
Introduction Considered: Existing Conditions Ambient air quality - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

13/10/2011 Introduction Considered: Existing Conditions Ambient air quality data REMASCO Proposal Kingsville Local sources Emission Test Data from REMASCO Modelled Existing and REMASCO sources to: Determine Cumulative

  1. 13/10/2011 Introduction  Considered:  Existing Conditions  Ambient air quality data REMASCO Proposal Kingsville  Local sources  Emission Test Data from REMASCO  Modelled Existing and REMASCO sources to:  Determine Cumulative Effects of Project  Point of Impingement Results for REMASCO  Compared POI values to Standards  Transferred results to Human Health Risk Assessment Existing Air Quality Ozone Data for 2008  Southwestern Ontario under influence of trans ‐ 60 1 hour Concentration [ppb] boundary flow of contaminants results in elevated 50 levels of ozone [O 3 ], fine particulate [PM 2.5 ], oxides of 40 nitrogen [NO x ]  Local sources: building heating; power generation; 30 Annual Mean vehicles; and, industrial processes also contribute to 1 ‐ hr 90th Percentile 20 Air Quality conditions 10  Ministry of Environment [MoE] monitors  O 3 , PM 2.5 , NO x in Windsor and Chatham 0 Windsor Windsor Chatham Port  O 3 and PM 2.5 in Port Stanley Downtown West Stanley 1

  2. 13/10/2011 Oxides of Nitrogen as NO 2 Fine Particulate [PM 2.5 ] 140 40 35 120 Concentration [ug/m 3 ] Concentration [ug/m 3 ] 30 100 25 80 Annual Mean 24 ‐ hr Mean 20 1 ‐ hr 90th % 60 24 ‐ hr 90th Percentile 15 1 hour Maximum 24 hr Maximum 40 24 hour Maximum 10 20 5 0 0 Windsor Windsor West Chatham Windsor Windsor Chatham Port Downtown Downtown West Stanley Emissions Data Emissions for Existing Sources  Cumulative Assessment considered other greenhouse  REMASCO has been tested since operations started heating systems:  April 2008; May 2009; April, July & Dec 2010  Various fuels used in these facilities (wood, oil, coal,  Testing parameters set by MoE Guideline A ‐ 7 and listed in natural gas) the Certificate of Approval issued to REMASCO by MoE.  No controls required on these facilities  Testing completed by Independent Testing Firm  No testing done on these facilities  Testing Firm obtains approval for testing from MoE  Used literature data to estimate emissions  Testing is witnessed by MoE who also review the final report  Emissions from existing facilities compared to  Data for REMASCO emissions for this study from 2010 REMASCO on the basis of energy generated Report [mass/MMBtu input] 2

  3. 13/10/2011 Figure 2 Comparison PCDD/F Emission Factors [lb/MMBtu] by Fuel Figure 1 Metals Emission Factor [lb/MMBtu] by Fuel 1.20E ‐ 10 1.00E ‐ 10 1.8E ‐ 03 1.6E ‐ 03 Emission Factor [lb/MMBtu] 8.00E ‐ 11 1.4E ‐ 03 1.2E ‐ 03 1.0E ‐ 03 6.00E ‐ 11 8.0E ‐ 04 6.0E ‐ 04 [MMBtu/lb] 4.0E ‐ 04 4.00E ‐ 11 2.0E ‐ 04 0.0E+00 2.00E ‐ 11 0.00E+00 Coal Oil Wood Gas REMASCO Actual Emissions from UNEP Standardardized Toolkit & REMASCO Testing Figure 3 Criteria Contaminant Emission Factors [lb/MMBtu] by Fuel Proposed Installed Capacity 6.0E ‐ 01  Greenhouse heating systems sized for 30 Boiler HP per 5.0E ‐ 01 acre with storage systems Emission Factor [lb/MMBtu] 4.0E ‐ 01  Electrical needs 10 kWe per acre 3.0E ‐ 01  Gasifiers currently sized for 500 Boiler HP each but 2.0E ‐ 01 can be enlarged to 600 Boiler HP each 1.0E ‐ 01  Plan for ultimate systems will be 3300 boiler HP at 0.0E+00 Southshore and 2000 boiler HP at Agriville  Will NOT operate at maximum output continuously 3

  4. 13/10/2011 Modelling Procedures Operating Scenarios Computerized model uses wind speed, wind direction, temperature, and solar insolation values to predict TURBULENCE in the atmosphere  Greenhouse heating requirements vary by season Introduce sources into the wind field and the model simulated the  January and February 100% EMISSIONS as they are transported downwind  March 82% As the emissions are moved downwind the wind STRETCHES the plume in the downwind direction  April and December 60 – 70% Atmospheric turbulence  May, October and November 40 – 50% SPREADS the plume in the  June – September 27 – 35% vertical and cross wind  Co ‐ generation system >90% except July & August 72% directions  Emissions related to input levels These effects REDUCE  adjusted emissions to reflect operating situation for the CONCENTRATIONS both REMASCO and existing greenhouse systems as the plume moves downwind Study Area showing Sensitive Receptors Modelling Receptors  Model predicts concentrations at locations  Overall 100 m x 100 m spacing over 10 square kilometres centered on a point between Agriville and Southshore  Additional receptors around sources with tighter spacing brought total to 11,300 receptors 4

  5. 13/10/2011 Meteorological Data Sources  Model uses hourly data for 5 years  REMASCO sources  Wind Speed  3 stacks at Southshore  Wind Direction  2 stacks at Agriville  Temperature  Existing Greenhouse Sources  Solar Insolation  25 greenhouse complexes included  365 days per year x 24 hours per day x 5 years = 43,800  Size of boiler input based upon area of greenhouse hours  Assumed large diameter low velocity exhaust point  Combined with receptors means nearly 495 million values calculated  Sources modelled at different rates for all each month Results Results Compared to Standards  Generates a value at each receptor for each hour 1000 1000  Data is used to define: Concentration [ug/m3] 1 Hr Max Concentration [ug/m3] 1 Hr Max  The maximum hourly value at each receptor 100 100  The maximum 8 hour, 24 hour averages at each receptor 1 Hr 1 Hr Std Standard  Model allows comparison of effects of different groups 24 Hr Max 24 Hr Max of sources – REMASCO and the existing greenhouses 10 10  Given the amount of data generated typically reduce to 24 Hr Std 24 Hr Std maximum values at each receptor and plot results as Annual Annual lines of equal concentration [isopleths] Max x 10 Max 1 1  Values transferred to Intrinsik for HHRA Sulphur Nitrogen Dioxide Oxides 5

  6. 13/10/2011 Results 24 Hour Maxima Results 24 Hour Maxima 1.0E+06 1.00E+07 24 Hour 24 Hour Concentration [ug/m3] Concentration [g/m3] 1.00E+06 1.0E+05 Maximum Maxima 1.00E+05 1.0E+04 1.00E+04 1.0E+03 1.00E+03 O.Reg 419 O.Reg 419 1.0E+02 Criteria Criteria 1.00E+02 Levels Levels 1.0E+01 1.00E+01 24 Hour 24 Hour Average Average 1.0E+00 1.00E+00 REMASCO Results Summary Sensitive Receptors  Maxima predicted for all contaminants were below the  At the sensitive receptors specific values were applicable guideline value for both 1 hour and 24 hour determined for the maximum value over the period averages:  Since the absolute maxima for all receptors is on the  NOx values closest to standard at 21 – 22% both 1 hour Southshore site and 24 hour averages  Not surprising maxima at the sensitive receptors are all  Sulphur Dioxide and Particulate matter 1 – 2% of lower than those shown previously standard  The further the sensitive receptor is from the REMASCO  HCl at the emission limit of A ‐ 7 produces 24 hour average that is 29% of the standard sites the lower the maximum concentration  Maxima occur on Site at Southshore – values at  Can conclude levels at sensitive receptors low sensitive receptors are lower compared to standards 6

  7. 13/10/2011 Upset Conditions Results Upset Conditions  Sometimes people suggest that stacks are sampled  All results at the sensitive receptors under upset under ideal conditions conditions were less than the MoE guideline values:  This implies that worse emission levels could be  NOx hourly maxima was 33% of standard missed by testing – typically these would be UPSETS  HCl hourly maxima was 41% of the standard  This effect was evaluated at the Sensitive Receptors for  NOx daily maxima was 7% of the standard all contaminants using US EPA approaches:  Increase in hourly emission rate 10 times except NOx at  Can conclude that even under Upset conditions the 2.15 times and SO2 at 7 times concentrations are below the MoE guideline values  Daily and Annual values 2.8 times the hourly emission rate Guideline Values Cumulative Effects Assessment  Based upon extensive scientific study of effects of  Combines: contaminants  The existing air quality in the community  Take into consideration typical background levels of  If there is monitoring data in the community this can define the existing air quality contaminants in atmosphere in the province  If no monitoring use data from other communities and  Regardless there are questions about the potential combine with the effects of existing sources in the community effects of adding a new source to emissions in the  90 th percentile accepted as a conservative community representation of background concentrations  Used Chatham and Windsor data  This is typically called the Cumulative Effect  Need to look at existing major sources ‐ greenhouses 7

  8. 13/10/2011 Cumulative Assessment (2) Existing Maximum 1 Hr NOx  Used same computer model  Modelled NOx and particulate matter emissions for:  Existing situation for 25 greenhouse complexes in the study area including existing Southshore and Agriville  Future situation replacing Southshore and Agriville existing emissions with REMASCO emissions  Reviewed output  Graphical comparison of levels  Numeric comparison at critical receptors for HHRA study Combined Maximum 1 Hr NOx REMASCO Maximum 1 Hour NOx 8


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