is it time

Is It Time? Is It Time Yet? Inc. By: Riley Wal, Holly Batte, Bluto - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Is It Time? Is It Time Yet? Inc. By: Riley Wal, Holly Batte, Bluto Evans EF152 Fall 2018; A216-2 Product Selection: Customer Requirements: 1. Pill Dispenser: A pill dispenser that Easy to use and change the time dispenses like a

  1. Is It Time? Is It Time Yet? Inc. By: Riley Wal, Holly Batte, Bluto Evans EF152 Fall 2018; A216-2

  2. Product Selection: Customer Requirements: 1. Pill Dispenser: A pill dispenser that ● Easy to use and change the time dispenses like a vending machine. ● Runs on battery and can be plugged in However, it only dispenses after a certain ● Blinking light to know when it is time to amount of time. take it. 2. A robot that brings the pills to you in your ● Alarm function that can be turned on if house. Also, used for storing pills. wanted 3. A lockbox that holds medication and ● Aesthetically pleasing opens by a code

  3. Conceptual Design Our goal was to make the design with two different pill canals that feed into one shoot. Also, our design had a place to put pills that couldn’t be put in the dispenser. Each canal had a light added on to it.

  4. Interviews: Riley Wal: Melissa Wal: September 27th, 2018; AMB UTK, personal interview ● October 8th, 2018; Over Facetime, interview ● based on needs based on needs Needs: “I take pills every day, twice a day. I need to ● ● Needs: “I take my pills multiple times a day. I have take them in order to function. It is very important that been taking them for years” I take them at certain times.” Adaptations: “I have a terrier that likes lights and ● Adaptations: “Medication like steroids and birth ● control have packs that are required to stay in their barks at noises, so if there was a way to have it packs because the dosage change the more you take. text the patient or something like that.” The adaptation I would recommend is a way for a light ● Other Options: “I use the weekly pill dispenser.” or alarm to go off to know when to take the pills that Opinion on Product: I really like it. I think it can do ● must stay in the pack.” a lot of good ● Other Options: “Other options for pill dispensers are weekly dispensers and alarms that are set on your phone that remind you to take your medication. Opinion on Product: I obviously like the product a ● whole lot, but I think there can be some improvements.

  5. Actual Design The actual design is simplified due to our ability, time, and money. The code was used to rotate the servo and then light up the bulb to indicate the pill had dropped.

  6. Marketing Video

  7. Cost and Time Estimates Cost of a Single Unit: $55.00 Environmental Impact: Design Time: 1 week (7 days, 9am-5pm) Our goal is to have this product become the normal way that people organize their pills. Material Cost for 1000 Units: $55,000 Finding ways to avoid using the plastic pill containers and creating waste. The end goal is if Retail Price: $65.00 someone owns this product they can get a biodegradable pill container that can be used to get the pills home and into the machine.

  8. Summary/ Conclusion Where the Product is Going? ● The goal of the company is to eventually have the product be able to hold more than just two pills and have an extra compartment to store medication like steroid packs and birth control. ● Also, to plan is to make the machine out of a different material; like fiberglass plastic or metal.

  9. Antidotes Riley: ● Headlining the making of the Powerpoint, the so called “leader”, and the typographer. Bluto: CAD Designer and Tester. ● Holly: ● Coder and Videographer.


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