how will fuel cells and hydrogen in buildings address the

How will fuel cells and hydrogen in buildings address the - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

How will fuel cells and hydrogen in buildings address the challenges of the future energy system? Brussels, 18.6.2019 The Thga Group constitutes the largest alliance of muncipal utilities in Germany For more than 150 years our companies

  1. How will fuel cells and hydrogen in buildings address the challenges of the future energy system? Brussels, 18.6.2019

  2. The Thüga Group constitutes the largest alliance of muncipal utilities in Germany For more than 150 years our companies have developed their energy business close to large and small customers in 450 communities across Germany Turnover Gas sales Heating Sales € 20.0 billion 120.9 billion kWh 10.8 billion kWh Investments Electricity sale Water sales € 0.9 billion 53.2 billion kWh 301.3 million m³ Gas Electricity customers customers 1.9 million 4.0 million Heating Water Employees customers customers 19.300 0.1 million 0.9 million Key figures Thüga 31.12.2017 Eva Hennig, Cogen 18.06.2019 EUSEW

  3. The first housing development based on fuel cells with more than 60 1-2 family homes in Bavaria Fuel cells in combination with biomethane reach the energy efficiency standard KfW 40+. Still the barriers to overcome are numerous and need constant information of all stakeholders Knowledge about solutions to achieve The efficiency targets is not always up to date. architects Legislation is complex and always changing. Project in the community Langweid, partnering with Viessmann More work for planning and information of The possible buyers and relevant stakehol-ders in developers the community. More space needed. The building Technique seems complex – is it really working? And what is biomethane? company The New technology, no experience, more time needed for the installaltions Installers 18 kWh electricity could be produced every day. Eva Hennig, Cogen 18.6.2019 EUSEW


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