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In Partnership with 5th Conference of the Africa Public Sector Human - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

In Partnership with 5th Conference of the Africa Public Sector Human Resource Managers Network (APS-HRMnet) Theme Human Capital: Sustainable future for Africa Agenda 2030 and 2063 Expert Group Meeting (EGM) organized by UNDESA/DPADM on

  1. In Partnership with 5th Conference of the Africa Public Sector Human Resource Managers Network (APS-HRMnet) Theme “Human Capital: Sustainable future for Africa – Agenda 2030 and 2063 ” Expert Group Meeting (EGM) organized by UNDESA/DPADM on “Equipping Public Servants with Competencies and a New Mindset to Effectively use Innovations for the Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals” Uganda, Kampala Kampala Serena Hotel Conference Centre From 27 to 31 August 2018

  2. “Decentralization of Service Delivery in Africa: Implications for Public Sector HRM, SDGs and Agenda 2063 ” Par Dr Najat Zarrouk Director of the African Local Governments Academy (ALGA) of the United Cities and Local Governments of Africa (UCLG-Africa) Member of the UN Committee of Experts on Public Administration (CEPA) (2010 and 2017) Former Governor, Director of Training of Administrative and Technical Officers, Ministry of the Interior, Kingdom of Morocco (1983-2014) Email: Website: 2

  3. CO CONT NTEN ENT INTRODUCTION The main Values and Missions assigned to Decentralization as a Public Policy and Process I- A challenging Context for Decentralisation, Local Governance and Local Development II- The Challenges facing the Public Administration & the Human Resources Management at III- African Local level How to create an Enabler Environment for HRM at Local Level to deal with and meet SDGs IV- and African Vision? A Crucial Need of a Modern management of Regional and Local Human Capital V- The Contribution of UCLG-Africa Academy (ALGA) VI- CONCLUSION 3


  5. Decentralization: a Global Evidence & Irreversible Orientation  Since the end of the 1980s , Decentralization has been popularized as a process of governance around the World, including in Africa, at the request of peoples and International Organizations. It covers multiple and diverse historical, political, institutional, administrative and  legal realities that shape and impact democratic configurations, policy instruments, public policies, governance systems and territorial systems. Decentralization is based on the following main considerations:   It is part of the State's modernization project, particularly in a context of crises (Structural Adjustment Programs) and Globalization;  It corresponds to a very strong demand for democracy of proximity, legitimacy and participation;  It contributes to the reorganization of Public action to be at the service of territorial and local development. However, some African Countries made the choice of Decentralization just after their  Independence ( Morocco, Senegal ). 5

  6. Decentralisation: Some definitions According to The European Charter of Local According to the African Charter on Values and Principles of Decentralisation, Local Governance and Self-Government of the Council of Europe Local Development, adopted on 27 June 2014, (Strasbourg, 1985) (Article 3): Malabo, Equatorial Guinea (Article1): “ 1. Local self-government denotes the right and the Decentralisation means “The transfer of power,  ability of local authorities, within the limits of the responsibilities, capacities and resources from law, to regulate and manage a substantial share of national to all sub-national levels of government public affairs under their own responsibility and in with the aim of strengthening the ability of the the interests of the local population. latter to both foster people’s participation and 2. This right shall be exercised by councils or delivery of quality services ” ; assemblies composed of members freely elected by secret ballot on the basis of direct, equal, universal Local Governance means “Governance  suffrage, and which may possess executive organs processes and instruments at the sub-national responsible to them. This provision shall in no way level, which includes governance by and with affect recourse to assemblies of citizens, referendums local governments or local authorities, civil or any other form of direct citizen participation where society, and other relevant actors at the local it is permitted by statute” . level” 6

  7. PERCEPTIONS AND LESSONS LEARNED ON AFRICA DECENTRALISATION POLICY AND PROCESS  Decentralisation is an irreversible policy and process, linked to the anchoring of Democracy, Rule of Law and Citizen’s participation to the dynamic of development  A huge number of complex institutional and technical issues to be solved both by politicians and technical managers;  It’s a very complex & multidimensional policy and process, not easy to implement or succeed;  The existence of a multitude of actors and stakeholders (whose interests are not necessarily convergent);  A confusion over new roles and responsibilities in a decentralized structure;  A frequent lack of commitment/capacity at the Central Level to decentralize powers and funds;  In general, we observe a real centralization of Financial & Human Resources;  A strong (but not always homogeneous) presence of Development Partners;  Uncertainty about the impact of reform adopted;  It’s still more theoretical instead of being practical, concrete and “lived” Decentralization;  Several Reports (World Bank, OECD, European Union, Academics, Transparency International ...) have affirmed that Decentralization is not yet fully rooted and anchored in the culture of African Countries in terms of its political, administrative, and fiscal dimensions;  Crucial weaknesses of the Public Administration at Local Level. 7

  8. I- The he mai ain n VA VALU LUES ES & m & missio ions ns as assigned gned to to DE DECENTRALIZAT ENTRALIZATION ON AS AS A PU A PUBL BLIC C POLI LICY CY AN AND D PROCE OCESS SS 8

  9. “Decentralization has, not only an administrative value , but also a civic Alexis De Tocqueville (Democracy in dimension , since it increases the America, 1840) opportunities for citizens to take interest in public affairs ; it makes them get accustomed to using freedom . And from the accumulation of these local, active, persnickety freedoms, is born the most efficient counterweight against the claims of the central government, even if it were supported by an impersonal, collective will”. 9

  10. 1th Objective assigned to Decentralization: Promoting Democracy and Well Being at Local Level Based on Good Local Governance, Subsidiarity, Citizen Engagement and Participation, Transparency and Accountability Article 12, Paragraph 3 of the African Charter on Values and Principles of Decentralisation, LG and LD: Mobilization of Increasing Efficiency Offering more “Local Governments or Local additional Public Effectiveness of the Public adapted Public Authorities shall promote Resources at sub- Services and Public Service Services to the participation of all segments of national levels (Local Delivery priorities, Taxes, Partnerships) + Quality Assurance society in the planning, expectations and needs of the implementation, monitoring and populations evaluation of policies, programs Proximity and projects through structured Adaptation community platforms and other Fairness forms of participation to ensure Flexibility the Delivery of Quality Services” Sustainable solutions The strong link shown between Democracy, Good Governance and Quality of Public Services 10

  11. 2d Objective: Provision of Basic Services to the Population 1th Block of competencies 2d Block of Competencies 3d Block of competences relates concerns Equipment's and concerns Basic Social Services to the Civil Status, Police and Infrastructures (Edilité) Security missions - Construction and maintenance of streets - Basic Education and Health (pre- - The missions of civil status, Civil and local roads school and primary education, basic Security and Police are everywhere. This - Organization of the mobility and health centers and services). In some is not the case for Security missions in the transport system cases the responsibility extends only sense of maintaining Order, which are - Establishment and management of the to infrastructure (construction, often the direct responsibility of the State infrastructures for the production and maintenance) and in others it also Services. distribution of drinking water, wastewater includes the provision of services and However, there is the emergence of a and sanitation, rainwater drainage the salaries of auxiliary staff, but rarely Municipal Police. - Organization and management of solid the salaries of teaching staff or health waste professionals. - Production and supply of electrical - In second level local communities energy and street lighting (regions, provinces), education and - Housing health services may also include - Creation of green spaces and secondary and higher education, recreational activities (culture, recreation, vocational and technical training; sports) health services may also include - Funeral services & cemeteries. hospitals and specialized health facilities. 11


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