industry forum safa programme

Industry Forum SAFA Programme October 2012 Kln C. Donzel-Defigier - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Industry Forum SAFA Programme October 2012 Kln C. Donzel-Defigier (French SAFA National Coordinator) Direction gnrale de lAviation civile Ministre de l'cologie, du Dveloppement Durable et de lEnergie Industry Forum Forum

  1. Industry Forum SAFA Programme October 2012 Köln C. Donzel-Defigier (French SAFA National Coordinator) Direction générale de l’Aviation civile Ministère de l'Écologie, du Développement Durable et de l’Energie

  2. Industry Forum Forum Industry Missing fasteners limitations Direction générale 2 2 Industry Forum – October 2012 de l’Aviation civile

  3. Missing Fasteners Fasteners Limitations Limitations Missing Back to basics (I) : ICAO regulatory framework � ICAO requirements involving the pre-flight check / aircraft acceptance / defect notification : � A6-I-4.3.1(a)(c) : A flight shall not be commenced until flight preparation forms have been completed certifying that the pilot-in- command is satisfied that: a) the aeroplane is airworthy; c) a maintenance release as prescribed in 8.8 has been issued in respect of the aeroplane; � A6-I-4.5.4 : The pilot-in-command shall be responsible for reporting all known or suspected defects in the aeroplane, to the operator, at the termination of the flight. Direction générale 3 3 Industry Forum – October 2012 de l’Aviation civile

  4. Missing Fasteners Fasteners Limitations Limitations Missing Back to basics (II) : EASA SAFA procedures � A SAFA finding is a deviation from an applicable SAFA standard : - Chicago Convention and ICAO Annexes, - ICAO Supplementary procedures (doc 7030), - Manufacturer’s standards, - Aircraft Certification standards. MEL / CDL / AMM / SRM MEL / CDL / AMM / SRM � A finding is a technical issue : - that has not been detected by the operator, - or that has not been properly addressed by the airline – among others during the turn around of the aircraft (pre-flight). Clear distinction between a technical problem and a SAFA Finding Clear distinction between a technical problem and a SAFA Finding Direction générale 4 4 Industry Forum – October 2012 de l’Aviation civile

  5. Missing Fasteners Fasteners Limitations Limitations Missing Back to basics (II) : EASA SAFA procedures � A SAFA finding is a deviation from an applicable SAFA standard : - Chicago Convention and ICAO Annexes, - ICAO Supplementary procedures (doc 7030), - Manufacturer’s standards, - Aircraft Certification standards. MEL / CDL / AMM / SRM MEL / CDL / AMM / SRM � A ramp inspector does not create his/her own set of standards, he/she checks the correct implementation of standards and tolerances defined, among others, in the inspected airline’s own AMM/SRM. Direction générale 5 5 Industry Forum – October 2012 de l’Aviation civile

  6. Missing Fasteners Fasteners Limitations Limitations Missing Back to basics (II) : EASA SAFA procedures � A SAFA finding is a deviation from an applicable SAFA standard : - Chicago Convention and ICAO Annexes, - ICAO Supplementary procedures (doc 7030), - Manufacturer’s standards, - Aircraft Certification standards. MEL / CDL / AMM / SRM MEL / CDL / AMM / SRM Missing/loose fasteners Direction générale 6 6 Industry Forum – October 2012 de l’Aviation civile

  7. Missing Fasteners Fasteners Limitations Limitations Missing Example : a SANA inspection in France Direction générale 7 7 Industry Forum – October 2012 de l’Aviation civile

  8. Missing Fasteners Fasteners Limitations Limitations Missing Example : a SANA inspection in France Direction générale 8 8 Industry Forum – October 2012 de l’Aviation civile

  9. Missing Fasteners Fasteners Limitations Limitations Missing � This kind of situation (very restrictive limitations for dispatch set by the manufacturer), leads to lots of SAFA findings to be detected � It creates lots of operational disruptions and delays considered by airlines as “ unnecessary ” (obtention of an NTO from the manufacturer or a design approved organisation) Some airlines contacted Boeing to set dispatch limitations to cope with defects on missing screws (secondary structure) Update of their SRM with dispatch conditions (more and more seen on the ramp) Direction générale 9 9 Industry Forum – October 2012 de l’Aviation civile

  10. Missing Fasteners Fasteners Limitations Limitations Missing Direction générale 10 10 Industry Forum – October 2012 de l’Aviation civile

  11. Missing Fasteners Fasteners Limitations Limitations Missing Direction générale 11 11 Industry Forum – October 2012 de l’Aviation civile

  12. Missing Fasteners Fasteners Limitations Limitations Missing Direction générale 12 12 Industry Forum – October 2012 de l’Aviation civile

  13. Missing Fasteners Fasteners Limitations Limitations Missing Direction générale 13 13 Industry Forum – October 2012 de l’Aviation civile

  14. Missing Fasteners Fasteners Limitations Limitations Missing Dispatch Conditions !!! Direction générale 14 14 Industry Forum – October 2012 de l’Aviation civile

  15. Missing Fasteners Fasteners Limitations Limitations Missing Another example… Missing screws on A320 family Direction générale 15 15 Industry Forum – October 2012 de l’Aviation civile

  16. Missing Fasteners Fasteners Limitations Limitations Missing Direction générale 16 16 Industry Forum – October 2012 de l’Aviation civile

  17. Missing Fasteners Fasteners Limitations Limitations Missing Direction générale 17 17 Industry Forum – October 2012 de l’Aviation civile

  18. Missing Fasteners Fasteners Limitations Limitations Missing French DGAC opinion E-mail from the DSAC deputy director to an airline and a manufacturer, January 2012 Direction générale 18 18 Industry Forum – October 2012 de l’Aviation civile

  19. Missing Fasteners Fasteners Limitations Limitations Missing French DGAC opinion Manufacturers defined very restrictive dispatch E-mail from conditions for some technical defects, including the DSAC missing/loose fasteners. deputy director to an airline Airlines state that the verification of each of and a those items would be very time-consuming. manufacturer, Moreover, those restrictive dispatch conditions January 2012 are defined for items the manufacturer does not require to be checked before each flight Adequacy between aircraft acceptance procedures and dispatch conditions? Contact the manufacturer to see if some dispatch conditions can be modified Direction générale 19 19 Industry Forum – October 2012 de l’Aviation civile

  20. Missing Fasteners Fasteners Limitations Limitations Missing GM V2 : new EASA rules for missing fasteners GM V2 § 4.2 Missing/loose fasteners Within limits Outside limits Remark (cat G) No dispatch conditions for airline information PDF C01/ C03/ C07 Cat 3 Fasteners or rivets loose or missing outside SRM/AMM limits Direction générale 20 20 Industry Forum – October 2012 de l’Aviation civile

  21. Missing Fasteners Fasteners Limitations Limitations Missing GM V2 : new EASA rules for missing fasteners No dispatch conditions PDF C01/ C03/ C07 Cat 3 Fasteners or rivets loose or missing outside SRM/AMM limits GM V2 §4.1 Direction générale 21 21 Industry Forum – October 2012 de l’Aviation civile

  22. Missing Fasteners Fasteners Limitations Limitations Missing Direction générale 22 22 Industry Forum – October 2012 de l’Aviation civile

  23. Missing Fasteners Fasteners Limitations Limitations Missing Direction générale 23 23 Industry Forum – October 2012 de l’Aviation civile

  24. Missing Fasteners Fasteners Limitations Limitations Missing Thank you for your attention Direction générale 24 24 Industry Forum – October 2012 de l’Aviation civile

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