2015 consumer survey intent

2015 Consumer Survey Intent The intent of the Consumer Survey was - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

2015 Consumer Survey Intent The intent of the Consumer Survey was to gain input from individuals served in the Central Iowa Community Services Region, in regard to service gaps. Satisfaction and barriers to accessing services was also measured.

  1. 2015 Consumer Survey

  2. Intent The intent of the Consumer Survey was to gain input from individuals served in the Central Iowa Community Services Region, in regard to service gaps. Satisfaction and barriers to accessing services was also measured.

  3. Overview  CICS paid claims on 1,511 individuals during FY 2015  Surveyed 20% of the individuals served by each member county  302 surveys sent to consumers Boone Franklin Hamilton Hardin Jasper Madison Marshall Poweshiek Story Warren 30 7 17 34 40 9 55 24 67 19  260 Surveys were delivered to the consumers via Postal Mail  The reduced number is due to undeliverable address information Boone Franklin Hamilton Hardin Jasper Madison Marshall Poweshiek Story Warren 27 6 15 30 31 9 43 20 62 17

  4. Overview  41 Surveys were returned  16% of those surveys delivered to the consumer  3 Returned Surveys did not indicate their County of Residence Boone Franklin Hamilton Hardin Jasper Madison Marshall Poweshiek Story Warren 3 0 1 6 5 4 5 2 8 4

  5. Survey A letter accompanied the survey with contact information for the local service coordinator and signed by the Service Coordination Officer.

  6. Survey Says… Services Received in the last 12 months CM/IHH/SC 24 Vocational/Employment Services 8 RCF/Waiver 24-hour SCL 3 Hospitalization 7 Outpatient MH 19 Home Supports 11 Drop in Center 6 Day Services 4 Respite Services 1 Payee 11 Did not Indicate 4

  7. Survey Says… Satisfaction 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Current Services & Supports Current Living Situation Employment Yes No Did Not Answer

  8. Survey Says… During your interaction with your local county staff (formerly CPC Office), have you been treated with courtesy and respect? Do you know what to do or who to contact if you need help or support? Do you feel your opinion and ideas count in planning for your services? Do you feel you have choice in the service and provider? 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Did Not Answer No Yes

  9. Survey Says… What services in your community are provided but need to be improved or expanded?  None Identified (6 of 23)  Transportation (5 of 23)  Others Included:  Qualified Staff Members  More services  Faith-Based Rehabilitation  Entry level jobs  Interpreters  SCL  Autism Services  Mentor Services

  10. Survey Says… What barriers keep you from accessing the services you need?  None Identified (8 of 24)  Transportation (3 of 24)  Self/Diagnosis (4 of 24)  Others Included:  Qualified Staff Members  Personal Finances  Past Criminal Charges (Employment)

  11. Summary  Those identified they were unsatisfied with their living arrangements, often identified they were not accessing community-based services, but rather facility-based services.  Those identified they were unsatisfied with their employment, commented they did not have a job.  Transportation was identified as the service which most needed improved or expanded, or was a barrier to accessing needed services.

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