implementation of paperless trade in azerbaijan

Implementation of paperless trade in Azerbaijan Prof. Igbal Babayev - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

State Customs Committee Republic of Azerbaijan Implementation of paperless trade in Azerbaijan Prof. Igbal Babayev Chief of Head Department of Performance Measure ment and Development Programs Major-general of customs service Implementation

  1. State Customs Committee Republic of Azerbaijan Implementation of paperless trade in Azerbaijan Prof. Igbal Babayev Chief of Head Department of Performance Measure ment and Development Programs Major-general of customs service

  2. Implementation domains of paperless trade C2B Customs Business C2G C2C Customs Government Customs Customs

  3. Main Innovation Projects on Paperless trade 1. 1. De Development elopment of of United United Auto utoma mated ted Mana anagemen gement t System ystem 2. 2. “SW principle principle ” in c in customs pr ustoms proce ocedur dures; es; 3. 3. Tim ime e Release elease Stud tudy y to f to facili acilita tate te bor border der cr crossi ossing ng; 4. 4. Implementa Implementation of tion of GP GPS system system and and inte integration of tion of Tar arget get Cen Cente ter f r for or be bette tter r ca cargo go tr trac acking king and and bo borde der r man manage gemen ment; t; 5. 5. C2B Partnership: e-Customs Services. Mini inimi mizing zing inter interact action ion bet between een custo customs ms and and tr trade aders s thr throug ough h e-Customs; Customs; 6. 6. Applica pplication tion of of e-Signa ignatur tures es in c in customs oper ustoms operations; tions; 7. Applica 7. pplication tion of of the the Ri Risk sk Mana anagemen gement t and and Ri Risk sk Anali Analisys sys;

  4. Presidential decree “ On the simplification and increase of transparency in customs procedures” Presidential decree March 4, 2016 On additional measures in connection with continuation of reforms in the customs system

  5. Presidential Order May 21, 2016 “The Rules of using `Green Corridor` and other gating system s for the transportation of goods and vehicles across the custo ms border” Nowadays, simplified custom procedures are one of the most important trade facilitation measures in the customs modernization process. In order to use simplified rules for goods conveyed across the customs border four corridor – “ Green corridor ”, “Blue corridor”, “Yellow corridor” and “Red corridor” release systems are applied at crossing points.

  6. Infrastructure improvement and equipment provision

  7. “e - Customs” kiosk

  8. Mobile Customs Units

  9. Key elements ments of development opment strat rategy egy Political WILL !!! Presidential decree No. 12 November 11, 2008 Application of the “SW principle” in inspecting the goods and v ehicles passing the state border checkpoints of the Republic of Azerbaijan

  10. Single Window principle 3rd step 1st step 2nd step National «Single Window» «Single Window» SINGLE on the for WINDOW customs border checkpoints customs clearance 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Paper Electronic Paper & Electronic

  11. Min. of Sanit San itrary y Quarantine ine Veterinar inary y Ser Servi vice Phitosan Phit sanit itary y Co Control DYPX YPX IAMAS AMAS Road Transport Ser Servi vice Min. in. of T Taxes Stand. St . and P Patents Customs Ca Caspian spian Ad Adm. m. Bo Border Ser Servi vice FHN, , Ra Radia iation ion Central Ce l Ba Bank Traders, Brok ers.... AZAL AZAL CAR CARGO Ce Central l Cu Cust stoms ms Examina Exa mination ion Min. in. of Min. n. of of Financ Finance INTE TERPO RPOL IRU, , SITA TA Eco Economic mic De Devel. l.

  12. The role of information in the customs Goods Transportation Control Information Goods Information Control Transportation

  13. The preliminary exchange information between the SCC AR 20.05.2013: GUAM 30.09.2014: The Islamic Republic of Iran 15.10.2014: Uzbekistan 10.02.2016: Russian Federation

  14. The preliminary exchange information between the SCC AR

  15. M-Customs

  16. Digital Signature Facilities in Azerbaijan • Azerbaijan has built a modern digital signature infrastructure and advanced in developing eSignature-based solutions. • The Government demonstrates strong political will and leadership for effective functioning of electronic identification and trust services. • National Strategy for the Development of the Information Society in Azerbaijan for 2014- 2020 and a new Strategic Roadmap for the Development of ICT in Azerbaijan has been recently adopted.

  17. eSignature in Customs Service • Customs Service of Azerbaijan introduced digital signatures to customs declaration system from May 2016 • Facilities to sign customs declarations and other supporting documents using “ Asan Imza ” (Mobile ID) via mobile phones. • “ Asan İmza” (Mobile ID) enables to confirm your identity while accessing Asan İmza eCustoms services provided both for traders and individuals SIM-based digital signature system: most secure on the market.

  18. Implementing paperless trade at C2B level CUST USTOM OMS S PR PROCED OCEDURE URE United Automated Management System of Customs BUSİNESS Customs staff

  19. Customs to Business Partnership 9504 9504

  20. C2B - Customs to Business Partnership Adv Advance dec ance declar laration tion of of car cargo go (2386 2386) Adv Advance dec ance declar laration tion of of tr trans anspor port means t means ( (9) ) Appeal ppeal for cus or customs toms clear learance ance (105083 105083 doc doc., ., 9504 9504 or org) g) Sug ugges gestions tions, comments , comments and a and appeals ppeals (701 701) Appeals ppeals to Centr to Central al Cus Customs toms Examina xamination tion Department Depar tment ( (170 170) Softcopie oftcopies of of cus custom toms clea learanc ance e doc docum ument ents 4514) (4514

  21. e-Customs oms de declarati tion on system em www.cust ustoms.g .az www.go .az e-Dec Declar laration tion

  22. Customs Declarations (for Passengers) Total: 32998 Azerbaijan: - 20992 Foreigners. - 12006 4000 3636 3500 3319 3285 3229 2990 2959 3000 2723 2624 2460 2500 2228 2151 2000 1394 1500 1000 500 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

  23. Nature of controlling agencies of business Service-oriented state agencies SERVICES CONTROL

  24. Challenges for Paperless Trade • The lack of an appropriate platform for settlement of disputes using electronic means in the country • The practice of electronic invoicing is not widely spread in Azerbaijan and there is no solid technical platforms for it.

  25. Tha hank nk you ou for or y you our r att tten ention tion!

  26. “ Trade Facilitation Post- Bali: Putting Policy into Practice” • WTO Bali Package and its impact on Customs; • Customs-business partnerships and trusted trader schemes; • Customs-academia partnerships in research and educational programs; • Trade facilitation in emergency and disaster relief situations; • Infrastructure and regional aspects of trade facilitation; • Facilitation through electronic trade and customs systems; • Customs capacity building and development; • Cross-border compliance costs; • Cooperative border management; and • Other relevant customs related research.

  27. First Global Conference of International Network of Customs Universities. May, 21-23, 2014. Baku

  28. II CONFERENCE INCU -2017 “ Youth Dialogue – Capacity Building through Enhancing International Customs Cooperation”. 3-7 July 2017 BAKU, AZERBAIJAN


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