in situ coal combustion products impoundment closure

In Situ Coal Combustion Products Impoundment Closure Strategy Tim - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

In Situ Coal Combustion Products Impoundment Closure Strategy Tim Silar, PG - Silar Services Inc. John Magee, PE - Silar Services Inc. Glenn R. Luke, PE - Natural Resource Technology, Inc. Christopher A. Robb, PE - Natural Resource Technology,

  1. In Situ Coal Combustion Products Impoundment Closure Strategy Tim Silar, PG - Silar Services Inc. John Magee, PE - Silar Services Inc. Glenn R. Luke, PE - Natural Resource Technology, Inc. Christopher A. Robb, PE - Natural Resource Technology, Inc. May 6, 2015

  2. Presentation Objectives Provide a permanent, engineered, technically sound, and lower cost impoundment closure option  Common impoundment challenges/concerns  Impoundment closure method  Cost Evaluation Regulatory applicability and stakeholder acceptance   Environmental impact analysis What’s Next? Site specific evaluation and implementation

  3. Common CCP Impoundment Challenges/Concerns  CCP below the water table  Increased hydraulic head  Saturated and differential hydraulic conditions  Feasibility of construction  Extensive dewatering and treatment  Historic infrastructure

  4. CCP Impoundment Profile

  5. Constructability Evaluation Investigation and

  6. Closure Method In Situ Solidification/Stabilization (ISS)  ISS: In-place mechanical mixing of contaminated media with dry reagent or an injected engineered grout mixture  Result: Monolithic structure with increased strength/stability and decreased permeability  Typical Reagents: Portland Cement, GGBFS, bentonite  Typical Performance Goals Decreased Permeability (e.g. ≤ 1x10 -6 to 1x10 -7 (cm/sec) o Increased compressive strength (e.g. ≥ 50 psi) o Reduction of leaching to meet regulatory requirements o  Construction Techniques Conventional full depth ISS – proven technique o Discrete zone ISS – pilot tested technique o

  7. ISS Drilling Concepts Full Depth Construction Vertical Barrier and Geotechnical Stability Discrete Layer Construction Horizontal Hydraulic Barrier

  8. Impoundment Site Preparation

  9. Impoundment ISS Construction

  10. Final Cover Construction

  11. Proof of Methods  Applications of ISS on CCP Previously need for active remediation was limited o Implemented for geotechnical/stability applications o  Discrete ISS: Successfully Pilot Tested at CERCLA Site  Baseline Laboratory Treatability Testing on CCP Material Properties – physical and chemical o Reagent and proportion selection (e.g. Portland Cement, o Slag, Bentonite) Performance testing (hydraulic conductivity, compressive o strength, monolithic leaching) Impoundment water reuse evaluation o

  12. CCP ISS Treatability Testing 10% Portland 7.5% GGBFS 6% GGBFS 8% Portland 18% GGBFS Grout Amendments and Cement 2.5% Portland 8% Portland 2% Portland Cement 6% Portland Cement Proportions 0.5% Bentonite Cement Cement Cement 0.5% Bentonite 2% Bentonite Curing Days Prior to Testing 14 14 14 28 14 28 14 28 14 28 Moisture Content (%) (pretreatment) 31 31 37 37 37 37 37 37 23.5 23.5 Density (lbs/ft 3 ) (pretreatment) 102 102 97.63 97.63 97.63 97.63 97.63 97.63 97.63 97.63 Unconfined Compressive Strengh (psi) 221 184 80 101 38 76 70 86 -- 1039 Hydraulic Conductivity 4.1 x 10 -7 1 x 10 -6 8.1 x 10 -6 9.1 x 10 -6 6.4 x 10 -6 2.3 x 10 -8 (cm/sec) -- -- -- -- GGBFS = Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag

  13. Regulatory Applicability  USEPA final Disposal of Coal Combustion Residuals from Electric Utilities rule – April 17, 2015  Numerous requirements are set forth for existing impoundments including: Location – groundwater separation, wetlands, seismic zones o Structural integrity – Calculated factors of safety requirements o Liner construction – Liner demonstration and/or composite liner o  This method is applicable for: Closure of impoundments that do not meet location requirements o or require groundwater corrective action Closure of impoundments that do not meet stability criteria o Corrective Action for impoundments that meet location and o groundwater criteria but do not meet stability criteria

  14. Cost Evaluation  Compare in situ closure method to excavation and off-site disposal  Assume the impoundment volume is approximately 1.3 million cubic yards (40 acres by 20’ thick)  Excavation Assumptions: Excavation volume is 1.29 million cubic yards o Excavated ash will be disposed within 50 miles of the o impoundment One cubic yard of ash weighs 2,700 lbs o Excavation will require dewatering and water treatment o Impoundment will be backfilled and vegetated o  In situ Closure Assumptions: ISS volume is 366,000 cubic yards including 5’ thick discrete o bottom liner and 10’ wide fully penetrating perimeter walls to 25’ below grade Dewatered groundwater will be used in ISS batch plant o Impoundment will be capped with geo-textile and soil cover o Cost evaluated on recent experience and discussions with  contractors

  15. Cost Evaluation Excavation and Off-Site Disposal In situ Closure (ISS) Estimated Item Units Unit Price $ Amount $ Unit Price $ Amount $ Quantity General Conditions Mobilization & Temporary 1 Lump Sum $ 700,000 $ 700,000 $ 700,000 $ 700,000 Facilities Setup Site Preparation 1 Lump Sum $ 1,500,000 $ 1,500,000 $ 1,500,000 $ 1,500,000 Clearing, Grubbing and Erosion Controls Installation, 1 Lump Sum $ 300,000 $ 300,000 $ 300,000 $ 300,000 Maintenance & Monitoring Demobilization & Record 1 Lump Sum $ 250,000 $ 250,000 $ 250,000 $ 250,000 Documents Excavation & Backfill Excavate Ash, Dewater, and 1,290,667 Cubic Yards $ 20 $ 25,813,340 $ - $ - Load Transport and Dispose of 1,742,400 Tons $ 60 $ 104,544,027 $ - $ - Ash Backfill with Off-site fill 645,334 Cubic Yards $ 25 $ 16,133,338 $ - $ - In-Situ Solidification Mobilize ISS Treatment 1 Lump Sum $ - $ - $ 500,000 $ 500,000 Equipment and Materials In situ Solidification/Stabilization 366,000 Cubic Yards $ - $ - $ 80 $ 29,280,000 (ISS) ISS Swell Management 54,900 Cubic Yards $ - $ - $ 4 $ 197,640 (15%) Geotextile Cap 40 Acres $ - $ - $ 50,000 $ 2,000,000 Dewatering - Excavation Frac Tank Mobilization, 8 Each $ 3,000 $ 24,000 $ - $ - Setup and Demobilization Site Water Management 104 Week $ 25,000 $ 2,600,000 $ - $ - Dewatering - ISS Frac Tank Mobilization, 4 Each $ - $ - $ 3,000 $ 12,000 Setup and Demobilization Site Water Management 52 Week $ - $ - $ 5,000 $ 260,000 Site Restoration Topsoil 32,267 Cubic Yard $ - $ - $ 26 $ 838,942 Seed and Mulch 40 Acres $ 2,000 $ 80,000 $ 2,000 $ 80,000 TOTAL $151,945,000 $ 35,919,000

  16. Cost Evaluation Volume treated reduced by over 70% via in-situ  closure 1.29 million cubic yards for excavation and off-site disposal o 366,000 cubic yards for in-situ closure o  Total estimated cost for excavation and off-site disposal is approximately $152 million at approximately $118/cubic yard  Total estimated cost for in situ closure is approximately $36 million at approximately $28/cubic yard.  In situ closure cost less than 25% of the cost for excavation and off-site disposal.

  17. Stakeholder Acceptance

  18. Stakeholder Acceptance

  19. Sustainability Evaluation  USEPA’s Methodology for Understanding and Reducing a Project’s Environmental Footprint (EPA 542-R-12-002)  Estimates a project’s environmental footprint  Input Metrics Materials and Waste – Inventory quantities o Water – Inventory use o Energy – Input equipment specifications o Air – Input equipment specifications o Ecology – User defined o  Comparison of environmental footprint for in situ closure vs. excavation and off-site disposal

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