ho how to imp improve e forec ecasts by y id iden entifyi

Ho How to Imp Improve e Forec ecasts by y Id Iden entifyi - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Ho How to Imp Improve e Forec ecasts by y Id Iden entifyi ying g an and Dele letin ing Detrim imental al Obse servation ions Acknowledgements to: Tse-Chun Chen & Eugenia Kalnay Daisuke Hotta, Jim Jung, University of Maryland

  1. Ho How to Imp Improve e Forec ecasts by y Id Iden entifyi ying g an and Dele letin ing Detrim imental al Obse servation ions Acknowledgements to: Tse-Chun Chen & Eugenia Kalnay Daisuke Hotta, Jim Jung, University of Maryland Guo-Yuan Lien, Takemasa Miyoshi, Yoichiro Ota, Krishna Kumar, Jordan ISDA 2019, RIKEN, Japan Alpert, and Cheng Da

  2. Classic Data Assimilation : Cl To improve Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) we need to improve observations, analysis scheme and model OBSERVATIONS 6 hr forecast ANALYSIS MODEL Forecasts

  3. Classic Data Assimilation : Cl To improve Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) we need to improve observations, analysis scheme and model OBSERVATIONS 6 hr forecast CLASSIC DA: Every 6 hours we make a ANALYSIS new forecast, get new observations, and combine them to get the new analysis, which is the new MODEL initial condition for the next Forecasts model forecast.

  4. tion : NE NEW applicati tions of modern rn Da Data Assimilati We can als also use DA to improve both observations and model OBSERVATIONS 6 hr forecast ANALYSIS MODEL Forecasts

  5. We We will show how to id identif tify an and del delete e de detrimen ental obser ervations ns to to improve the an analy alysis is an and th the forecas asts ts. The idea is to use fu Th futu ture re ob obse servation ons to to QC the cu curren ent ob obse servation ons. s. Many observations are beneficial: they improve the 6 hr forecast: OBSERVATIONS 6 hr forecast at t=0 ANALYSIS MODEL Forecasts

  6. But some observations are detrimental! They make the forecast worse! Ho How to o id iden entif ify an and dele elete e de detr trimental ob obser ervation ons? OBSERVATIONS 6 hr forecast at t=0 hr ANALYSIS MODEL Forecasts

  7. We We use the observations 6 6 ho hour urs later er, , and con onsi sider th the new an analy alysis is as as tr truth th for t= t=6hr. Th This allows to use EFSO SO to determ rmine wh whether r each observation at t= t=0 mad ade th the 6hr forecas ast t better or worse OBSERVATIONS 6 hr forecast ANALYSIS at t=6hrs (TRUTH) Note that only the next analysis is created! We MODEL Forecasts now go back to t=0hrs.

  8. We We check each observation at t=0, and (using EFSO) find whether it it im improved th the fo forecast (b (benefic ficial) ial) or or ma made e it worse (de detrimen ental). ). We We delete all the de detrimen ental ob obse servation ons, s, and repeat the analysi sis s at t=0 assi ssimilating g on only bene benefici cial obser ervations ns. detrimental OBSERVATIONS 6 hr forecast beneficial Better ANALYSIS at t=0 hr TRASH MODEL Forecasts

  9. Th The Final Analysis is cycled, ac accumula latin ting th the im improvements ts ob obtained every 6 hour ho urs by del deleting ng the he de detrimen ental obser ervations ns and nd assimilating ng onl nly the he bene benefici cial obser ervations ns (Pr Proactive QC). ). OBSERVATIONS 6 hr forecast detrimental beneficial Final ANALYSIS at t=0 TRASH MODEL Forecasts As a result, both the Analysis and the Model Forecasts improve substantially See the example of 10-day forecasts using the GFS-LETKF system.

  10. An example of EFSO estimation of beneficial and detrimental obs

  11. Detrimental MODIS winds observations An example of EFSO estimation of beneficial and detrimental obs Detrimental MODIS winds observations

  12. Experimental setup for GFS-LETKF (Lien, 2015, Chen, 2018) Period Jan/01/2008 00Z – Feb/06/2008 06Z (~1 month) (5 days for DA spinup ) Model GFS T62 L64 (lower resolution) DA LETKF with 32 members ensemble size Observations prepBUFR data from NCEP (all obs except radiances) Horizontal: 500 km Localization Vertical: 0.4 scale height Inflation RTPP (Zhang 2004) + adaptive inflation (Miyoshi 2011) Verifying truth NCEP Climate Forecast System Reanalysis (CFSR) Efficient but realistic GFS system

  13. Cycling PQC accumulates the reduction of the analysis error • Cycling PQC reduces analysis RMSE (blue) • U and T improve globally, especially over the southern ocean • Q improves over the tropics and the subtropical region. Analysis is improved globally for every variable!

  14. Immediate and Accumulated impact of cycling PQC (only 10% rejection) • We separate total correction of cycling PQC into immediate and accumulated correction over 10 days. • Most of the total correction are provided by the cycled PQC ( accumulated from previous corrections. ) • This indicates that PQC is feasible for operations even if we don’t have time for an immediate correction in operational tight schedule (correct only GDAS, the final analysis). Relative Forecast Error Reduction [%] Most (~90%) benefit comes from the accumulated correction. So, the accumulated (cycled) PQC is feasible in operations!

  15. Rejecting more detrimental obs (up to 50%) improves the forecasts • More improvement when rejecting more ( 10% , 30% , 50% ) detrimental observations. • Rejecting all detrimental (~50%) observations gives good results. • About 20% improvement in short- term forecast. • The improvement remains at about 5% after 6 days. • In the NH 30% is better than 50%. Relative Forecast Error Reduction [%] Rejecting 50% detrimental observations improves 10 day forecasts only in the tropics, in the NH 30% is best.

  16. Why so few beneficial obs (~50%) in (E)FSO? FSO studies found similar results and suggested different reasons : • Inaccurate verifying analysis (Daescu 2009) • Statistical nature of DA (Gelaro 2010, Ehrendorfer 2007) • Inaccurate B and modes with different growth rates (Lorenc and Marriot 2014) Our results suggest that: • Background quality is as important as Observation’s quality Most of the observations become very beneficial when the background is not good!

  17. We now briefly explain EFSO and show how useful it is in monitoring the quality of the observations at the analysis time t=0

  18. Ensemble Forecast Sensitivity to Observations (EFSO) ∆ e 2 = e T t | 0 C e t | 0 − e T t | − 6 C e t | − 6 1 0 X fT 0 R − 1 Y a K − 1 δ y T t | 0 C ( e t | 0 + e t | − 6 ) ≈ O-B of the ens. mean Forecast perturbation Analysis perturbation in obs. space Error norm Forecast errors Kalnay et al. 2012, inspired by Langland and Baker (2004) x a 0 = x b K δ y ob K 0 + K 0 EFSO is a linear mapping from each observation to the 6 hour forecast error. • Negative EFSO shows the observation reduced the forecast error (beneficial). • Positive EFSO shows the observation increased the forecast error (detrimental) • EFSO is efficient: the matrices above are already computed by the EnKF. • There is no need to repeat the reanalysis without the detrimental observations. • Simply apply the EFSO corrections (Ota et al., 2013, Chen and Kalnay, 2018). •

  19. Experimental Setup: semi-operational Exp. 2012 Exp. 2017 Jan/10/2012 00Z – Jun/01/2017 00Z – Period Feb/09/2012 18Z Jun/27/2017 00Z (~1 month) (Winter, 2012) (Summer, 2017) GFS T254 / T126 L64 GFS T670 / T254 L64 Model LETKF / 3D-Var EnSRF / 3D-Var DA Hybrid GSI v2012 Hybrid GSI v2016 Localization Horizontal: 2000 km cut-off length Vertical: 2 scale heights Moist total energy (MTE) Z 1 L 2 MTE = 1 1 { ( u 0 2 + v 0 2 ) + C p T 0 2 + R d T r Z Error norm p 0 2 q 0 2 } d σ dS s + w q 2 | S | P 2 T r C p T r S 0 r

  20. Powerful QC monitoring for every system every 6hr! 06hr System Total Impact (J/kg) Dropsonde MODIS winds Detrimental Profiler winds NEXRAD winds PIBAL Atlasbuoy Beneficial Radiosonde GPSRO Aircraft time Users can see which instruments have detrimental episodes

  21. Detrimental RAOB Stations: Monthly average PTL JDP Two RAOB stations (JDP and PTL) in India was found very detrimental in the 1-month period. 21

  22. Check Radiance Channel Selection: HIRS Detrimental Channel 13 of HIRS has always provided detrimental impacts. Beneficial Detrimental channel 13 in HIRS is easily identified using EFSO.

  23. Multi-channel instruments: GOES sounder , HIRS Detrimental Beneficial Only showing detrimental channels • Channel 8 (11.03 um), 13 (4.57 um): sensitive to surface and low-level temperature. • Map shows the 2 channels are detrimental in tropical Pacific and Atlantic .

  24. Even Hyperspectral Instruments: IASI , AIRS Only showing detrimental channels • Efficient channel-wise impact evaluation even for hyperspectral instruments. • Detrimental impact from Australia and tropical oceans.

  25. Forecast performance of EFSO-based selection Relative Forecast Error Reduction (Tropics, %) Instruments: Rejected channels: 81, 1133, 1191, 1194, 1271, IASI 1805, 1884, 1991, 2094, 2239 AIRS 1866, 1868 GOES15 sounder 13 GOES13 sounder 8, 13 HIRS 13 • The detrimental impact is mainly from the tropical regions. • Simply rejecting 16 channels out of hundreds improves the monthly mean tropical forecast by >1% Rejecting the detrimental channels improves tropical forecasts

  26. Comparing EFSO from 2012 and 2017 2012 2017 • Detrimental channels are mostly the same. • Some of the new IASI channels are beneficial and a few detrimental.

  27. Hyperspectral instruments: CrIS • All channels from 9-12 um (surface sensitive) are detrimental. • The detrimental impact is from southern tropical oceans.

  28. EFSO Browsing Tool created by Tse-Chun Chen Python based Choose location, time, instrument, and instantly get EFSO


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