strategic planning vision for ewrsd arts education

Strategic Planning Vision for EWRSD Arts Education Increase Arts - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Board Focus Goal: Develop a strategic plan to increase opportunities for enrichment in fine and performing arts in K to 12. Development of Strategic Plan included Review of current Arts offering, instructional practices, and existing curriculum

  1. Board Focus Goal: Develop a strategic plan to increase opportunities for enrichment in fine and performing arts in K to 12. Development of Strategic Plan included Review of current Arts offering, instructional practices, and existing curriculum ● ● Surveying community and student interest Conferring with other districts’ Arts supervisors ● ● Reviewing current Arts participation rates

  2. Strategic Planning Vision for EWRSD Arts Education Increase Arts programming to increase student opportunities within all five artistic disciplines: 1. Dance, Media Arts, Music, Theatre, and Visual Arts, across all grade levels. 2. Increase the number of students who are active participants in Arts programming, across all grade levels. 3. Implement best practices for Arts instruction, including curricula updates to most current standards, inclusion of technology, and infusion of Arts Integration into other content areas, connecting artistic learning with skills needed for success in “the real world.” 4. Lay the groundwork for major facility upgrades to support district-wide Arts Education programming.

  3. Current K-12 Arts Education Offerings ● All Elementary Students participate in General Music and Visual Art ● All 6th and 7th graders participate in a Music Course and Visual Art Course; 8th graders have the option of Music and Visual Art Electives Students in grades 3 to 12 have the option to participate in Chorus ● ● Students in grades 5 to 12 have the option to participate in Band ● High School students have choice of courses in Music, Visual Art (including Digital options), Media Arts (Digital Film), Theatre, and Industrial Arts After school Programming (no credit) ● ○ High School includes two Drama Productions, student produced One Acts, HHS Marching Band, Jazz Band, Chamber Singers, and other small group ensembles Middle School includes two Drama Productions, MHK Singers ○ No Elementary after school offerings ○ ○ No Summer Arts offerings

  4. Goals to meet the Vision: Over the course of five years Goal: (items in Bold and Italics are happening now or planned for next school Grade Vision year) Level 1 Update existing curriculum, assessment practices, and instructional practices with all Arts District Vision #3 disciplines, including the incorporation of Arts Integration practices, appropriate use of Wide technology, and reinforcement of college & career ready skills. 2 Improve quality and availability of non-consumable supplies and equipment, after review of District Vision #3 existing items. Wide 3 Review quality of existing Arts-based facilities and determine areas in need of updates, and District Vision #4 major facility upgrades. Wide 4 Develop a Summer Arts Program that also encourages continued Arts participation into the District Vision #1 and student’s next school year. Wide #2 5 Offer Dance and Theatre, taught by certified teachers in those areas, into the regular school K-5 Vision #1 time elementary program. 6 Expand Instrumental Music offerings to include 4th grade. 4 Vision #1 and #2

  5. Goals to meet the Vision: Over the course of five years Goal: (items in Bold and Italics are happening now or planned for next school Grade Vision year) Level 7 Develop an Orchestra Program, beginning in grades 4 and 5, to eventually become available to 4-5 Vision #1 and all future students. #2 8 Offer Dance and Theatre as school-time electives, taught by a certified instructor. 6-8 Vision #1 and #2 9 Offer Dance as a school-time elective, taught by a certified instructor, after piloting program as 9-12 Vision #1 and an after-school program. #2 10 Expand existing Film program through addition of an certified theatre teacher with a strong 9-12 Vision #1 and technology background. #2 11 Credit students via Option II for participation in after school Arts based activities, that are 9-12 Vision #2 and district sponsored. #3

  6. Current steps taken during SY 18-19 During summer ‘18 certain Arts curricula was updated, inclusion of National Core Art Standards, ● creation of Dynamic Links, and Pacing Guides Working with staff on inclusion of various forms of technology, making use of Google apps for ● education, and other appropriate programs. Students at HHS make regular use of Chromebooks in Arts courses. ● Updated assessment practices, including developing and using longitudinal performance-based rubrics, to develop data for assessing students’ growth over multiple year, and connecting to work product. HHS TV studio has been upgraded to a Digital Film studio, purchasing of new equipment, and use of ● new equipment into courses. Ensured “open access” to the Arts, revising audition/sign up processes for ensembles, and other ● upper level Arts courses. Increase communications to the community through positive advocacy; active Social Media ● presence, and regular updates via The heARTbeat newsletter.

  7. SY 19-20: Grade K-2 ● Revision of General Music and Visual Art Curricula ○ Updating to National Core Arts Standards ○ Increased inclusion of technology, where appropriate ○ Review of activities, ensuring for appropriate presentation/performing opportunities ○ Inclusion of Arts Integration techniques: An approach to teaching and learning, using the Arts to enhance student learning across content areas

  8. SY 19-20: Grades 3-5 Addition of two FTE Music teachers, one for each 3-5 building ● ● Fourth Grade students will be eligible to join the Band program Instrumental Introduction including Strings in 3rd grade ● ● Elementary Music & Visual Art curriculum revisions, ○ Updating to National Core Art Standards ○ Classroom recorders move to 3rd grade ○ Increased inclusion of technology ● Purchase of classroom violins for each building

  9. SY 19-20: Middle School Middle School Budgeting for additional Band instrument purchases and repairs ● ● Budgeting for replacement of existing Digital Piano Addition of FTE Theatre or Dance position (pending budget) ● ● General Music (6th/7th) and Visual Art (6th/7th) curriculum revisions Updating to National Core Art Standards ○ ○ Increased use of digital tools for the creation of Visual Art: Photoshop and Illustrator Increased inclusion of technology ○

  10. SY 19-20 High School High School Budgeting for additional Music supplies including instrument updates, new pianos, technology ● updates Creation of a formal After School Dance program, taught by a certified Dance teacher ● ● Budgeting for additional technology upgrades for Visual Arts, allowing the capability to expand Digital Arts offerings ● Continuation of expanding Digital Film Program

  11. Future Additions: Preliminary Plan SY 20-21 4th Graders eligible for Orchestra ● ● Budgeting for instrument purchases/repairs at 3-5, including strings for available loaner instruments Exploration of HS credit for after school Arts activities (Option II process) ● ● Summer Arts Programming SYs 21-22, 22-23, 24-25 Inclusion of Dance K-12, including FTE Dance teacher at HHS ● ● Additional FTE Instrumental (strings) teacher at MHK (SY 23-24) Additional Performing Arts teacher at HHS ● ● Laying groundwork for major Arts facility upgrades

  12. Appendix

  13. Arts Accomplishments SY 17-18 ● EWRSD received a 2018 Best Communities for Music Education designation from the NAMM Foundation. A national designation, we were one of 583 districts nationwide, and one of 38 in New Jersey. ● Based on internal Growth Rubrics, students in Music Ensembles are achieving as expected. Next assessment will be in December 2018. Ensembles are active performers around the community and region. This included our competitive HHS Marching Band, performances at the local Senior Centers, festivals, the American Young Voices Concert, and district-wide events such as the Curriculum Expo. ● Successful student Theatrical productions: HHS: Fall Play Up the Down Staircase, Spring Musical Pippin, May 2018 Student produced One Acts; MHK: Musical Seussical, JR., One Act Play Once Upon a Crime: The Trial of Goldilocks . ● Visual Art Student Accomplishments: ○ Eight student works selected for display at the N.J. Statehouse ○ 40 HHS student works selected for display during the Mercer County Youth Art Month show ○ Two second grade PLD students winning the United Nations International Day of Families Art Contest ○ 40 HHS student works published in the MCCC Art & Literary Journal, Aspirations


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