interference effects for higgs mediated zz jet production

Interference effects for Higgs-mediated ZZ+jet production - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Interference effects for Higgs-mediated ZZ+jet production Elisabetta Furlan HP2 5 Florence, 3-5 Sept. 2014 Fermilab in collaboration with John M. Campbell, R. Keith Ellis and Raoul Rntsch Motivation a large fraction of the cross section

  1. Interference effects for Higgs-mediated ZZ+jet production Elisabetta Furlan HP2 5 Florence, 3-5 Sept. 2014 Fermilab in collaboration with John M. Campbell, R. Keith Ellis and Raoul Röntsch

  2. Motivation a large fraction of the cross section for events where the Higgs decays to vector bosons, pp -> H( -> VV) + X lies in the high mass tail M VV >2 m V Kauer, Passarino, JHEP 1208, 116 (2012) this tail is independent of the Higgs boson width G H bound G H { Caola, Melnikov, PRD88, 054024 (2013); Campbell et al., JHEP 1404, 060 (2014), PRD89,053011 (2014); Khachatryan et al. (CMS Collab.), PLB 736, 64 (2014); Tech. Rep. ATLAS-CONF- 2014-042. ➡ use it to study the effective Cacciapaglia et al., 1406.1757; Azatov et al., 1406.6338. gluon-Higgs coupling

  3. Motivation why the extra jet? radiation in gluon-fusion Higgs production is large ➡ large k-factors in gg -> H Dawson, NPB 359, 283 (1991); Djouadi et al., PLB 264, 440 (1991); Graudenz et al., PRL 70, 1372 (1993); ... ➡ large cross section for gg -> H + 1 jet Ellis et al., NPB297 , 221 (1998) production xsec in H + 1 jet and H + 0 jet comparable

  4. Motivation the one-loop amplitudes entering ZZ + jet are part of the missing higher-order corrections to inclusive loop-mediated Z pair production relevant to the Higgs-continuum interference these corrections are expected to be large -> having them under control would allow for a more reliable bound on G H from ZZ interference our results are analytical -> easier to integrate over singular regions virtual corrections are still missing ..

  5. Introduction Bounding the Higgs width using interference effects in ZZ Caola, Melnikov, PRD88, 054024 (2013); Campbell et al., JHEP 1404, 060 (2014), PRD89,053011 (2014); Kauer, Passarino, JHEP 1208, 116 (2012) consider an Higgs-mediated process i -> H -> f g 2 i g 2 H d σ f f i dq 2 ∼ ( q 2 − m 2 H ) 2 + m 2 H Γ 2 g f g i H g 2 i g 2 ➡ in the on-shell region σ peak ∼ { f Γ H Γ H ∝ σ tail ( integrate around q 2 ~ m H2 ) σ peak ➡ in the off-shell region σ tail ∼ g 2 i g 2 f (above the resonance, q 2 m H2 ) �

  6. Introduction for pp -> H -> ZZ -> 4l, about 15% of the total cross section is in the region with m 4l > 130 GeV Kauer, Passarino About 15% of the total cross ➡ use current measurements of the pp -> ZZ cross section to constrain G H Caola, Melnikov,

  7. Introduction look at Higgs-mediated Z pair production gg -> H -> ZZ interference effects with the background process gg -> ZZ are large in the high invariant mass region due to - unitarity requirements for the tt -> ZZ scattering − aE 2 + ( d − c ) m t E aE 2 + ( b + c ) m t E − ( b + d ) m t E

  8. Introduction this yields large destructive interference between gg -> H(->ZZ) -> 4l and gg -> ZZ -> 4l ➡ the qq background backgound is 1 - 2 orders of signal magnitude larger than the signal ➡ situation improves at higher center of mass energies Campbell et al., JHEP 1404, 060 (2014)

  9. Introduction constraint on the Higgs width: assume that σ peak = σ peak,SM g peak = g off , H H i,f i,f g i,f = α g SM Γ H 6 = Γ SM but allow for , i.e., i,f , H Γ H = α 4 Γ SM H . the ratio of peak and off-peak cross sections at 8TeV yields ✓ Γ H s σ H + I off ( m 4 l > 300 GeV) ◆ Γ H = 0 . 098 − 0 . 141 σ H Γ SM Γ SM peak H H Γ H . 25 . 2 Γ SM ➡ Campbell et al., JHEP 1404, 060 (2014) H Γ H < 5 . 4 Γ SM (CMS) H Γ H < (4 . 8 − 7 . 7) Γ SM (ATLAS) H

  10. Introduction similar ideas for interference effects in pp -> ZZ+1 jet ➡ in the tail, the ratio of Higgs signal to LO background even (slightly) better than for pp -> ZZ

  11. Introduction similar ideas for interference effects in pp -> ZZ+1 jet ➡ in the tail, the ratio of Higgs signal to LO background even better than for pp -> ZZ! ➡ also in this case the interference between pp -> H(->ZZ) + 1 jet and pp -> ZZ + 1 jet in the high energy region is large and needs to be taken into account

  12. Ingredients order process background signal q ¯ q → ZZ + g g 2 B qqg w g s t qg → ZZ + q q ¯ q → ZZ + g B qqg S qqg g 2 w g 3 1 l 1 l qg → ZZ + q s B ggg S ggg gg → ZZ + g 1 l 1 l

  13. Ingredients background signal LO cross section B qqg O(g W4 g s2 ) t B qqg S qqg 1 l 1 l B ggg S ggg 1 l 1 l

  14. Ingredients NLO effects background signal O(g W4 g s4 ) interference is small B qqg { both for S and B: I t N ZZj, B T -> k NLO ~ 0.98 Binoth et al., E R PLB 683 , 154 F. B qqg S qqg (2010) 1 l 1 l and fermion loops yield ~ 1% of the B ggg S ggg contribution 1 l 1 l -> for S, expect the same due to unitarity

  15. Ingredients NNLO effects background signal O(g W4 g s6 ) S-B interference in B qqg gg -> ZZg is t large and negative 2 in the high mass tail B qqg S qqg + 1 l 1 l Campanario et al., JHEP 1306, 069 (2013) 2 we add the interference B ggg S ggg + 1 l 1 l in qqg -> ZZ -> 25 - 40% effect

  16. Example Amplitude for or gq → H ( → ZZ ) q � � g α µ − p µ = − i g 2 g W 1 1 1 ( p α 2 + p α 3 ) s 2( t A ) 32 g s u ( p 3 ) γ µ u ( p 2 ) ¯ F ( s 23 , s H ) ( 16 π 2 4 m W s 23 p 1 · ( p 2 + p 3 ) scalar loop function for off-shell Higgs production from g*g Including also the Higgs decay into ZZ, � � � � g α µ − p µ F ( s 23 , s H ) 1 1 ( p α 2 + p α 3 ) ) , αρσ = N g s ( t A ) 32 u ( p 3 ) γ µ u ( p 2 ) M ¯ g ρσ , � � s H − M 2 p 1 · ( p 2 + p 3 ) s 23 ≡ − M M H � 2 � p 1 · p 2 2 + p 1 · p 2 � � | F ( s 23 , s 123 ) | 2 � s 123 − 2 m 2 = V s |N| 2 1 � S gq ¯ 3 2 g 2 Z 8 + q p 1 · p 2 ( s 123 − M 2 m 2 H ) 2 s 23 23 Z

  17. Results for pp -> ZZ + jet demand | η j | < 3 one single jet , p T,j > p T,cut (high mass tail) m ZZ > 300 GeV S qqg × B ∗ ,qqg |S ggg |S qqg 1 l | 2 1 l | 2 1 l 1 l p T, cut [GeV] σ gg H [fb] σ qg + q ¯ q [fb] σ gg I [fb] σ qg + q ¯ q [fb] σ tree [fb] I H I 30 0.0212 0.00679 -0.0299 -0.00929 0.00230 50 0.0124 0.00522 -0.0173 -0.00706 0.00182 √ s = 8 TeV 100 0.00467 0.00279 -0.00632 -0.00369 0.00097 200 0.00104 0.00086 -0.00133 -0.00111 0.00026 S qqg × B ∗ ,qqg S ggg × B ∗ ,ggg t 1 l 1 l 1 l

  18. Results for pp -> ZZ + jet demand | η j | < 3 one single jet , p T,j > p T,cut (high mass tail) m ZZ > 300 GeV p T, cut [GeV] σ gg H [fb] σ qg + q ¯ q [fb] σ gg I [fb] σ qg + q ¯ q [fb] σ tree [fb] I H I 30 0.0212 0.00679 -0.0299 -0.00929 0.00230 50 0.0124 0.00522 -0.0173 -0.00706 0.00182 √ s = 8 TeV 100 0.00467 0.00279 -0.00632 -0.00369 0.00097 200 0.00104 0.00086 -0.00133 -0.00111 0.00026   agree with Campanario et al., JHEP 1306, 069 (2013) strong cancellation as required by unitarity

  19. Results for pp -> ZZ + jet demand | η j | < 3 one single jet , p T,j > p T,cut (high mass tail) m ZZ > 300 GeV p T, cut [GeV] σ gg H [fb] σ qg + q ¯ q [fb] σ gg I [fb] σ qg + q ¯ q [fb] σ tree [fb] I H I 30 0.0212 0.00679 -0.0299 -0.00929 0.00230 50 0.0124 0.00522 -0.0173 -0.00706 0.00182 √ s = 8 TeV 100 0.00467 0.00279 -0.00632 -0.00369 0.00097 200 0.00104 0.00086 -0.00133 -0.00111 0.00026  small, as expected from Dixon et al., PRD 60, 114037 (1999) by unitarity arguments

  20. Results for pp -> ZZ + jet demand | η j | < 3 one single jet , p T,j > p T,cut (high mass tail) m ZZ > 300 GeV p T, cut [GeV] σ gg H [fb] σ qg + q ¯ q [fb] σ gg I [fb] σ qg + q ¯ q [fb] σ tree [fb] I H I 30 0.0212 0.00679 -0.0299 -0.00929 0.00230 50 0.0124 0.00522 -0.0173 -0.00706 0.00182 √ s = 8 TeV 100 0.00467 0.00279 -0.00632 -0.00369 0.00097 200 0.00104 0.00086 -0.00133 -0.00111 0.00026 ∼ { σ qg + q ¯ q ] σ qg + q ¯ q 25% for p T,cut = 30 GeV [f ] [f H I ∼ / σ H / σ I -0.009 50% for p T,cut = 200 GeV = 2 ➡ an harder cut probes regions of large x, where quark PDFs are relatively more important than gluon PDFs

  21. Results for pp -> ZZ + jet importance of the interference term: the Higgs-mediated contribution becomes negative its shape changes its magnitude is reduced in the high p T tail p T,cut = 30 GeV √ s = 8 TeV

  22. Results for pp -> ZZ + jet analogous to the ZZ case, the ratio of peak and off-peak cross sections at 8 TeV can be used to bound the Higgs width ✓ Γ H s σ H + I off,ZZ + jet ( m ZZ > 300 GeV) ◆ Γ H = 0 . 02890 − 0 . 0391 σ H Γ SM Γ SM peak,ZZ + jet H H in the next run of the LHC, expect about 100 events to be produced in the high mass tail ➡ alternative extraction of the Higgs width

  23. Conclusions Higgs width already constrained from interference effects in ZZ production similar analysis in the ZZ + jet channel is viable: in the high invariant mass tail, ➡ the Higgs production cross section in the zero and one jet bins are comparable ➡ the ratio of the Higgs signal to the LO background is larger in the one-jet bin than in the zero-jet bin

  24. Conclusions we performed a detailed analysis of the high invariant mass tail ➡ interference effects between Higgs and QCD ZZ production: large and negative as required by unitarity as in the pp -> ZZ case, relate the ratio of peak and off-peak cross sections to the Higgs decay width relative to the Standard Model


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