high touch course outline

HIGH TOUCH COURSE OUTLINE 1. The Global Retail Trends 2. Human vs. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

HIGH TOUCH COURSE OUTLINE 1. The Global Retail Trends 2. Human vs. Robots 3. The Lost art of Human ConnecCon 4. The Art of Touch 5. Culture 6. Retail Excellence 7. Leadership 8. Servicing the Elite 9. CRM 10. The Heart of Service WHY SHOULD I BUY


  2. COURSE OUTLINE 1. The Global Retail Trends 2. Human vs. Robots 3. The Lost art of Human ConnecCon 4. The Art of Touch 5. Culture 6. Retail Excellence 7. Leadership 8. Servicing the Elite 9. CRM 10. The Heart of Service


  4. Cheaper, Faster, More OpCons

  5. If I know as much as YOU…

  6. The Global Retail Trends

  7. “25% of Malls will close by 2022” Time Money

  8. Singapore island-wide mall vacancies at a Seven-year high May 2016, Bloomberg

  9. The Lost Art of Human ConnecCons…

  10. Case Study: Hai Di Lao

  11. “What’s Missing?”

  12. Customers are NOT Numbers!

  13. The Problem with Professionalism

  14. Unless! you can convince them to reach from the Heart!

  15. “Humans are behaving increasingly more like Robots and Robots – More like Humans!”

  16. Siri

  17. Can Human defeat Robots?

  18. The Art of

  19. What is High Touch Service?

  20. BriCsh Airway

  21. 1. Love

  22. India Air Bnb

  23. 2. Feelings

  24. Anthony Wong

  25. 3. Kindness

  26. Interview Dk Kemariah Duraman

  27. India Uber

  28. 4. Care

  29. Cleveland Clinic

  30. 5. Empathy

  31. The Art of Touch 1. Love 2. Feelings 3. Kindness 4. Care 5. Empathy

  32. Human ConnecCon

  33. When High Touch Goes Wrong

  34. Love Actually

  35. Uber SSR

  36. A Beeer QuesCon! How can Human benefit from Robots?

  37. Megafash has grown from an online store to seven bricks-and-mortar shops. Its annualised gross merchandise sales for last year was reportedly $8 million. Straits Times: 29 May 2017

  38. Exercise: How would you sell a $250 Million Property?

  39. Break!


  41. Best of Japan

  42. The Basic Calling to Serve …

  43. Discussion: Why does Brunei’s Customer Service Suck?

  44. 9 0 0 2 s e l a s n i n o i l i l b 1 $ t i H Best Company to work for: Fortune Mul>ple Best Customer Service Awards

  45. Next Day Delivery 365 Days Postage Paid Return No Phone Script!


  47. The Zappos Refund…

  48. Zappos Core Value • Deliver Wow through • Build Open and Honest RelaConships With Service CommunicaCon • Embrace and Drive • Build a PosiCve Team and Change Family Spirit • Create Fun and A Liele • Do More With Less Weirdness • Be Passionate and • Be Adventurous, Determined CreaCve, and Open- • Be Humble Minded • Pursue Growth and Learning

  49. Retail Strategies

  50. It takes 3 Seconds to Customers to Determine whether they Like You Trust You and Whether or not they want to do business with you!

  51. How to Create A Great First Impression?

  52. AnCcipate

  53. Leadership

  54. When Customer Service Suck; Who do you FIRE?

  55. What if…? • I am not suited for the role? • No body ever recognises my good work? • No one ever taught me about the products? • I have no permission to make any decision? • I don’t feel my contribuCon is important?

  56. Leader’s Responsibility • Recruitment • Training • IncenCves • RecogniCon • Empowerment • Morale

  57. Employee’s Responsibility

  58. Servicing the Elite

  59. Exercise: How would you sell a $250 Million Property?

  60. $ 250M House

  61. Louis Vuieon’s High Touch

  62. Training | Standards | ExecuCon

  63. Top Customers are graded, and all the staff are expected to not only know their names, but research on their background.

  64. Hire People Crazy about your Products! Charles Djaileb, Paris

  65. Don’t Assume! Rhadika Oswal

  66. Louis Vuieon ONLY?

  67. Finding Passion Beyond Labels

  68. 1. What is my Shoe size? 2. How many pair of shoes do you have?

  69. How to convert impassionate staff?

  70. CRM What is your CRM Strategy?

  71. The Heart of Service

  72. Privilege to Serve

  73. Home Work • ShaunHoon • +673 7174286 • Shaun@catalyst.com.bn

  74. Want today’s Slides? www.EngineeringGrowth.com

  75. 2 QuesCons • What Strikes You about today’s lesson? • What Change Are You Going to Make?

  76. FRIDAY 13 th Oct


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