intent to

Intent to Serve Letters, Will Serves, and Transfers M E L I S SA - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Intent to Serve Letters, Will Serves, and Transfers M E L I S SA B L A N D, M A N AG E M E N T A N A LY ST Staff functions in the realm of operations. BOTTOM LINE Operational parameters UP FRONT are determined by Board policy.

  1. Intent to Serve Letters, Will Serves, and Transfers M E L I S SA B L A N D, M A N AG E M E N T A N A LY ST

  2. Staff functions in the realm of operations. BOTTOM LINE Operational parameters UP FRONT are determined by Board policy.

  3. ➢ 8.04.080(E)(3) Extensions of active ITS letters ➢ Letters for 3 EDUs or below are Intent to within the GM’s authority to Serve approve. Letters ➢ All other projects are subject 8.04.080 to Board approval and conditions.

  4. ➢ 8.04.060(C) Projects not Remodels, subject to EDU allocation. ➢ No ITS required because these Additions, projects are already connected. Reconstruction & Change of ➢ 4.02.030(C) Remodels and Use Active Service Transfers. ➢ Impact fees are applied for 8.04.060 4.20.030 added water fixtures.

  5. ➢ 8.04.100(B) Transfer of Single-Family Residential Positions ➢ 8.04.100(F) Transfer of Commercial EDUs “Position” can mean • (1) active service commitment; Transfer of • (2) non-active service commitment; • (3) parks / landscape / irrigation commitment; Positions • (4) wait list position; • (5) valid ITS letter; or • (6) valid connection permit. 8.04.100


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