INF5470 — Fall 2010 Philipp Häfliger Lecture 5: Neuromorphic Communication
Content The AER protocol Collision Handling Serial AER Lecture 5: Neuromorphic Communication 2
Content The AER protocol Collision Handling Serial AER Lecture 5: Neuromorphic Communication 3
Address Event Representation: Basic Idea Trading in parallelism for speed Lecture 5: Neuromorphic Communication 4
4 Phase Handshake Asynchronous Communication Lecture 5: Neuromorphic Communication 5
Content The AER protocol Collision Handling Serial AER Lecture 5: Neuromorphic Communication 6
Full Arbitration (1/3) two input greedy arbiter Lecture 5: Neuromorphic Communication 7
Full Arbitration (2/3) Glitch free two input greedy arbiter Lecture 5: Neuromorphic Communication 8
Full Arbitration (3/3) 8 input arbiter binary tree Lecture 5: Neuromorphic Communication 9
Discarding Error detection encoding and collision discarding Lecture 5: Neuromorphic Communication 10
Age versus Loss Trade Off A tunable compromise Lecture 5: Neuromorphic Communication 11
Content The AER protocol Collision Handling Serial AER Lecture 5: Neuromorphic Communication 12
High Speed LVDS Serial AER + compact connector + high speed ( ∼ 100Mevents/s) + flexible word length - synchronous - power hungry (relatively) Lecture 5: Neuromorphic Communication 13
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