hockey canada skills academies and sports hockey canada

Hockey Canada Skills Academies and Sports Hockey Canada Skills - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

H OCKEY C ANADA 2 0 2 0 -2 0 2 1 SKI LLS ACADEMY TM PROGRAM St. Bonaventure Calgary Catholic Hockey Canada Skills Academy Program Hockey Canada Skills Academies and Sports Hockey Canada Skills Academies and Sports Performance programs are

  1. H OCKEY C ANADA 2 0 2 0 -2 0 2 1 SKI LLS ACADEMY TM PROGRAM St. Bonaventure

  2. Calgary Catholic Hockey Canada Skills Academy Program Hockey Canada Skills Academies and Sports Hockey Canada Skills Academies and Sports Performance programs are very much in line Performance programs are very much in line with the role of the school in other areas; with the role of the school in other areas; • “to teach and help the student learn, “to teach and help the student learn, excel and develop leadership qualities excel and develop leadership qualities .” .” • Standards of performance are expected Standards of performance are expected academically and athletically academically and athletically . • Each student progresses at their own Each student progresses at their own individual pace, abilities and goals individual pace, abilities and goals .

  3. Junior High Hockey Canada Skills Academy • The Hockey Canada Skills Academy The Hockey Canada Skills Academy curriculum has been accredited as curriculum has been accredited as a a complementary or option course complementary or option course and is an approved curriculum for and is an approved curriculum for integration with Physical Education integration with Physical Education and Health and Health

  4. Student • Accessible to male and female Accessible to male and female students in Junior or Senior High students in Junior or Senior High School attending one of the School attending one of the District’s Programs. District’s Programs. • Any student regardless of hockey Any student regardless of hockey skill level may register (based on skill level may register (based on space and resources space and resources –target of 4 target of 4 goalies/class). goalies/class).

  5. Hockey Canada Skills Academy TM ON-ICE skill components: • Skating Skating • Stick Handling Stick Handling • Passing/Shooting Passing/Shooting • Goaltending Goaltending • Situational Play Situational Play • Small Area Games Small Area Games

  6. Hockey Canada Skills Academy TM OFF-ICE Elements ● Promote the ● Balance, agility, mobility Promote the Balance, agility, mobility development of development of activities activities on on-ice skills ice skills ● Specialized equipment Specialized equipment - ● Enhancement of Enhancement of slide boards, floor ball, slide boards, floor ball, fitness level fitness level parachutes, sleds etc parachutes, sleds etc. ● Experience and Experience and understand understand physical training physical training concepts concepts

  7. Hockey Canada Skills Academy TM Program Delivery • On On-ice sessions at Lake Bonavista Rec. Centre at ice sessions at Lake Bonavista Rec. Centre at 8:00 8:00-9:00 AM; offered 2 days in each 9:00 AM; offered 2 days in each 6 day 6 day cycle. cycle. • One dryland session included beyond the two on One dryland session included beyond the two on ice sessions during school hours. ice sessions during school hours. • Hockey equipment can be stored at the rink. Most Hockey equipment can be stored at the rink. Most store at rink, with keyed access. store at rink, with keyed access. • Students are responsible for transporting their Students are responsible for transporting their equipment to/from rink. equipment to/from rink. • Students walk from rink. Students walk from rink. • Parents welcome to view ice sessions. Parents welcome to view ice sessions.

  8. Typical Rout ine of t he HCS A S t udent (Rink) • Arrive at rink 7:30 a.m. Arrive at rink 7:30 a.m. Boys Boys – dressing rooms 2, 4 (access to an additional room if dressing rooms 2, 4 (access to an additional room if • numbers dictate it) numbers dictate it) Girls Girls – dressing room 7 dressing room 7 • Be ready to go on the ice 2 minutes prior to 8:00am ice time. Be ready to go on the ice 2 minutes prior to 8:00am ice time. • Ice time from 8:00 Ice time from 8:00 – 9:00 9:00 a.m a.m • Shower, change leave rink by 9:20 am. Shower, change leave rink by 9:20 am. • Be ready for class at school by 9:25 am. (this gives you time to Be ready for class at school by 9:25 am. (this gives you time to • eat and hydrate prior to class. eat and hydrate prior to class. Dryland is held in the gym once every Dryland is held in the gym once every 6 day 6 day cycle. cycle. •

  9. Typical Rout ine of t he HCS A S t udent (Rink) Equipment Storage Area Equipment Storage Area Equipment Room Key Equipment Room Key Cost $10 Cost $10 – deposit to be given to the office for a key. deposit to be given to the office for a key. Return key for refund of Return key for refund of your deposit. your deposit.

  10. Hockey Canada Skills Academy TM Provides: Staff Training • Certified teachers Certified teachers • Physical Education Physical Education graduates or Hockey graduates or Hockey Experience Experience • Certified at the NCCP Certified at the NCCP Development 1 level Development 1 level • Annual HCSA Annual HCSA training training

  11. Hockey Canada Skills Academy TM Provides: Staff Past and Present coaches have included: Rick Alexander • Played Junior and University level hockey in Calgary Played Pro in Germany and Switzerland Then coached • professionally in Europe for over 25 years Josh W atson Coached Junior A Mustangs • Coached Sait Trojans • Kris Paradis Played for the CI S U of L Pronghorns • Goalie coach for the last 10 years • Level 3 NCCP Theory •

  12. Guest Coaches • The District will utilize the special skills and The District will utilize the special skills and talents of guest instructors / coaches to talents of guest instructors / coaches to support and enhance various performance support and enhance various performance aspects of the program aspects of the program Usually two HCSA instructors on ice along Usually two HCSA instructors on ice along • with HCSA teacher (depending on number with HCSA teacher (depending on number of students in each grade). of students in each grade). Goalie Goalie coaches coaches part of on ice instruction. part of on ice instruction. •

  13. COS T & PAYMENT S CHEDULE Cost recovery program (All money collected goes in a District pool and money is Cost recovery program (All money collected goes in a District pool and money is dispersed by the CSSD Hockey Canada Coordinator. If any money remains in this dispersed by the CSSD Hockey Canada Coordinator. If any money remains in this pool, there is a refund at the end of the year) pool, there is a refund at the end of the year) HighSchool - Junior HighSchool Junior • $30 deposit due upon registration $30 deposit due upon registration $ 200 due September 1 due September 1 6 th • $ 200 due October 1 due October 1 st st • $19 5 due November 1 due November 1 st st • $19 $6 25 total • $6 total Online credit card payment via District website is • Online credit card payment via District website is encouraged. (ACORN) encouraged. (ACORN)

  14. Regist rat ion Deposit (non-refundable) $30 non $30 non -refundable deposit is required upon refundable deposit is required upon registration registration Online credit card payment via District website Online credit card payment via District website is is encouraged encouraged for students that are already for students that are already enrolled in our district. enrolled in our district. For students not currently in our district, the $30 For students not currently in our district, the $30 deposit must be in the form of a cheque payable deposit must be in the form of a cheque payable to the to the St. Bonaventure School. St. Bonaventure School.

  15. COS T Includes • Guest and Specialty coaches Guest and Specialty coaches • Ice Times Ice Times • Hockey Canada Skills Academy Hockey Canada Skills Academy Sweater and Socks Sweater and Socks • Hockey Canada Licensing Hockey Canada Licensing • Hockey Alberta Insurance Hockey Alberta Insurance • Special equipment Special equipment

  16. REGIS TRATION • Fill in Registration Form Fill in Registration Form and scan and scan to the to the office: office: stbonaventure stbonaventure • A confirmation email will be sent A confirmation email will be sent and and a a link to pay will be link to pay will be given. This given. This may take a few days. may take a few days.

  17. ENTRY PROCESS-2020-21 Grade 9 Grade 9 -30 students, Grade 8 30 students, Grade 8 -30 students, 30 students, Grade 7 Grade 7-30 students. 30 students. 1) St. Boniface HSCA students 1) St. Boniface HSCA students 2)Catholics in other Feeder Schools or Area -St. 2)Catholics in other Feeder Schools or Area St. William, St.Philip. William, St.Philip. 3) Catholic Students Out of Boundary (Ex: 3) Catholic Students Out of Boundary (Ex: Riverbend, Millrise, Canyon Meadows etc) Riverbend, Millrise, Canyon Meadows etc) 4)Non 4)Non-Residents Residents

  18. Change Rooms • Change Rooms Change Rooms

  19. Change Rooms • Girls Change Rooms Girls Change Rooms

  20. Former Students:

  21. Questions & Application/Registration Forms

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