Informed Search (2) Introduction to Artificial Intelligence H di M Hadi Moradi di 1 Last time: search strategies I I nformed: Use heuristics to guide the search f d U h i i id h h � Best first: � Greedy search: � A* search: 2 1
Another Search Problem � Job scheduling � m jobs 1 machine j b 1 hi � m jobs n machines (job-shop scheduling) � Example: 5 Job problem � N job problem: 3 This time � Iterative improvement Iterative improvement � Hill climbing � Simulated annealing 4 2
Iterative improvement � In many optimization problems, y p p , � path is irrelevant; � the goal state itself is the solution. � In such cases, can use iterative improvement algorithms: � 5 Iterative improvement example: vacuum world Simplified world: 2 locations, each may or not contain dirt, each may or not contain vacuuming agent. h t t i i t Goal of agent: clean up the dirt. If path does not matter, do not need to keep track of it. 6 3
Iterative improvement example: n-queens 7 Hill climbing (or gradient ascent/descent) � Iteratively maximize/minmize “value” of current state, by replacing it by successor state that has t t b l i it b t t th t h highest value, as long as possible. 8 4
Hill climbing � Note: minimizing a value function v(n) is Note: minimizing a “value” function v(n) is equivalent to maximizing –v(n), 9 Hill climbing � Problem: depending on initial state, may get stuck in local maxima stuck in local maxima. Does it matter if you � Any suggestion? start from left or from right? 10 5
Minimizing energy Basin of Attraction for C A B D E 11 C Local Minima Problem � Question: How do you avoid this local Question: How do you avoid this local minima? barrier to local search starting point descend descend direction local minima global minima 12 6
Consequences of the Occasional Ascents desired effect Help escaping the local optima. adverse effect Might pass global optima after reaching it 13 Boltzmann machines Attraction for C h A B D E C The Boltzmann Machine of Hinton, Sejnowski, and Ackley (1984) uses simulated annealing to escape local minima. Example: Arranging sugar cubes in its box. 14 7
Simulated annealing: basic idea � From current state pick a random successor � From current state, pick a random successor state: 15 Simulated annealing: Sword � . 16 8
Simulated annealing in practice - set T - optimize for given T - lower T - repeat t 17 MDSA: Molecular Dynamics Simulated Annealing Simulated annealing in practice set T - optimize for given T - lower T (see Geman & Geman, 1984) - repeat - � Geman & Geman (1984): if T is lowered ( ) sufficiently slowly (with respect to the number of iterations used to optimize at a given T), simulated annealing is guaranteed to find the global minimum. 18 9
Simulated annealing in practice set T set T - optimize for given T - lower T (see Geman & Geman, 1984) - repeat - � Caveat: � Caveat: 19 Simulated annealing algorithm � Idea: Escape local extrema by allowing “bad moves,” b t but gradually decrease their size and frequency. d ll d th i i d f Note: goal here is to - maximize E. 20 10
Note on simulated annealing: limit cases � Boltzmann distribution: accept “bad move” with Δ E< 0 (goal p (g is to maximize E) with probability P( Δ E) = exp( Δ E/T) Δ E < 0 � If T is large: Δ E/T < 0 and very small exp( Δ E/T) close to 1 accept bad move with high probability Δ E < 0 � If T is near 0: Δ E/T < 0 and very large exp( Δ E/T) close to 0 accept bad move with low probability 21 To accept or not to accept - SA? Change Temp exp(- Δ E/T) exp(- Δ E/T) Change Temp 0.2 0.95 0.810157735 0.2 0.1 0.135335283 0.4 0.95 0.656355555 0.4 0.1 0.018315639 0.6 0.95 0.53175153 0.6 0.1 0.002478752 0.8 0.95 0.430802615 0.8 0.1 0.000335463 22 11
Parent solution = new solution Monte Carlo Number Simulated Annealing Flowchart Flowchart 23 Local Beam Search � Keep track of k states Keep track of k states 24 12
Online Search in Continues Space � For instance f(x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3) to be For instance f(x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3) to be minimized 25 Solving TSP using SA � Visit all the cities (do not skip any city) � Visit all the cities (do not skip any city) � Do not visit a city twice � Shortest path � Convert it to: � Moving the elements of a fixed sized list � List = the path that should be taken (list of cities in Li t th th th t h ld b t k (li t f iti i order) � 26 13
Summary � Best-first search: � Best first search: � Greedy search: 27 Summary � A* search = best-first with measure = � A search best first with measure path cost so far + estimated path cost to goal. 28 14
Summary � Time complexity of heuristic algorithms � Time complexity of heuristic algorithms depend on quality of heuristic function. � Good heuristics can sometimes be constructed by examining the problem definition or by generalizing from experience with the problem class. 29 Summary � Iterative improvement algorithms keep � Iterative improvement algorithms keep only a single state in memory. � Can get stuck in local extrema; simulated annealing provides a way to escape local extrema, and is complete and optimal given a slow enough cooling schedule. 30 15
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