introduction to nonparametric bayesian modeling and

Introduction to Nonparametric Bayesian Modeling and Gaussian Process - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Introduction to Nonparametric Bayesian Modeling and Gaussian Process Regression Piyush Rai Dept. of CSE, IIT Kanpur (Mini-course: lecture 3) Nov 07, 2015 Piyush Rai (IIT Kanpur) Nonparametric Bayesian Modeling and Gaussian Process Regression

  1. Introduction to Nonparametric Bayesian Modeling and Gaussian Process Regression Piyush Rai Dept. of CSE, IIT Kanpur (Mini-course: lecture 3) Nov 07, 2015 Piyush Rai (IIT Kanpur) Nonparametric Bayesian Modeling and Gaussian Process Regression 1

  2. Recap Piyush Rai (IIT Kanpur) Nonparametric Bayesian Modeling and Gaussian Process Regression 2

  3. Optimization vs Inference All ML problems require estimating parameters given data. Primarily two views: 1. Learning as Optimization Parameter θ is a fixed unknown Seeks a point estimate (single best answer) for θ ˆ θ = arg min θ Loss( D ; θ ) subject to constraints on θ Probabilistic methods such as MLE and MAP also fall in this category 2. Learning as (Bayesian) Inference Parameter θ is a random variable with a prior distribution P ( θ ) Seeks a posterior distribution over the parameters P ( θ | D ) = P ( D | θ ) P ( θ ) P ( D ) Piyush Rai (IIT Kanpur) Nonparametric Bayesian Modeling and Gaussian Process Regression 3

  4. Bayesian Learning Prior distribution specifies our prior belief/knowledge about parameters θ Bayesian inference updates the prior and gives the posterior Piyush Rai (IIT Kanpur) Nonparametric Bayesian Modeling and Gaussian Process Regression 4

  5. Bayesian Learning Prior distribution specifies our prior belief/knowledge about parameters θ Bayesian inference updates the prior and gives the posterior Piyush Rai (IIT Kanpur) Nonparametric Bayesian Modeling and Gaussian Process Regression 4

  6. Bayesian Learning Prior distribution specifies our prior belief/knowledge about parameters θ Bayesian inference updates the prior and gives the posterior Piyush Rai (IIT Kanpur) Nonparametric Bayesian Modeling and Gaussian Process Regression 4

  7. Bayesian Learning Prior distribution specifies our prior belief/knowledge about parameters θ Bayesian inference updates the prior and gives the posterior Piyush Rai (IIT Kanpur) Nonparametric Bayesian Modeling and Gaussian Process Regression 4

  8. Bayesian Learning Prior distribution specifies our prior belief/knowledge about parameters θ Bayesian inference updates the prior and gives the posterior Piyush Rai (IIT Kanpur) Nonparametric Bayesian Modeling and Gaussian Process Regression 4

  9. Why be Bayesian? Posterior P ( θ |D ) quantifies uncertainty in the parameters Piyush Rai (IIT Kanpur) Nonparametric Bayesian Modeling and Gaussian Process Regression 5

  10. Why be Bayesian? Posterior P ( θ |D ) quantifies uncertainty in the parameters More robust predictions by averaging over the posterior P ( θ |D ) � P ( d test | ˆ θ ) vs P ( d test |D ) = P ( d test | θ ) P ( θ |D ) d θ Piyush Rai (IIT Kanpur) Nonparametric Bayesian Modeling and Gaussian Process Regression 5

  11. Why be Bayesian? Posterior P ( θ |D ) quantifies uncertainty in the parameters More robust predictions by averaging over the posterior P ( θ |D ) � P ( d test | ˆ θ ) vs P ( d test |D ) = P ( d test | θ ) P ( θ |D ) d θ Allows inferring hyperparameters of the model and doing model comparison Piyush Rai (IIT Kanpur) Nonparametric Bayesian Modeling and Gaussian Process Regression 5

  12. Why be Bayesian? Posterior P ( θ |D ) quantifies uncertainty in the parameters More robust predictions by averaging over the posterior P ( θ |D ) � P ( d test | ˆ θ ) vs P ( d test |D ) = P ( d test | θ ) P ( θ |D ) d θ Allows inferring hyperparameters of the model and doing model comparison Offers a natural way for informed data acquisition (active learning) Can use the predictive posterior of unseen data points to guide data selection Piyush Rai (IIT Kanpur) Nonparametric Bayesian Modeling and Gaussian Process Regression 5

  13. Why be Bayesian? Posterior P ( θ |D ) quantifies uncertainty in the parameters More robust predictions by averaging over the posterior P ( θ |D ) � P ( d test | ˆ θ ) vs P ( d test |D ) = P ( d test | θ ) P ( θ |D ) d θ Allows inferring hyperparameters of the model and doing model comparison Offers a natural way for informed data acquisition (active learning) Can use the predictive posterior of unseen data points to guide data selection Can do nonparametric Bayesian modeling Piyush Rai (IIT Kanpur) Nonparametric Bayesian Modeling and Gaussian Process Regression 5

  14. Nonparametric Bayesian Learning How big/complex my model should be? How many parameters suffice? Piyush Rai (IIT Kanpur) Nonparametric Bayesian Modeling and Gaussian Process Regression 6

  15. Nonparametric Bayesian Learning How big/complex my model should be? How many parameters suffice? Model-selection or cross-validation, can often be expensive and impractical Piyush Rai (IIT Kanpur) Nonparametric Bayesian Modeling and Gaussian Process Regression 6

  16. Nonparametric Bayesian Learning How big/complex my model should be? How many parameters suffice? Model-selection or cross-validation, can often be expensive and impractical Nonparametric Bayesian Models: Allow unbounded number of parameters Piyush Rai (IIT Kanpur) Nonparametric Bayesian Modeling and Gaussian Process Regression 6

  17. Nonparametric Bayesian Learning How big/complex my model should be? How many parameters suffice? Model-selection or cross-validation, can often be expensive and impractical Nonparametric Bayesian Models: Allow unbounded number of parameters The model can grow/shrink adaptively as we observe more and more data Piyush Rai (IIT Kanpur) Nonparametric Bayesian Modeling and Gaussian Process Regression 6

  18. Nonparametric Bayesian Learning How big/complex my model should be? How many parameters suffice? Model-selection or cross-validation, can often be expensive and impractical Nonparametric Bayesian Models: Allow unbounded number of parameters The model can grow/shrink adaptively as we observe more and more data We “let the data speak” how complex the model needs to be Piyush Rai (IIT Kanpur) Nonparametric Bayesian Modeling and Gaussian Process Regression 6

  19. What’s a Nonparametric Bayesian Model? An NPBayes model is NOT a model with no parameters! It has potentially infinite many (unbounded number of) parameters It has the ability to “create” new parameters if data requires so.. Piyush Rai (IIT Kanpur) Nonparametric Bayesian Modeling and Gaussian Process Regression 7

  20. What’s a Nonparametric Bayesian Model? An NPBayes model is NOT a model with no parameters! It has potentially infinite many (unbounded number of) parameters It has the ability to “create” new parameters if data requires so.. Some non-Bayesian models are also nonparametric. For example: nearest neighbor regression/classification, kernel SVMs, kernel density estimation Piyush Rai (IIT Kanpur) Nonparametric Bayesian Modeling and Gaussian Process Regression 7

  21. What’s a Nonparametric Bayesian Model? An NPBayes model is NOT a model with no parameters! It has potentially infinite many (unbounded number of) parameters It has the ability to “create” new parameters if data requires so.. Some non-Bayesian models are also nonparametric. For example: nearest neighbor regression/classification, kernel SVMs, kernel density estimation NPBayes models offer the benefits of both Bayesian modeling and nonparametric modeling Piyush Rai (IIT Kanpur) Nonparametric Bayesian Modeling and Gaussian Process Regression 7

  22. Examples of NPBayes Models Some modeling problems and NPBayes models of choice 1 : 1 Table courtesy: Zoubin Ghahramani Piyush Rai (IIT Kanpur) Nonparametric Bayesian Modeling and Gaussian Process Regression 8

  23. ① ① ① ① ① ① ① ① ① ① Gaussian Process A Gaussian Process (GP) is a distribution over functions f : f ∼ GP ( µ , Σ ) .. such that f ’s value at a finite set of points ① 1 , . . . , ① N is jointly Gaussian { f ( ① 1 ) , f ( ① 2 ) , . . . , f ( ① N ) } ∼ N ( µ , K ) Piyush Rai (IIT Kanpur) Nonparametric Bayesian Modeling and Gaussian Process Regression 9

  24. ① ① ① ① ① ① ① ① ① ① Gaussian Process A Gaussian Process (GP) is a distribution over functions f : f ∼ GP ( µ , Σ ) .. such that f ’s value at a finite set of points ① 1 , . . . , ① N is jointly Gaussian { f ( ① 1 ) , f ( ① 2 ) , . . . , f ( ① N ) } ∼ N ( µ , K ) If µ = 0 , a GP is fully specified by its covariance (kernel) matrix K Piyush Rai (IIT Kanpur) Nonparametric Bayesian Modeling and Gaussian Process Regression 9

  25. Gaussian Process A Gaussian Process (GP) is a distribution over functions f : f ∼ GP ( µ , Σ ) .. such that f ’s value at a finite set of points ① 1 , . . . , ① N is jointly Gaussian { f ( ① 1 ) , f ( ① 2 ) , . . . , f ( ① N ) } ∼ N ( µ , K ) If µ = 0 , a GP is fully specified by its covariance (kernel) matrix K Covariance matrix defined by a kernel function k ( ① n , ① m ). Some examples: − || ① n − ① m || 2 � � k ( ① n , ① m ) = exp : Gaussian kernel 2 σ 2 � α � � � | ① n − ① m | k ( ① n , ① m ) = v 0 exp − + v 1 + v 2 δ nm r Piyush Rai (IIT Kanpur) Nonparametric Bayesian Modeling and Gaussian Process Regression 9


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