i 70 71 innerbelt project

I-70/71 Innerbelt Project Project Progress Meeting and Design - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

I-70/71 Innerbelt Project Project Progress Meeting and Design Enhancement Update November 9, 2009 Ohio Department of Transportation MS Consultants MSI Design Overview of Presentation Recap Recent Project Milestones 1. Update Project

  1. I-70/71 Innerbelt Project Project Progress Meeting and Design Enhancement Update November 9, 2009 Ohio Department of Transportation MS Consultants MSI Design

  2. Overview of Presentation Recap Recent Project Milestones 1. Update Project Schedule 2. Review Proposed Design Enhancements 3. Summary of Work To-Date � Main Line Design Enhancements � Urban Avenues Design Enhancements � Next Steps 4.

  3. Recent Project Milestones

  4. Project Milestones Since 2007 Completed analysis of “Mound-Fulton” and “Fulton- � Livingston” Alternatives Selection of “Mound-Fulton” as the preferred alternative – � February 2009 Approval of the environmental clearance document by � Federal Highway Administration – July 2009 Completion of more detailed horizontal & vertical design for � the project Preparation for construction of the first three phases �

  5. Updated Project Schedule

  6. I-70/71 Project Phases N Phase 1 Phase 1 start 2010 start 2010 Phase 3 Downtown Phase 3 Near East start 2012+ start 2012+ Franklinton Phase 6 Phase 4 Brewery German District Phase 5 Village Phase 2 Phase 2 start 2012+ start 2012+ I-70/I-71 Phases

  7. Project Design Enhancements - Overview

  8. Design Enhancement Process History One Constituent Committee One Constituent Committee � � created for each corridor: created for each corridor: � “ “East Side East Side” ” � � “ “South Side South Side” ” � East Side South Side

  9. Constituent Committee Participants East Side Bryden Road Association Road Association King Lincoln Bronzeville Bronzeville Bryden King Lincoln � � � � Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Association City of Columbus City of Columbus � � Mid Mid- -Ohio Board for an Independent Ohio Board for an Independent Columbus Chamber of Commerce Columbus Chamber of Commerce � � � � Living Environment Living Environment Columbus Landmarks Foundation Columbus Landmarks Foundation � � Mid- -Ohio Regional Planning Ohio Regional Planning Mid � � Columbus State Columbus State � � Commission Commission Community College Community College Near East Area Commission Near East Area Commission � � Columbus Urban League Columbus Urban League � � Ohio Historic Preservation Ohio Historic Preservation � � Downtown Commission Downtown Commission � � Office Office Downtown Discovery District Downtown Discovery District � � Ohio Department of Transportation Ohio Department of Transportation � � East Town Street East Town Street � � St. Paul AME Church St. Paul AME Church � � Federal Highway Administration Federal Highway Administration � � Grant Medical Center Grant Medical Center � � Jefferson Avenue Jefferson Avenue � �

  10. Constituent Committee Participants South Side Franklinton Area Commission Franklinton Area Commission Brewery District Brewery District � � � � German German Village Society Society City of Columbus City of Columbus � � � � Grant Medical Center Grant Medical Center Columbus Chamber of Commerce � � Columbus Chamber of Commerce � � Livingston United Methodist Livingston United Methodist � � Columbus Landmarks Foundation Columbus Landmarks Foundation � � Metro Parks Metro Parks � � Cap South Community Development Cap South Development � � Mid- Mid -Ohio Regional Planning Ohio Regional Planning � � Downtown Commission Downtown Commission � � Commission Commission Children’ ’s Hospital s Hospital Children Miranova � � Miranova � � Columbus Downtown Development Columbus Downtown Development Mt. Caramel East Mt. Caramel East � � � � Corporation Corporation Ohio Historic Preservation Ohio Historic Preservation � � Office Office Columbus Partnership Columbus Partnership � � Ohio Department of Transportation Ohio Department of Transportation Columbus Public Schools Columbus Public Schools � � � � Old Oaks Civic Association Old Oaks Civic Association Council of South Side Organizations Council of South Side Organizations � � � � Trinity United Lutheran Trinity United Lutheran � � Federal Highway Administration Federal Highway Administration � � Waterford Tower Waterford Tower � � Franklin County Board of Franklin County Board of � � Commissioners Commissioners

  11. Design Enhancement Process To-Date Design Enhancement Design Enhancement Process Process Part 1: Structural Components Structural Structural 7 public meetings: reviewed Components Components framework, structures, preferences Stakeholder Stakeholder Committee Stakeholder July 2007 Committee share recommendations of Constituents Meetings Committee Enhancement Part 2: Enhancement Design Details Enhancement Details Details, prelim. design, est. cost Details Stakeholder Stakeholder Committee Stakeholder Nov. 2009 Committee reviews design recommendations, forwards to ODOT Committee

  12. Major Themes from Public Mtgs. – 2006 The most important enhancement considerations are � the city-level streets and bridge crossings. More of the design enhancement funds should be directed here.

  13. Major Themes from Public Mtgs. – 2006 Most important considerations are: � city-level streets � bridge crossings � Highway Trench should reflect the character of I-670 � so a consistent identity is created for the innerbelt.

  14. Major Themes from Public Mtgs. – 2006 Most important considerations are: � city-level streets � bridge crossings � Highway Trench continues I-670 design character � Urban Avenues should be attractive, consistent city � streets and gateways, not highway ramps.

  15. Major Themes from Public Mtgs. – 2006 Most important considerations are: � city-level streets � bridge crossings � Highway Trench continues I-670 design character � Urban Avenues are consistent, attractive city streets � Each Bridge Crossing should respond to its � surrounding neighborhood character, identity, and scale. The design of the Bridges and related Gateways are the opportunities for the individual neighborhoods to express themselves.

  16. Major Themes from Public Mtgs. – 2006 Most important considerations are: � city-level streets � bridge crossings � Highway Trench continues I-670 design character � Urban Avenues are consistent, attractive city streets � Bridge Crossings express their surrounding � neighborhood character and identity

  17. Vision Plan – June 2007

  18. Voting Summary – All Groups (June 2007)

  19. Project Design Enhancements

  20. Project Design Enhancements The Project Design Enhancements can be divided into three general categories: Mainline Highway � (highway & its edges within the “trench”) Urban Avenues � (city streets that are part of the system) Bridge Crossings � (requires partnerships for funding)

  21. Project Design Enhancements Tonight we will be reviewing proposed enhancements related to two of the three general categories: Mainline Highway � (highway & its edges within the “trench”) Urban Avenues � (city streets that are part of the system)

  22. Main Line Highway Design Enhancements

  23. I-70/71 Project Main Line

  24. Main Line Design Continues design aesthetic � established by I-670 for innerbelt Proposed Design Enhancements: Patterned Retaining Wall � Decorative Metal Fencing � Arched Piers �

  25. Retaining Wall Detail Vertical, structurally-supportive retaining wall � Form-liner pattern & color to match I-670 � Knee-wall extension at city surface level �

  26. Safety Fence Black, decorative metal fence � Similar in design to I-670 � Anchored in knee-wall extension of retaining wall �

  27. Structural Piers Structural piers with arch pattern cut-out � Match I-670 innerbelt pattern and color (at Park & Goodale) � Use as the pier support design within the “trench” �

  28. Lighting Main Line Lighting

  29. Urban Avenues Design Enhancements

  30. I-70/71 Project Urban Avenues East Side Lester Drive � (& extension) Parsons Avenue � (& new extension) N N e w e w U L r e b s a South Side t n e r A D v e r Mound Street . . � Fulton Street � Lester Dr. P a r s o n s A v e . Mound St. Fulton St.

  31. Urban Avenues Design Proposed Design Enhancements: Curb Extensions (“Bump-Outs”) � Sidewalk Concrete Paving � Street Trees: as permitted � Decorative Street Lights: � black Esplanade tear-drop Decorative Mast Arms: � black Esplanade match Curbed Planting Areas: Raised � street tree planting areas along curb edge Trench Edge Buffer Planting: � Top soil, shrubs, and ground cover Brick & Fence Screening Wall: � brick piers w/ black metal fence Street Furniture: black metal � bike racks, trash receptacles, benches

  32. Street Lights & Mast Arms Downtown City Streetscape Elements

  33. Streetscape Furniture Downtown City Streetscape Elements

  34. Street Tree Planter Street Tree Planter Detail; Street Trees included when adjacent to on-street parking

  35. Tree Lawn Street Tree Lawn; Street Trees included when adjacent to on-street parking


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