in the fight against litter

in the fight against litter David Schisler, C.E.E. R. SCHISLER - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Single-use products under attack in the fight against litter David Schisler, C.E.E. R. SCHISLER Pack2Go Europe Spring meeting 2015 3-4-5 June The Landmark, London EU Action on Plastics Carrier Bags Pack2Go Europe Spring meeting 2015 3-4-5

  1. Single-use products under attack in the fight against litter David Schisler, C.E.E. R. SCHISLER Pack2Go Europe Spring meeting 2015 3-4-5 June – The Landmark, London

  2. EU Action on Plastics Carrier Bags Pack2Go Europe Spring meeting 2015 3-4-5 June – The Landmark, London

  3. The French bans General EU rule: free access to compliant packaging • The 1994 Packaging & Packaging Waste Directive does not allow EU countries to discriminate against packaging so long as it complies with “essential requirements” • Italy banned plastics carrier bags illegally (unless bioplastics) An exception made for single-use carrier plastics bags • EU institutions changed the rules to legalise Italy’s position (new rules published last month) Pack2Go Europe Spring meeting 2015 3-4-5 June – The Landmark, London

  4. What is going on in France now? Pack2Go Europe Spring meeting 2015 3-4-5 June – The Landmark, London

  5. The French bans 1 Single-use carrier plastics bags • Now that EU law allows it, France will ban single-use plastics carrier bags by 2016 . Pack2Go Europe Spring meeting 2015 3-4-5 June – The Landmark, London

  6. The French bans: following the precedent 2 Single-use plastics tableware • Green Party in France opportunistically took a step further: ban of single-use plastics tableware by 2020 now on the table (unless bio-sourced/compostable) • This too is illegal under the EU Packaging & Packaging Waste Directive • But, after the precedent set by the plastics bag ban, French Greens are now seeking new targets Pack2Go Europe Spring meeting 2015 3-4-5 June – The Landmark, London

  7. The context and politics behind it Pack2Go Europe Spring meeting 2015 3-4-5 June – The Landmark, London

  8. The big picture Part of larger proposal: Energy Efficiency & Circular Economy • Introduced by French government • Environment Minister Segolène Royal • This main focus of the proposal is to reduce French carbon emissions by 40% in 2030 • The Greens opportunistically put forward an amendment to ban tableware Pack2Go Europe Spring meeting 2015 3-4-5 June – The Landmark, London

  9. The two houses of the French Parliament are fighting it out Pack2Go Europe Spring meeting 2015 3-4-5 June – The Landmark, London

  10. The big picture * Has final say Proposed compromise of * Proposal originally targeted introducing collecting/sorting all single-use plastics tableware at source • Now limited to cups and plates • Deadline: summer 2015 Pack2Go Europe Spring meeting 2015 3-4-5 June – The Landmark, London

  11. Timeline Key takeaways  French government wants to be seen leading the way on environmental matters (hosting world climate change talks at the end of 2015 in Paris)  Bioplastics industry likely pushing for this and create a market for themselves  Green Party is focussing big part of efforts on this  The ban will be very hard to fight off/ likely here to stay  It will be challenged by Brussels (it is currently illegal under EU law )  Single-use cups and plates will likely stay in legal limbo until the situation is clarified at EU level or the French somehow undo this later on  Greens will fight with this tooth and nail to put pressure on EU to do the same as France Pack2Go Europe Spring meeting 2015 3-4-5 June – The Landmark, London

  12. Timeline Meanwhile… in Berlin: • The city of Berlin is considering placing litter tax on paper cups • Despite the fact that this has been ruled unconstitutional in the past • Developing legal measures to address litter is very much part of the public debate • To be continued…. Pack2Go Europe Spring meeting 2015 3-4-5 June – The Landmark, London

  13. Thank you for your attention Pack2Go Europe Spring meeting 2015 3-4-5 June – The Landmark, London

  14. Thank you for your attention Pack2Go Europe Spring meeting 2015 3-4-5 June – The Landmark, London

  15. Thank you for your attention Pack2Go Europe Spring meeting 2015 3-4-5 June – The Landmark, London

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