HUNTER VALLEY OPERATIONS Community Consultative Committee Meeting – 24 November 2016 Agenda Items �� ������������������������������������������� �� ��������� �� ���������������������������������� ��������������������� !� "������������� #� "����������������$�����%������������&��������� '� (�����������������������%������������ )� "���������������* +����������������,������-��������� .� "���������/�����������%��0���1��� 2� ������������� �� �,-�3���$��43�-%��%��5 �� "���������������� (��������� �6� 7�������1������� ��� 8�9� ������� HVO CCC Presentation November 2016
Housekeeping, Muster Area & Safety Share HVO CCC Presentation November 2016
Business Arising from July and October CCC Minutes Action Action Action Proposed Accountability Response Proposed By 1 H.Jenkins Travis to provide further breakdown of contractor workforce. Travis Bates Coal and Allied to allow an additional week in sending out business 2 H.Jenkins Daniel Solomon Ongoing papers to ensure they arrive with sufficient time to review. Coal and Allied to provide dates for additional CCC meeting to be Extraordinary 3 T. Lukeman Andrew Speechly held in September. meeting held HVO to provide overview of Cultural Heritage Management as a 4 D. Solomon Daniel Solomon See following slides focus topic for the next CCC. 5 B. Atfield Explore pig trapping options on Charlie Shearer’s property. Andrew Speechly Work undertaken DS to ensure that Brian Atfield is emailed an updated contact list of 6 D. Brown Daniel Solomon CCC Minutes C&A representatives. C&A to explore options for a new flyover video which shows the 7 C. Gelatly Anthony Russo This meeting mining progression of HVO South Mod 5. Long Term/On-going Actions Action Action Proposed Accountability Proposed By Ensure CCC members without email access are provided with 1 H. Jenkins D. Solomon copies of all emails sent to CCC members HVO CCC Presentation November 2016
Business Arising from July CCC Minutes Feral Pest Management Update Vertebrate Pest Post July 16 YTD Since the July CCC meeting HVO Deer - 1 has undertaken the following vertebrate Feral Cat 4 4 pest management activities Feral Pig 91 162 • a 4 week 1080 baiting program Fox 3 5 targeting wild dogs and foxes based on historical and recent sighting Hare 8 8 locations (incl. ejector baiting trial) Kangaroo 161 291 (60 bait sites, 88 baits taken) • Pig trapping (60) Trapping at Maison Dieu undertaken on 6/11/2016 resulted in 4 feral pigs trapped. Work occurring simultaneously on HVO side • Opportunistic pig shooting (31) of river – Comleroi, Lemington South, Archerfield and Cheshunt, resulted in the trapping of 43 feral pigs • Rabbit Baiting (90% consumption rate) • Kangaroo Culling • Opportunistic Shooting (Other) HVO CCC Presentation November 2016
Inter-Agency Audit program: Dam Safety Joint audit occurred between 3 rd - 4 th November • • Audit comprised NSW EPA, Resources Regulator and DPE • Audit of HVO under the Dams at NSW Mines Audit Program • Audit report from the NSW EPA will be available to the public via the NSW EPA Website HVO Independent Audit Undertaken between the 24 th – 27 th October 2016. A compliance requirement of Conditions of Consent 6 (Schedule 6) Hunter Valley Operations North Development (DA 450_10_2003) and Conditions of Consent 5 (Schedule 5) Hunter Valley Operations South Development (PA 06_0261), which each requires completion of an independent audit every three years from the date of the approval. • Report will be submitted to DoPE for review • Report to be uploaded website when finalised HVO CCC Presentation November 2016
Update on Hunter Valley Operations Update on Hunter Valley Operations Mark Townson Mining Manager HVO CCC Presentation November 2016
2016 Mine Operations
2016 Rehabilitation Progress Planned Rehab 69.1 ha Seeded/Claimed YTD 51.7ha HVO CCC Presentation November 2016
HVO South EIS Overview HVO South EIS Overview HVO CCC Presentation November 2016
HVO South Modification 5 Environmental Assessment Report November 2016
2 Overview • A modification is proposed to the Hunter Valley Operations South development consent PA 06_0261. • An Environmental Assessment Report (EAR) that considers the social, environmental and economic impacts and benefits of the proposal is expected to be available for public exhibition early in 2017. • Hunter Valley Operations will be undertaking consultation with local stakeholders on the preliminary findings of the EAR prior to exhibition. • The CCC is the first group to be presented the preliminary findings. − Description of proposed modification − Visual amenity − Noise − Air quality − Groundwater − Surface water − Ecology − Final landform, rehabilitation and land use
3 Timeline
4 Proposed Modification • Mining depth extension in Riverview Pit from Vaux to Bayswater seam. • Mining depth extension in South Lemington Pit 2 from Bowfield to Vaux seam. • Increase in maximum height of Cheshunt overburden emplacement from RL155 to 240 m AHD in the northern section only. • Ability to increase the rate of mining from 16 to 20 mtpa ROM if required to provide greater flexibility for sourcing coal across the integrated HVO operation.
5 Proposed Modification
6 Proposed Modification • Mine plan review process that considered avoidance and minimisation of environmental impacts. • No extension of State-approved disturbance footprint. • Micro-relief incorporated into overburden emplacement area. • Overburden height increased to RL240M in Northern Cheshunt. • Final void lake further from Hunter River. • The proposal is not seeking to extend the current approval period, which is due to expire in 2030.
7 Indicative Final Landform Proposed Modification
8 Indicative Final Landform Proposed Modification
9 Indicative Final Landform Proposed Modification
10 Indicative Final Landform Proposed Modification
11 Visual Amenity • Moderate impacts in the short to medium term to the east until rehabilitation can be completed in nominally Year 2022 (Stage 2). • Approx 700m of the existing rehabilitated face of the emplacement area seen from approx. 2.6km to horizon Shearers Lane at Maison Dieu will be retained. • Increase in maximum overburden height to RL240M in Northern Cheshunt similar to current approved height at HVO North and Ravensworth Operations. approx. 3km to horizon
12 Visual Amenity Mitigation • The emplacement of overburden has been designed to the northern end of Cheshunt Pit to preserve the viewshed through to the Wollemi National Park. • The current setback distance from Maison Dieu is maintained Final landform behind (approx. 2.6km). ridgeline • Overburden emplacement is designed to be more consistent with the natural terrain. • Progressive rehabilitation will continue with the slopes planted to ironbark woodland. Proposed landform • During construction, emplacement areas will be seeded with a temporary vegetation cover.
13 Visual Amenity Additional Viewshed of Emplacement
Cheshunt Overburden Emplacement – Build Concept and Management Principles To Maison Dieu
15 Cheshunt Overburden Emplacement – Build Concept and Management Principles Hauling ramp alignment First lift in the overburden Material placement sequenced in areas emplacement begins with adjacent to ramps to outer edge to provide sound barrier while minimise exposure to truck noise while hauling up completing inner section ramps.
Cheshunt Overburden Emplacement – Build Concept and Management Principles First lift progresses inwards Second lift in the emplacement begins at after outer protection is outer edge and progresses provided. inwards.
Cheshunt Overburden Emplacement – Build Concept and Management Principles Emplacement complete
18 Visual Amenity Interactive Application Following the last HVO CCC, it was agreed to modify the HVO South flyover to show earlier stages plans rather than Stage 4 only.
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