how does disclosure drive

How Does Disclosure Drive Climate Action? GPI Energy Innovation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

How Does Disclosure Drive Climate Action? GPI Energy Innovation Celebration Amy Kao CDP Cities North America October 11, 2017 | @CDP Page 1 Agenda Introduction to CDP Corporate overview Cities, states and regions

  1. How Does Disclosure Drive Climate Action? GPI Energy Innovation Celebration Amy Kao CDP Cities North America October 11, 2017 | @CDP Page 1

  2. Agenda  Introduction to CDP  Corporate overview  Cities, states and regions overview  City questionnaire  Services & Tools  Potential for collaboration with businesses | @CDP Page 2

  3. How we create change | @CDP Page 3

  4. CDP is the only global environmental disclosure platform 570 Cities disclosing across 89 countries through CDP’s platform | @CDP Page 4

  5. Why is disclosure important?  Measurement  Benchmarking  Accountability | @CDP Page 5

  6.  You can’t manage what you don’t measure.  | @CDP Page 6

  7. CDP’s wider work | @CDP Page 7

  8. CDP for Companies | @CDP Page 8

  9. CDP programs  Climate change  Water  Forests | @CDP Page 9

  10. Communicate to 800+ CDP investor signatories  Analyze climate, water and forests risks and management  Create low carbon funds  Reduce footprint of portfolio  Identify engagement priorities  Picking climate winners & losers  Platform for collaborative action | @CDP Page 10

  11. Communicate to the broader ESG marketplace Corporate Knights Global 100 CDP corporate data CRO’s 100 MSCI ESG Best powers ESG research, Indices Corporate Citizens data products, indices CDP and ratings / rankings to companies, investors and GS Sustain DJSI consumers. FTSE4Good Index Series Page 11 | @CDP

  12. CDP Cities, States and Regions | @CDP Page 12

  13. 70% increase since the Paris Agreement was adopted Cities States and regions 2014 2011 2015 2012 2013 2017 2016 | @CDP Page 13

  14. Disclosure Driving Cities’ Targets | @CDP Page 14

  15. Cities that disclose through CDP take more action Percentage of cities taking action by number of years reporting to CDP 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% City-wide Emissions Emissions Reduction Emisisons Reduction Climate Hazards Adaptation Actions Private Sector Opportunities from Target Actions Projects Climate Change 3+ years 2 years 1 year Cities that have disclosed to CDP for 3 years or more, report significantly higher levels of emissions measurement and management data, risk recognition and adaptation actions and opportunities. | @CDP Page 15

  16. States and Regions  The Compact of States and Regions is the first dedicated reporting mechanism for states, provinces and regions to showcase and analyze their climate efforts.  In one year, the Compact of States and Regions received the support of 44 governments.  It has since grown to 101 governments, representing over 450 million people and US$13 trillion in GDP | @CDP Page 16

  17. Cities use CDP as a tool to… Compile all Engage other Track your Engage with your city city’s progress businesses in environmental departments annually your city data in one and agencies place | @CDP Page 17

  18. Benefits of disclosing to CDP Cities $36 billion The total cost of 1,005 climate-related projects seeking private sector involvement | @CDP

  19. Overview of the cities climate reporting space Tools Compact of Mayors Mitigation Adaptation reporting platforms CRAFT (Climate CIRIS (City Risk and Inventory Adaptation Reporting and Framework Information Taxonomy) System) CURB (Climate Action for Urban Sustainability) | @CDP Page 19

  20. 2017 Water Infographic | @CDP Page 20

  21. Cities Global Reports 2014 2016 2016 2015 | @CDP Page 21

  22. CDP Cities Questionnaire | @CDP Page 22

  23. Timeline to Report Next Year Deadline Date All cities receive invitation February 2018 email System opens Mid March 2018 Response check deadline End of April 2018 Final response deadline End of June 2018 | @CDP Page 23

  24. Easy to report Get support on reporting Public or private disclosure Free and voluntary to report | @CDP Page 24

  25. Questionnaire Emissions – Risks & Local Governance Opportunities Adaptation Government Operations Emissions - Covenant of Strategy Water Community Mayors | @CDP Page 25

  26. CDP Cities Services and Tools | @CDP Page 26

  27. Response Check  Supports cities interested in completing a thorough and accurate response prior to submission deadline  Delivered by CDP’s accredited service providers  Offers one hour of in-depth technical consultation | @CDP Page 27

  28. City Inventory Reporting and Information System (CIRIS) | @CDP Page 28

  29. City Inventory Reporting and Information System (CIRIS)  Based on the Global Protocol for Community-scale Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventories (GPC) standard, the tool facilitates transparent calculation and reporting of emissions for all sectors  Five calculators to facilitate calculation of emissions from typically challenging sources: • Fugitive losses from gas distribution • Solid waste landfill • Biological treatment of waste • Waste incineration • Wastewater  Emission Factor database—to support inventory development  Compliant for the Covenant of Mayors’ reporting requirements  To download CIRIS please click here | @CDP Page 29

  30. Climate Risk and Adaptation Framework and Taxonomy (CRAFT) A standardized reporting framework that enables cities to perform robust and consistent reporting of local climate hazards and impacts, risk and vulnerability assessment, and adaptation planning and implementation as part of their compliance with the Compact of Mayors Profile the City —characteristics that influence city resilience and adaptation planning Understand the Problem —current vulnerability assessment process, current and future risks, and underlying factors that affect adaptation Plan, Respond and Monitor —climate adaptation planning process, and how the city is evaluating the outcoming of the adaptation efforts | @CDP Page 30

  31. Feedback for cities  Private to your city  Use to improve your data quality each year  Access via dashboard and snapshot report Completion indicator:  Shows the number of questions you have answered Thoroughness indicator:  Measures the quality of your data against key criteria | @CDP Page 31

  32. City Snapshot Report | @CDP Page 32

  33. InFocus Reports  Given to cities who are excelling in climate disclosure  These cities produced the highest quality response for their submission to CDP | @CDP Page 33

  34.  Cities Analytics is our first stop when researching what other cities are doing, how they do it, and their progress. We are able to find new strategies and compare how our implementation stacks up with other leading cities. Most importantly, it demonstrates that cities are not isolated in their efforts.  Tom Herrod, Climate & GHG Program Administrator Denver, Colorado, USA | @CDP Page 34

  35. Cities Analytics | @CDP Page 35

  36. Functionality in Analytics Change chart type Filters Additional data Export charts “Click to see the At the top right Filter by city, At the top right region, reporting data” and you can corner of the chart, corner of the chart year, network and see additional click “Change click “Export” information others chart type” | @CDP Page 36

  37. Benchmark your emissions to other cities  Community-wide emissions, GPC methodology | @CDP Page 37

  38. View cities risk profiles  Extremely serious climate hazards | @CDP Page 38

  39. Matchmaker: Ensure cities have sufficient access to the private capital they need to meet ambitious climate goals | @CDP Page 39

  40. Matchmaking helps overcome barriers Matchmaker 827 Investors 362 Cities Backed CDP’s efforts in 2017 Reported project worth more than US$100 data in 2017 trillion in assets | @CDP Page 40

  41.  | @CDP Page 41

  42. How to Participate in Matchmaker for your City  This fall: email for the intake form  Spring 2018 & later: report to the CDP Questionnaire—to receive access for your city, email | @CDP Page 42

  43. Questions? Amy Kao CDP Cities North America | @CDP Page 43

  44. Collaboration between Cities and Companies | @CDP Page 44

  45. Using CDP responses to screen partners  Identify transparent/responsible companies by: ➢ Do they disclose to CDP? ➢ What is their CDP score? ➢ What commitments have they made? | @CDP Page 45


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