Oxy Oxy- -Combustion for Coal Fired Power Plant Combustion for Coal Fired Power Plant with CO with CO 2 Capture with CO with CO 2 Capture Capture Capture Review of the Past 20 Years of R&D Activities Review of the Past 20 Years of R&D Activities What are the Different Technical Issues and Challenges to Its Development What are the Different Technical Issues and Challenges to Its Development By Stanley Santos IEA G IEA Greenhouse Gas R&D Programme h G R&D P Cheltenham, UK *Corresponding Author’s Email: stanley@ieaghg.org http://www.ieagreen.org.uk
Presentation Outline Presentation Outline • IEA Greenhouse Gas R&D Programme IEA G h G R&D P ○ Introduction to IEAGHG and its activities. • Introduction to Oxy-Coal Combustion with CO2 Capture in Introduction to Oxy Coal Combustion with CO2 Capture in Power Generation ○ General overview of the Oxy-Combustion ○ Historical perspective in development of oxy-coal combustion with CCS for application in power generation ○ Technical considerations and issues in the development of oxy-coal p y combustion with CCS in the perspective of power generation (retrofit or new built power plants) • Concluding Remarks Concluding Remarks http://www.ieagreen.org.uk 2
I t I t Introduction to Introduction to d d ti ti t t IEA Greenhouse Gas R&D Programme IEA Greenhouse Gas R&D Programme (IEAGHG) (IEAGHG) (IEAGHG) (IEAGHG) http://www.ieagreen.org.uk
Introduction to IEAGHG Introduction to IEAGHG • The IEA (Legal) Framework: • The IEA (Legal) Framework: ○ Common rules for participation in IEA Implementing Agreements (IA); ○ Some 40 of these IA are listed at http://www.iea.org ○ Participants can be: � Contracting Parties (intergovernmental organisations, countries or designated representatives) g p ) � Sponsors (private sector enterprises not designated by a government) ○ IEA GHG is an IA in which the Participants contributing to a common fund to finance the activities. fund to finance the activities. � Funding is approximately 2 million US$/year. http://www.ieagreen.org.uk 4
Current Membership Current Membership The Programme is supported by 17 governments, EC and 17 sponsors http://www.ieagreen.org.uk 5
Introduction to IEAGHG Introduction to IEAGHG • A collaborative research programme which started in 1991 • Its main role is to evaluate technologies that can It i l i t l t t h l i th t reduce greenhouse gas emissions. • The Programme’s Objective: To provide members with definitive information To provide members with definitive information on the role that technology can play in reducing greenhouse gas emissions g g http://www.ieagreen.org.uk 6
Activities of IEAGHG Activities of IEAGHG What does the Programme do now? What does the Programme do now? • New 5-year phase started in 2005: ○ 3 Main activities: � Generate technology and market information � Confidence building � Information dissemination � Information dissemination ○ Aimed at answering: � How do mitigation options compare? g p p � Can the option be done safely and legally? � What needs to be done to introduce the mitigation option and be confident it will be successful? option and be confident it will be successful? http://www.ieagreen.org.uk 7
IEAGHG Activities IEAGHG Activities • This IA has been operating for 15 years. • IEAGHG has: ○ Accumulated >100 studies covering carbon capture and storage (CCS), other mitigation technologies, and storage (CCS), other mitigation technologies, and alternative energy carriers. ○ Succeeded in establishing CCS as a mitigation Succeeded in establishing CCS as a mitigation option capable of major reductions in the emission of CO 2 to atmosphere. p http://www.ieagreen.org.uk 8
IEAGHG IEAGHG - - Completed Studies Completed Studies • In the previous year some of the member’s studies completed In the previous year, some of the member s studies completed, include: ○ Comparison of power plants with CO 2 capture technologies ○ CO 2 capture at low rank coal power plants ○ CO 2 capture at low rank coal power plants ○ Near-zero emission power plants ○ Environmental assessment for CO 2 capture and storage ○ Permitting issues for CO 2 capture and storage ○ Permitting issues for CO 2 capture and storage ○ Cost and capacity for CO 2 storage in Europe and N America ○ Monitoring requirements for CCS ○ Safe storage of CO 2 – analogies with the natural gas industry Safe storage of CO 2 analogies with the natural gas industry ○ Use of CDM for CCS ○ More than 100 studies completed . . . http://www.ieagreen.org.uk 9
IEAGHG Studies (cont’d) IEAGHG Studies (cont’d) • For 2007 For 2007, IEAGHG will be releasing the following member s IEAGHG will be releasing the following member’s studies: ○ Report on Capture Ready Plant � Work done in cooperation with IEA under task required by the � Work done in cooperation with IEA under task required by the Gleneagles G8 meeting ○ Techno-economic evaluation of co-production of hydrogen and electricity with carbon capture ○ CO 2 capture in the cement industry ○ Many others… • Full Listing of our studies – please contact us at g p mail@ieaghg.org http://www.ieagreen.org.uk 10
IEAGHG Research Network IEAGHG Research Network • Objectives • Objectives ○ To provide an avenue for discussion on specific issues toward development of CCS and support any confidence building activities ○ http://www.co2captureandstorage.info/networks/networks.htm p p g • IEAGHG manages 6 Research Networks ○ International CO 2 Capture Network p ○ International Oxy-Combustion Network ○ Biofixation Network ○ Monitoring Network ○ Risk Assessment Network ○ Well Bore Integrity Network Participants from 2 nd Oxy-Combustion Workshop (CT, USA – Jan. 2007) http://www.ieagreen.org.uk 11
GHGT Conference Series GHGT Conference Series • • IEA GHG is the guardian of the IEA GHG is the guardian of the GHGT conference series • Latest GHGT-8 held in Trondheim, Nor a attracted more than 950 Norway attracted more than 950 delegates • Premier international conference on greenhouse gas control technology h t l t h l • Next conference (GHGT-9) will be held at Washington D.C. USA - November 2008 http://mit.edu/ghgt9/ ○ http://www.ieagreen.org.uk 12
Communication & Information Dissemination Communication & Information Dissemination Quarterly newsletter Topical Reports Topical Reports http://www.ieagreen.org.uk 13
Oxy Oxy- -Combustion Application in the Industry Combustion Application in the Industry (General Overview) (General Overview) http://www.ieagreen.org.uk
Development of Oxy Development of Oxy- -Fuel Combustion Application in Industry Fuel Combustion Application in Industry Adapted from slide of Sho Kobayashi, Praxair Pictures from IFRF, Air Liqiude, Asahi Glass, Linde Gas http://www.ieagreen.org.uk 15
Oxy Oxy- -Combustion with CO Combustion with CO 2 Capture for Capture for Coal Fired Power Station Coal Fired Power Station http://www.ieagreen.org.uk
Historical Perspective (1980 Historical Perspective (1980 – – 2000) 2000) • 1982: Initial suggestion by Abraham et. al. (1982) of using Oxy-Coal Combustion to produce CO2 for EOR 1 st public document looking at capturing CO2 from flue gas using oxy-combustion. ○ • As early as 1978 – economic feasibility of oxy-coal combustion was investigated for EOR application (H. Farzan, Babcock & Wilcox / A. Wolsky, ANL) EOR li ti (H F B b k & Wil / A W l k ANL) • 5 major pilot scale studies between 1980 - 2000 ANL Research Programme ○ B tt ll Battelle (115 kW) (115 kW) � EERC (3 MW) � EU – IFRF ○ IFRF (2.5 MW) � MBEL – Air Products – Naples & Ulster University (150 kW) � International Combustion – Imperial College – EDP – IST (150kW & 35MW) � NEDO – IHI (1.2 MW) ○ CANMET (300 kW) CANMET (300 kW) ○ US DOE – B&W / Air Liquide (1.2 MW) ○ http://www.ieagreen.org.uk 17
ANL ANL - - EERC Study EERC Study World’s 1st Oxy World’s 1st Oxy- -Coal Industrial Pilot Scale Study Coal Industrial Pilot Scale Study Tower Furnace (~ 3MWth) Tower Furnace (~ 3MWth) ( ( ) ) http://www.ieagreen.org.uk 18
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