spending on Low % of fiscal stimulus package Carbon (US $ bn) UK 5.2 15 South Korea 59.9 79 China 200.8 34 US 94.1 12 Japan 23.6 15 Germany 13.8 15 Australia 6.8 40 France 6.1 14 Source: HSBC, 2010

  16. The ‘race’ for low carbon jobs: the UK investing less for 20 years Government spending on low carbon R&D Canada France Germany Japan Spain United Kingdom United States Source: IEA ($US, 2010 prices PPP adjusted, indexed from 1990)

  17. Low carbon jobs in cities: different jobs in different places • Policy makers have bought into the high-tech low carbon hype! • Low carbon jobs that will happen in particular places: • New technology (research hubs) • Services (concentrated in London) • Renewable energy (depends on natural assets) • Real jobs growth potential: • Implementation

  18. Challenges for the new ecosystem • The investment challenge • How do we invest in major technologies with a long time horizon? • How do we lower costs and manage risks? • New networks • Coordinating new infrastructure and institutions • Ensuring regulation helps, not hinders • The consumer challenge • How do firms and government build a new kind of relationship with customers?

  19. Technological opportunities and challenges for business Challenges for firms Technology • Changing customer behaviour – • New sources of energy – although how to alter incentives and crowd significant challenges remain with values costs and energy storage • What is the business model – how • New materials? do you make this a business • Data and portable devices – will imperative and a source of value to these enable changes in consumer the customer? behaviour • Shifting to service-based or more • Smart infrastructure and more efficient business models efficient production techniques • New ways of storing or removing carbon

  20. What is Big Innovation Centre doing? BIC Sustainability Action Group: (Actually BIC Sustainability, Green Tech, Low carbon Action Group !! ) Bring together players from different parts of the sustainability landscape to develop a coherent agenda • Develop practical, focused plans for government • How can we coordinate different parts of the sustainability agenda? • What are the investments and institutions needed to drive the UK forward in this area? • Pilot specific projects • Business-consumer initiatives to influence behaviour? • Labs for testing integrated, resource-efficient services? • Draw in a range of expert research • By providing a framework, BIC can help to focus research in the area and provide a policy link

  21. Questions? Prateek Sureka BIC Sustainability Action Group


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