by jadyn ray what i want to major in

By Jadyn ray What I want to major in What I want to major in is - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

My top3 colleges By Jadyn ray What I want to major in What I want to major in is sports manegment I want to major in sports manegment because I wanna be a Basketball player and I need to know what the people at the Announce table are talking

  1. My top3 colleges By Jadyn ray

  2. What I want to major in What I want to major in is sports manegment I want to major in sports manegment because I wanna be a Basketball player and I need to know what the people at the Announce table are talking about. Another reason I want to is because I want to know how to do it if I do not make the team or get drafted to the NBA. My last reason I want to is because I also want to be able to know what the people are talking about like teams and players.

  3. History on UIS college Uis was built in 1969 When the college was built was when world war 2 was going on. When UIs s was being built aberham Lincoln was in that same state.

  4. How much UIS cost To go to UIS it cost 23,236$ and 7,895 students go their.

  5. Why I like college UIS 1 reason I like college 1 is because they have a really good basketball team. I do not like the college because it has a lot of people and it will be hard to get frome class to class.

  6. History on Kentucky university When the world war 2 was going on the war was in the same stat as the college. Kentucky university was built 289 years ago and is still in good shape. When the world war was going on it passed by the college but it was 36 miles away from the college.

  7. How much Kentucky university cost It cost 26,156$ to go to Kentucky university and 30,131 People go their.

  8. What I ( do,don't) like about Kentucky university I like this college because they have big dorms to sleep and live in. I do not like this college because it is so big you have to wake up extra early to walk to class because it is Far away frome the dorms.

  9. History on ole miss college Ole miss was built in 1861 that was before world war. When the ole miss college was first built Tomas Jefferson was president. The ole miss college made a foot ball team after Tomas Jefferson died.

  10. How much it cost to go to ole miss Their is 21,260 people that go to ole miss college and it cost 20,364$ to go to ole miss.

  11. What I like do not like about olemiss I like olemiss because is a really good school and the students get along real well. I do not like ole miss because it is real cold and you are outside a lot.

  12. My choice of college The college I pick is Kentucky university

  13. The end By Jadyn ray

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