
Information Information partition Player 's information partition - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Information by Prof. Kyung Hwan Baik. Slides for chapter 7 of Games and Information Information partition Player 's information partition is a collection of his information sets i such that each path is represented by one node in

  1. Information by Prof. Kyung Hwan Baik. Slides for chapter 7 of Games and Information  Information partition Player 's information partition is a collection of his information sets ð i such that each path is represented by one node in a single information set r in the partition, and the predecessors of all nodes in a single information set are r in one information set. The information partition refers to a stage of the game , ð not chronological time. We say that partition II is coarser , and partition I is finer . ð

  2.  We categorize the information structure of a game in four different ways. In a game of perfect information , ð each information set is a singleton. Otherwise, the game is one of imperfect information. r A game of certainty has no moves by Nature after any player moves. ð Otherwise, the game is one of uncertainty . r In a game of symmetric information , a player's information set at ð any node where he chooses an action, or r an end node r contains at least the same elements as the information sets of every other player. Otherwise, the game is one of asymmetric information. r

  3. In a game of incomplete information , Nature moves first and ð is unobserved by at least one of the players. Otherwise, the game is one of complete information. r  Bayes' Rule For Nature's move and the observed data, ð x ( | ) œ ( | ) ( ) Î ( ) Prob x data Prob data x Prob x Prob data

  4. Chapter 7 Moral Hazard: Hidden Actions 7.1 Categories of Asymmetric Information Models  We will make heavy use of the principal-agent model . The principal hires an agent to perform a task, ð and the agent acquires an informational advantage about his type, his actions, or the outside world at some point in the game. It is usually assumed that the players can make a binding contract ð at some point in the game. The principal (or uninformed player) is the player ð who has the coarser information partition. The agent (or informed player) is the player ð who has the finer information partition.

  5.  Categories of asymmetric information models Moral hazard with hidden actions ð The moral hazard models are games of complete information r with uncertainty. Postcontractual hidden knowledge ð Adverse selection ð Adverse selection models have incomplete information . r

  6. Signalling ð A "signal" is different from a "message" r because it is not a costless statement, but a costly action . Screening ð If the worker acquires his credentials in response to a wage offer r made by the employer, the problem is screening. Many economists do not realize that screening and signalling are r different and use the terms interchangeably .

  7. 7.2 A Principal-Agent Model: The Production Game  The Production Game Players ð the principal and the agent r The order of play ð 1 The principal offers the agent a wage . w 2 The agent decides whether to accept or reject the contract. 3 If the agent accepts, he exerts effort . e q w  4 Output equals ( ), where 0. q e

  8. Payoffs ð If the agent rejects the contract, r _ then 1 œ and 1 œ 0. U agent principal If the agent accepts the contract, r then 1 œ ( , ) and 1 œ (  ), U e w V q w agent principal V w where ` Î`  0, ` Î`  0, and  0. U e U w  An assumption common to most principal-agent models Other principals compete to employ the agent, ð so the principal's equilibrium profit equals zero. Or many agents compete to work for the principal, ð so the agent's equilibrium utility equals the minimum for which _ he will accept the job, called the reservation utility U , .

  9.  Production Game I: Full Information Every move is common knowledge and the contract is a function w e ( ). ð The principal must decide what he wants the agent to do and ð what incentive to give him to do it. ~ The agent must be paid some amount ( ) to exert effort , ð w e e _ ~ where ( , ( )) œ . U e w e U The principal's problem is ð ~ ( ( )  ( )). Maximize V q e w e e

  10. e * At the optimal effort level, , the marginal utility to the agent which ð would result if he kept all the marginal output from extra effort equals the marginal disutility to him of that effort. ~ ( ` Î` ) ( ` Î` ) œ  ` Î` r U w q e U e ( ) denotes the monetary value of output at an effort level . q e e r Under perfect competition among the principals, the profits are zero. ð at the profit-maximizing effort e * r ~ ( * * œ ) ( ) w e q e _ * * ( , ( )) œ U e q e U * * The principal selects the point ( , ) r e w _ on the indifference curve . U

  11. The principal must then design a contract that will induce the agent ð to choose this effort level. The following contracts are equally effective under full information. ð * * * The forcing contract sets ( ) œ and (e Á ) œ 0. r w e w w e * * * The threshold contract sets ( ) œ and (  ) œ 0. r w e e w w e e The linear contract sets ( ) œ α  " , r w e e * * where and are chosen so that α " œ α  " and w e _ e * the contract line is tangent to the indifference curve at . U

  12. 2 Utility function ( , ) œ (  ) is also a quasilinear function, ð U e w log w e 2 because it is just a monotonic function of ( , ) œ  . U e w w e 2 Utility function ( , ) œ (  ) is concave in , ð U e w log w e w so it represents a risk-averse agent. 2 As with utility function ( , ) œ  , ð U e w w e the optimal effort does not depend on the agent's wealth . w

  13.  Production Game II: Full Information ð Every move is common knowledge and the contract is a function w e ( ). The agent moves first. ð The agent, not the principal, proposes the contract. r The order of play ð 1 The agent offers the principal a contract ( ). w e 2 The principal decides whether to accept or reject the contract. 3 If the principal accepts, the agent exerts effort . e q w  4 Output equals ( ), where 0. q e

  14. In this game, the agent has all the bargaining power, not the principal. ð The agent will maximize his own payoff r by driving the principal to exactly zero profits. ( ) œ ( ) r w e q e The maximization problem for the agent can be written as ð e ( , ( )). Maximize U e q e The optimality equation is identical in Production Games I and II. ð e * At the optimal effort level, , the marginal utility of the money r derived from marginal effort equals the marginal disutility of effort. ( ` Î` ) ( ` Î` ) œ  ` Î` r U w q e U e

  15. Although the form of the optimality equation is the same, ð the optimal effort might not be, because except in the special case in which the agent's reservation payoff in Production Game I equals his equilibrium payoff in Production Game II, the agent ends up with higher wealth if he has all the bargaining power. If the utility function is not quasilinear, r the wealth effect will change the optimal effort. If utility is quasilinear , the efficient effort level is independent of ð which side has the bargaining power because the gains from efficient production are independent of how those gains are distributed so long as each party has no incentive to abandon the relationship. This is the same lesson as the Coase Theorem's: r under general conditions the activities undertaken will be efficient and independent of the distribution of property rights.

  16.  Production Game III: A Flat Wage under Certainty The principal can condition the wage neither on effort nor on output. ð The principal observes neither effort nor output, r so information is asymmetric. The outcome of Production Game III is simple and inefficient . ð If the wage is nonnegative, r the agent accepts the job and exerts zero effort, so the principal offers a wage of zero.

  17. Moral hazard ð the problem of the agent choosing the wrong action r because the principal cannot use the contract to punish him the danger to the principal that the agent, r constrained only by his morality , not punishments, cannot be trusted to behave as he ought a temptation for the agent, a hazard to his morals r A clever contract can overcome moral hazard ð by conditioning the wage on something that is observable and correlated with effort, such as output.

  18.  Production Game IV: An Output-based Wage under Certainty The principal cannot observe effort but can observe output and ð specify the contract to be ( ). w q e * It is possible to achieve the efficient effort level ð despite the unobservability of effort. e * The principal starts by finding the optimal effort level . r * * œ ( ) r q q e To give the agent the proper incentives , r * the contract must reward him when output is q .

  19. A variety of contracts could be used. r The forcing contract, for example, would be r any wage function such that _ _ * * * ( , ( )) œ and ( , ( ))  for Á . U e w q U U e w q U e e The unobservability of effort is not a problem in itself, ð if the contract can be conditioned on something which is observable and perfectly correlated with effort .


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