inf5470 fall 2011

INF5470 Fall 2011 Lecture 5: Neuromorphic Communication Content - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

INF5470 Fall 2011 Lecture 5: Neuromorphic Communication Content The AER protocol Collision Handling Serial AER Weekly Questions Lecture 5: Neuromorphic Communication 2 Content The AER protocol Collision Handling Serial AER Weekly

  1. INF5470 — Fall 2011 Lecture 5: Neuromorphic Communication

  2. Content The AER protocol Collision Handling Serial AER Weekly Questions Lecture 5: Neuromorphic Communication 2

  3. Content The AER protocol Collision Handling Serial AER Weekly Questions Lecture 5: Neuromorphic Communication 3

  4. Address Event Representation: Basic Idea Trading in parallelism for speed 1 1 demultiplexer multiplexer 2 2 1 3 2 1 2 2 3 3 demultiplexer multiplexer Lecture 5: Neuromorphic Communication 4

  5. 4 Phase Handshake Asynchronous Communication /REQ t t t t 6 2 4 5 /ACK t t 1 3 DATA valid Lecture 5: Neuromorphic Communication 5

  6. Content The AER protocol Collision Handling Serial AER Weekly Questions Lecture 5: Neuromorphic Communication 6

  7. Full Arbitration (1/3) two input greedy arbiter ack1 req1 req req0 ack0 ack Lecture 5: Neuromorphic Communication 7

  8. Full Arbitration (2/3) Glitch free two input greedy arbiter ack1 req1 req req0 ack0 ack Lecture 5: Neuromorphic Communication 8

  9. Full Arbitration (3/3) 8 input arbiter binary tree req7 req1 ack7 ack1 req ack req6 req0 req1 ack6 ack0 ack1 req ack req5 req1 req0 ack5 ack1 ack0 req ack req4 req0 req1 ack4 ack0 ack1 req ack req3 req1 req0 ack3 ack1 ack0 req ack req2 req0 req1 ack2 ack0 ack1 req ack req1 req1 req0 ack1 ack1 ack0 req ack req0 req0 ack0 ack0 Lecture 5: Neuromorphic Communication 9

  10. Discarding Error detection encoding and collision discarding bit 3 bit 2 bit 1 bit 0 I I I I I I 0011 0101 0110 1001 1010 1100 Vbias Lecture 5: Neuromorphic Communication 10

  11. Age versus Loss Trade Off A tunable compromise ramp winner generators take pulse reset by time-out encoder all generators or acknowledge 2 Lecture 5: Neuromorphic Communication 11

  12. Content The AER protocol Collision Handling Serial AER Weekly Questions Lecture 5: Neuromorphic Communication 12

  13. High Speed LVDS Serial AER + compact connector + high speed ( ∼ 100Mevents/s) + flexible word length - synchronous - power hungry (relatively) Lecture 5: Neuromorphic Communication 13

  14. Content The AER protocol Collision Handling Serial AER Weekly Questions Lecture 5: Neuromorphic Communication 14

  15. Weekly Questions 1. How do you imagine a non-greedy arbiter is supposed to work as opposed to the greedy arbiter in the script? Would you be able to draw a signal timing diagram in an interesting case? Lecture 5: Neuromorphic Communication 15


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