how can strategic communication help increase demand for

How can strategic communication help increase demand for CRVS? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

How can strategic communication help increase demand for CRVS? Nicoleta Panta, September 2015 Creative task 1: What is CRVS and Why it is important ? please answer this question in 10 sentences What is Civil Registration and Vital Statistics?

  1. How can strategic communication help increase demand for CRVS? Nicoleta Panta, September 2015

  2. Creative task 1: What is CRVS and Why it is important ? – please answer this question in 10 sentences

  3. What is Civil Registration and Vital Statistics?

  4. Creative task 2 What does “I want my child to be happy” statement really means?

  5. Action area 4: public engagement and demand creation What can we do? • One CRVS comprehensive assessment • One CRVS multi ‐ stakeholder working group • One CRVS plan of action And every CRVS plan under Action area 4 will have a one CRVS national strategic communication plan as a key element

  6. What do we mean through strategic communication? We mean CRVS communication programms that: 1. are not just focusing on raising awareness and informing people but convincing people to make the effort, take the time and act –change their behaviour 2. are planned and designed involving all national CRVS stakeholder but also development partners and private sector 3. are implemented at the National Level using evidence based communications methodologies such as Communication for Behavioural Impact

  7. What is COMBI? • 50 YEARS OF TRADITIONAL HEALTH PLUS 100 YEARS OF PRIVATE  COMMUNICATION SECTOR MARKET RESEARCH AND CONSUMMER COMMUNICATION PLUS Behaviour as the ultimate  IEC and Advocacy  goal Need for information,  Directed at mobilizing all education, community  involvement, mobilized societal and personal society, committed influences on prompting the government target group to take a specific action. PLUS Consumer sensibility  Educational sensibility Value vs. “Burden”   Needs (or wants or desires)  It is social mobilization with a ‘behavioural bite’

  8. The five integrated communication actions areas Public Relations / Advocacy / Administrative Interpersonal Mobilization communication / Counseling / Personal Selling Community Mobilization Someone DOING something Point ‐ of ‐ Service Promotion Sustained Appropriate Advertising

  9. COMBI in Action Lymphatic Filariasis Dengue Fever Leprosy Tuberculosis Malaria HIV/AIDS Other Uk Ukra raine ine Kazakhst Kaz khstan an Alban Al bania Mol Moldova dova Bahamas Bahamas Afghanist Afghan istan Bang Banglade ladesh sh Dominican Republi Domi can Republic Nepal Nepal Cuba Cuba St. Lucia St. Luc ia Myanmar My anmar Honduras Hondur as Belize Bel ze Bar Barbados bados India India Laos Laos Burkina F Bur a Faso Philip lippi pines Guatema uatemala Panama Panama Trin Trinid idad ad Sudan Sudan Thailand and El Salvador El Salvador Liber Li beria Ni Nicar caragu agua Cambodia Cambodia and T and Tobago obago Malays Mal ysia Costa Ric Cos a Rica Sri Lank Sr i Lanka Ghana hana Ecuador Ec uador Venezuela Venez Sur Surinam name Uganda Uganda Indonesia Indonesia Kenya Keny Br Brazi azil Tanz anzan ania ia Angol Angola Zanzibar anzibar Moz Mozambiq mbique ue Boliv livia

  10. Does COMBI work? • State of Bihar, India, COMBI programme dramatically improved the number of people self ‐ reporting with skin leprosy – 69% average, 73% women. • Johor Bahru, Malaysia, three ‐ month COMBI Programme on dengue resulted in 85% of households checking mosquito breeding cites around there homes over a 12 ‐ week period. Three month later, 70% were still maintaining the checks • COMBI prompted 75% of entire population of 6 countries to prevent lymphatic filariasis. Kenya and Sri Lanka – over 80%. The behaviour: to accept the hand delivered set of pills and to swallow these pills in the presence of a health worker/volunteer (on a specific date).

  11. Does COMBI work? Moldova COMBI Plan on Perinatal Care; Source: Perinatal Care Evaluation, 2004, 2005 & 2006 Promoted behavior Before 1 Before 2 After Seeing a doctor in the first 12 60% 69% 81% weeks of pregnancy Taking folic acid in the first 12 13% 32% 76% weeks of pregnancy Taking iron tablets for at least 38% 62% 88% 2 months during pregnancy Knowledge of danger signs 50% 59% 91%

  12. How can INGO’s like Plan International help? • Capacity building for national partners and bringing technical expertise on: strategic communication planning development of communication materials • Engaging private sector in disseminating key messages • Monitoring and Evaluation • Coordinating partners and inputs • Managing various implementing partners • Sustaining communication activities

  13. Thank you


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