homelessness strategy refresh prevention and partnership

Homelessness Strategy Refresh Prevention and Partnership Background - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Homelessness Strategy Refresh Prevention and Partnership Background Strategic Review 2012/13 Key themes/Actions Prevention Targeting households at risk due to welfare reform Housing options for excluded households sharers scheme

  1. Homelessness Strategy Refresh Prevention and Partnership

  2. Background Strategic Review 2012/13 –Key themes/Actions • Prevention • Targeting households at risk due to welfare reform • Housing options for excluded households –sharers scheme • Rough sleepers – maintaining emergency accommodation • Stronger family approach – pathways to independence • Better use of resources – influencing commissioning • Support development of BRHAIN (Borough of Rochdale Homelessness Action and Information Network) • Health & Wellbeing

  3. Background/Outcomes • Prevention Year 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 Preventions 1490 1515 1614 1889 181 used Emergency Night stop accommodation at the Step – 54 under • 25yrs Brentwood over 500 for housing advice and assistance, 59 at risk of • sleeping rough Petrus 477, nearly 100 at risk of sleeping rough • 67 saved through Mortgage Rescue • 47 live sharers – 98 referrals in 1 st 6 weeks of 2016 •

  4. Outcomes Health & Wellbeing • +100 re-engaged with Primary healthcare services • Over 30 families engaged through healthier activities • Petrus nearly 250 brief interventions Brentwood facilitates 100 per quarter • Pre-employment and vocational activities, links with Univ and Councils environmental services • Social capital and personal wellbeing

  5. Strategy Refresh Strategy working group - Review - Case studies – Survey - Consultation Priority issues - Complex dependencies and excluded households - Health & wellbeing - Welfare reform - Domestic abuse - Commissioning and austerity - Sustainable pathways for young people - Move on

  6. Prevention and Partnership Case Managed Approach - Agreed Assessment to include H&W, employment and training, social capital. - Multi Agency Risk Management model - CAFs cross agency engagement Domestic Abuse - Engage with social landlords, information sharing across services, safer homes.

  7. Prevention and Partnership Exclusions, complex dependencies and rough sleepers - Housing First Model - Assertive outreach, review exclusion policies, flexibility step up/step down. B&Bs - Cold Weather Protocol, NSNO - Hospital Discharge Social Landlord Offer

  8. Prevention and Partnership Health and Wellbeing - Assessments based upon measureable New Directions Team Assessment - Front line staff adopt MEAM and brief interventions - Suite of PIs - Harness community support - Homelessness Link Health Survey

  9. Prevention and Partnership Welfare reform - Target Benefit cap cases - Link with employment support - Share good practice - Promote the development of a Sharers offer across the Borough

  10. Prevention and Partnership Housing Benefit Exemption 18-21yr olds - Quick access to training and employment support - Identify potential short term housing that may be exempt - A place of safety for 18-21yr old at risk of sleeping rough - Develop housing options linked to training and support

  11. Prevention and Partnership A better offer for Young People - Promote the Corporate Parenting ethos across social landlord partners. - Local variation to determination of Intentionality - Providing training and employment opportunities linked to housing - To build upon the GM Shared services models

  12. Prevention and Partnership • Continue to support households at risk due to mortgage default • Continue to support the Bond Board • Continue to support BRHAIN/Joint Board - Developing a funding arm - Look to develop the website to link in with wider issues

  13. Prevention and Partnership Equality & Diversity - Support development of DA services for under represented households - Albert Kennedy Trust 24% youth homelessness LGBT GM and Devolution Legislation - Homelessness Reduction Bill

  14. Prevention and Partnership Better aligned and more integrated - Prevention and Integrated Commissioning - Links to locality plan - Housing & Health - Focus on sustainability - Encouraging flexibility Gateway model


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