in in sc school hool su suspension spension

In In Sc School hool Su Suspension spension Susquehanna - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

In In Sc School hool Su Suspension spension Susquehanna Township High School 2014-2015 In In-Sc School hool Suspension pension Mrs. Jackie McCoy Mrs. Heather Adams ISS S Exp xpecta ectatio tions ns Respect yourself, the

  1. In In Sc School hool Su Suspension spension Susquehanna Township High School 2014-2015

  2. In In-Sc School hool Suspension pension • Mrs. Jackie McCoy • Mrs. Heather Adams

  3. ISS S Exp xpecta ectatio tions ns • Respect yourself, the teachers and others • Put forth your best effort at all times • Be prepared for class each day • Follow directions when given • Pay attention, participate and ask questions • Preserve a positive learning environment • Take responsibility for your actions

  4. ISS S Rules les • Turn in cell phones and electronic devices • Arrive to class on time and ready to learn • Never line up at the door before dismissal • Do not cheat, plagiarize, or copy work • Use polite and appropriate language • Do your best work and turn it in on time • Pick up after yourself before you leave

  5. ISS S Agenda enda • 8:23-9:00 Morning Restorative Meeting • Expectations and Rules • Readiness Check • Restorative Component/Reflection Sheet • Goals for the day • 9:00-10:00 Periods 1/2 Class Assignments Completed • 10:00-10:30 Periods 3/4 or 3/5 Class Assignments Completed • 10:30-11:00 LUNCH • 11:00-11:15 Social Skills Review

  6. ISS S Agenda enda • 11:15-11:45 Continue with Periods 3/4 or 3/5 Class Assignments Completed • 11:45-12:45 Periods 5/7 or 6/7 Class Assignments Completed • 12:45-1:45 Periods 8/9 Class Assignments Completed • 1:45-2:15 SSR/finish up/homework • 2:15-2:37 Closing Circle • Goals Met? • Restorative Component/Restitution

  7. Beha havio vior r Modif difica icatio tion/R n/Resto estorativ tive e Practices actices Apology Restitution ______________________________________________________________________________ Dear _______________________________ I’m sorry for ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ You may have felt ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Next time a similar situation/feeling occurs I will ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Sincerely, ____________________________________________

  8. Beha havio vior r Modif difica icatio tion/R n/Resto estorativ tive e Practices actices • Goals: • Academic • Behavioral

  9. Academi ademics cs • Teachers are notified if any of their students will be in ISS via email:  Due to her behavior, student’s name has earned TWO DAYS of ISS, Wednesday, February 24 th and Thursday, February 25 th . Please gather any work she has missed or will miss, any remediation work you deem beneficial, and any work or activities that will promote her academic success in your classroom. Either email to or , place in mailbox, or deliver her work to ISS in room 221 . Also, a brief email indicating her progress behaviorally and/or academically in your class would be helpful as our goal with the ISS program is to assure that students are working the entire day and that we address potential problems promptly.

  10. Dis istrict trict Cost st • 1 Teacher position (special education certification) • General room supplies • Classroom space • Cubicles • Wireless access • Laptop computers

  11. In School hool Suspension spension Cost st Analy alysis sis • 2 Special Education teachers splitting the day in ½. • General supplies

  12. S.T.E.P .S. Education Center Susquehanna Township Engaging Parents and Students…From Start to Finish

  13. STE TEPS PS Instr structio uction n • Instruction • Combination of direct instruction and online courses through VLN • Direct Instruction for PE and Math (Principles of Algebra) • VLN courses range from English 9 & 10, Health, Life Science, Global Studies, and Western Civilization

  14. STE TEPS PS Enroll ollement ement • Currently 4 students in the program • 2 Students that are full-time in the program • 2 students that are transitioning back into mainstream classes

  15. Communi unity ty se service vice • Community Service • Served at Project Share during their community food distribution in January and February. • Will continue to do one community service event a Month.

  16. STE TEPS PS Acti ctivit vities ies • Activities and Opportunities • Dark Star Farm (April 23 rd ) – Work on their farm and prepare a meal for the STEPS Students to eat • Senator’s Games – Incentive for students that are finding success in the program and after their return to mainstream classes. • Provide an informational session on the business side of the sports industry and minor league programs. • Starting in March, the STEPS program will be working with the Salvation Army.

  17. STE TEPS PS Cost t Analy alysis sis • VLN courses $4,000.00 per seat licenses. • Full time teacher. • 1 Special education teacher 2 periods a day. • 1 Math teacher 1 period a day. • 1 English teacher 1 period a day. • General fund materials.

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