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I WANT to choose university NHS funding A Guide to Financial - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

I WANT to choose university NHS funding A Guide to Financial Support for NHS Students 2016/17 There are proposed changes to funding for NHS students from 2017/18, new students on nursing, midwifery and AHP pre-registration courses (which

  1. I WANT …to choose university

  2. NHS funding A Guide to Financial Support for NHS Students 2016/17 There are proposed changes to funding for NHS students from 2017/18, new students on nursing, midwifery and AHP pre-registration courses (which lead on to qualification with one of the health professional regulators) will take out loans like other students rather than getting an NHS grant. We have no further details on this at present. More information will be available in due course please keep checking the website: http://www.nhsbsa.nhs.uk/students

  3. NHS funding A Guide to Financial Support for NHS Students 2016/17 NHS Courses at Northumbria eligible for funding in 2016/17: • Nursing, Midwifery, Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy , Operating Department Practitioner (ODP) Please note figures provided in this presentation are based 2015/16.

  4. Funding NHS courses NHS eligibility criteria To be eligible for NHS bursary funding, you must satisfy three requirements relating to residence and immigration status on the first day of the first academic year of your course. On that day you must: • have been resident in the UK, the Channel Islands or the Isle of Man throughout the three years preceding that date (living here mainly to receive full-time education, when you would normally live elsewhere, does not satisfy the residency status) • have settled status in the UK • be ordinarily resident in any UK country Independent student criteria • Estranged from parents/No living parents • Have financially supported yourself for 36 months prior to start of course • Have a dependant child/children under 18 years • Care leavers (the University has additional support available for Care leavers, please speak to an Adviser) • Is or has been married/civil partnership at the start of the Academic year

  5. Funding NHS courses  Tuition Fees for NHS Courses: Eligible students on NHS funded courses do not pay tuition fees. The NHS meet the full cost of tuition fees.  Living Costs: All eligible students can apply for: • An income-assessed NHS bursary • A non-income assessed NHS grant - £1,000 • Additional allowances for eligible students (depending on your circumstances, most are income-assessed) • Disabled Students’ Allowance You can also apply for: • A reduced rate of Maintenance Loan from Student Finance (non income-assessed). • Practice placement expenses

  6. Maximum NHS bursary package If you study 45 weeks + you will get Residence NHS Non-income NHS Income Non-income Assessed Grant: Assessed Bursary Assessed Reduced (max amount) Rate Maintenance Loan (SFE) Living in £1,000 £4,491 £2,324 Student/rented/ £1,811 (final year) own home Living with your £1,000 £3,439 £1,744 Parents £1,324 (final year) Figures will remain the same for 16/17

  7. Income Assessment Income assessed on residual income : • Gross taxable income of parents/step-parents /partner or civil partner for previous tax year : April 2014 – April 2015* (Income before tax) • Unless you are an independent student • MINUS any other tax relievable expenses • Use online NHS Bursary calculator

  8. Income Assessment Income Contribution Income Contribution Under nil £40,000 £1,699 £24,279 £24,279 £45 £40,000 £1,699 £25,000 £120 £45,00 £2,226 £27,500 £384 £50,000 £2,752 £30,00 £647 *£55,000 £3,287 £32,500 £910 £60,000 £3,805 £35,000 £1,173 *£65,000 £4,331 £37,500 £1,436 £70,000 £4,857 The parental contribution is the amount deducted from your possible Basic Award entitlement, depending on your parental income. This is not an amount of money your parents must provide to you . (£4,491 and £3,439) Figures based on 2015/16

  9. Additional Allowances ( 2016/17 figures will be available online in due course) 2015/16 figures Childcare Allowance • Up to 85% of actual cost of childcare • Up to a maximum of £128.78 for one child • £191.45 for two or more children Dependant Allowances • Financially dependant spouse/partner/child • Means-tested • Max Adult/first child £2448 • £549 each subsequent child Parents’ Learning Allowance • Parents with dependant children • Means-tested • Max £1,204 Disability Student Allowance • Intended to cover extra costs student incurs as a result of study - non means tested - based on assessment of need

  10. Additional Allowances Practice Placement Expenses (PPE) • Help with cost of travel to and from placement • Cost of travel between term time residence and placement site provided the cost is in excess of normal daily travel costs • Where appropriate car parking, accommodation Practice placement expenses guide

  11. How to apply for the NHS bursary • Set up a Bursary Online Support System (BOSS) account once you have received an offer of an NHS funded place from the University • Complete and submit the online application form by deadline • NHSBSA will email you requesting supporting evidence and evidence of your identity • Post original copies of supporting evidence along with cover sheet (recorded delivery) • Once NHS have received all supporting evidence they will process your application which takes approximately 28 working days • A Payment Schedule outlining your monthly payments will be posted into your BOSS account with a breakdown of your basic award plus any additional allowances • NHS bursary payments will only be processed once the university have confirmed your attendance ( after you have enrolled) • The bursary payments including additional allowances will be paid in monthly instalments. The first instalment will be paid approximately 10 days after you enrol and will cover the first two months of study Application Deadlines: • September 2016: Apply between March 2016 - August 2016 • March 2017: Apply between October 2016 – January 2017

  12. How to apply for the reduced student loan from Student Finance • Most NHS students are eligible to apply for the reduced rate of Maintenance Loan, even if they have received a student loan for previous study. It is paid in 3 instalments across the year. • For students starting in 2015/2016 this will be:  £2,324 for students living away from home  £1,744 for students living at parental home (Figures for 16/17 tbc) • Apply online at: www.gov.uk/studentfinance • It is best to apply for the Maintenance Loan as soon as you can. Delay in applying usually results in delays in receiving your funding! • When applying make sure you complete the correct form and year of entry. Students starting in September 2016 state 2016 course start date and March 2017 state 2017 course start date . Application form 2016/17 for both enrolments.

  13. Repaying the student loan • The loan becomes repayable after you leave your course. You will only start making repayments when your income is over £404 a week or £1,750 a month or £21,000 a year • Students pay 9% of income over this threshold For example, a graduate earning £24,000 repays £22.00 per month The interest rate applies from 1 st September to 31 st August each year. It • is charged on the loan as soon as it is paid to you • Calculating the interest rates

  14. Useful contacts 1. NHS Student Bursaries NHS Bursaries Student Helpline: 0845 358 6655 2. Student Finance Student helpline: 03001000607 3. Student Support & Wellbeing Centre at Northumbria University 0191 227 4127 (City Campus) 0191 215 6590 (Coach Lane Campus) Welfare, Immigration and Funding Team Email: sv.welfareandinternational@northumbria.ac.uk Useful web links: Presentation 2016/17 Northumbria University Student Support and Wellbeing - Facebook Student Moneymanual NHS student booklets Student Finance England finance guide The student Room NHS Frequently asked questions


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