
Information closures) it is published on the school website. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

This presentation was intended to be shared at an information 3G Pitch evening. In the absence of this evening (during school Information closures) it is published on the school website. Youth sized 3G pitch , to replace a football pitch

  1. This presentation was intended to be shared at an information 3G Pitch evening. In the absence of this evening (during school Information closures) it is published on the school website.

  2. • Youth sized 3G pitch , to replace a football pitch that is currently unusable for the vast majority of the year due to poor drainage. • Improving facilities for students at this Academy. PROPOSAL • In partnership with The FA the new facility will also be used by selected local clubs in the evenings and at weekends.

  3. • PE lessons and fixtures are regularly cancelled due to the poor state of the football pitch. • This facility will enable a variety of sports BENEFITS (including football, netball, rounders) to be TO THE played in all weathers. STUDENTS • This will lead to improved PE provision for students at the Academy.


  5. • Located to the North of the school buildings, but the pitch furthest away from residential properties. • 201m from Whitefields Rd (South East) • 215m to Dingle Lane (South) • LOCATION 168m from Dingle Lane (South West) • This location has specifically been selected due to the distance away from the neighbours. It will be located within the mature trees with no need to remove any existing trees.

  6. • The proposed site is a football pitch which is unusable for the vast majority of the year due to extremely poor drainage. As this pitch is unplayable, students at the Academy are not able to access a full PE curriculum as lessons planned for this pitch are cancelled or moved LOSS OF due to the increased risk of injury. This 3G will EXISTING accommodate other sports in the school day to GREEN SPACE enhance our PE and extra-curricular provision. • The school maintain plenty of green space with a further 2 rugby pitches and a cricket pitch.

  7. • The FA approved lighting system is LED and the lux levels outside of the pitch area are minimal. • There will be absolutely no floodlight pollution observed from outside of the school grounds. LIGHTING • Lights will be set electronically and will automatically turn off at the end of the session. Therefore play and lighting will never continue beyond the set hours.


  9. • The facility will be for the sole use of the Academy during the hours of 7.30am – 5pm. • The facility will be let out (as per the development plan) for use by local charter standard football clubs as part of the FA playing strategy. HOURS OF USE • Hours for lettings would be 5 – 9pm on weekdays, 9 – 5.30pm on Saturdays and 9 – 4pm on Sundays.

  10. • The facility is as far from housing as it can be and the professional conclusion is that noise could be noticeable but will not be intrusive. • NOISE AND To ensure we are working with our community, DISTURBANCE the hours of letting at weekends will be limited and no later than 5:30pm Saturday and 4pm Sunday.

  11. • Surveys have shown the proposed venue will not result in adverse impacts to any sensitive ecological receptors, biodiversity or protected species • As no trees need to be removed for this DISTURBANCE proposal, damage to local wildlife will be TO WILDLIFE limited. • The plans include additional tree planting to the North of the facility.

  12. • School Letting Solutions (SLS) are a key partner. They would be responsible for ensuring that clubs using the facility would adhere to the service level agreement, including close supervision of participants. • A TGAS 3G steering group will meet termly to review usage. Representatives to include: • Local residents MAINTAINING • Senior leaders at TGAS COMMUNITY RELATIONS • SLS representatives • A representative from each club using the facility • Representative from county FA

  13. • Sufficient onsite parking for facility users. • Promotion of car sharing and the use of grass travel methods including walking, cycling and use of public transport. • PARKING Existing entrances and exits used for the facility. • No parking in the local community or side roads.

  14. • In Solihull, there are only two FA sanctioned 3G pitches available for youth football, both of these are located in North Solihull. • South Solihull is featured on the FA Playing Pitch Strategy. There is a clear need for this facility as indicated on the FA Local Football Facility Plan DEMAND (LFFP). The FA LFFP identifies Solihull’s need for 6 more 3G pitches now and 9 by 2028 and has identified TGAS as key priority project

  15. • This is not a commercial venture. • The primary purpose of this proposal is to improve sporting facilities and therefore sporting provision for the young people at TGAS. • COMMERCIAL Local clubs have and will be consulted to ensure the VENTURE 3G meets the needs of our community. “Club Nights” will be created whereby a specific club uses the 3G for that evening thus creating a safe and welcoming atmosphere conducive to positive outcomes.

  16. • As this is not a commercial venture, there would be no need for advertisement of this type. • Football clubs would be those that our students VISUAL currently play for and who would be signing up to a POLLUTION OF lengthy contract (which could be ended by SLS if they BANNERS AND do not keep to the service level agreement). ILLUMINATED SIGNS

  17. • Senior leaders at TGAS have consulted with representatives from the local community to gain a better understanding of residents concerns. • Changes to the planning proposal have been made based on this consultation. INVITING QUESTIONS • We invite queries / comments from our community. These can be sent to


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