impact of channel geometry and rotation on the trapping

Impact of channel geometry and rotation on the trapping of internal - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Impact of channel geometry and rotation on the trapping of internal tides Sybren Drijfhout and Leo Maas The internal wave drag due to oscillating flow over topography: 1 = 2 D N h u b tide 2 The energy flux per unit area out of

  1. Impact of channel geometry and rotation on the trapping of internal tides Sybren Drijfhout and Leo Maas

  2. The internal wave drag due to oscillating flow over topography: 1 = κ 2 D N h u b tide 2 The energy flux per unit area out of barotropic tides: 1 = ρ κ 〈 〉 2 2 E ( x , y ) N h u 0 b tide 2 The turbulent dissipation: ε = ρ ( q / ) E ( x , y ) F ( z ) The relation of dissipation to diffusion: Γ ε = + k v k 0 2 N

  3. • 60 to 90% of the energy flux from barotropic to internal tides is contained in low-mode internal waves that are able to propagate large distances from the generation site • Dissipation of these low-modes waves gives rise to a canonical background mixing of k 0 = 10 -5 m 2 /s • The remaining portion, denoted as the “tidal dissipation efficiency” (q), dissipates as locally enhanced turbulent mixing • Three questions remain: (1) How important is the energy flux from the wind? (2) does q vary from site to site? (3) can the radiating low-mode waves be trapped, giving rise to sites of enhanced mixing, unrelated to local generation?

  4. Three-dimensional effects

  5. 3D Circle: critical view depth N=const Focusing ‘Edge wave’ type on wave trapping attractor x 0 Top view

  6. Research Question • Does geometrical trapping of internal waves exist in 3D? • Can trapping be predicted by the nondimensional parameter − ω 2 2 N H τ = 0.87 < < 1 ω − 2 2 f L

  7. Methodology • MICOM’s 3D isopycnic model • Horizontal resolution: 3.75 km; Vertical resolution: 100 m • Channel geometry: 1200 x 191.25 km • Sponge layer in west, continental slope in east • Barotropic velocity in sponge layer forced • Bottom either flat or parabolic • f = 0, N = 3.0 10 -3 ; or, f = 10 -4 , N = 2.2 10 -3 τ = 0 . 94

  8. Channel model

  9. E W

  10. N S N S

  11. W E E W N N S S S

  12. Conclusions • A cross-channel bottom slope constrains the penetration of the internal tidal energy due to trapping upon multiple refractions. • Near the critical depth edge-waves carry part of the energy much further away from the slope. • In case of rotation, near the shelf-slope the trapped “Poincaré wave” and southern boundary-edge wave interact, destroying the characteristics of the attractor. • The Kelvin wave along the northern slope acts as an internal wave generator.

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