Day 1: Play to connect and get in touch with what excites us
and get in touch with what excites us
With colla ges, paint & clay we b egan to seed the futur e. We spoke of many things and compacted them into the seed of Day 1 . Our seed’s roots b egan to sprout d igging into the Earth with leaves pioneer ing towards the sun. Over night, we lef t our seed to compost in the soil of our d r eams and fr ustrations.
Day 2: Building and strengthening educational visions
something has sprouted ...our seed (that looked a bit like a potato yesterday) was actually a granad illa seed. A vine has grown, it’s roots continuing to push down and it’s leaves str etching out. Fr uits ar e busy r ipening. speaking questioning listening
Day 3: Getting things done
Ed u- Change Passion Fr uits Our roots : Don’t suf fer und er the circumstances that ar e out of your control. Put in extra ef fort - d ig your roots d eep into the compost of this confer ence & networ k. Use your r esiliance to find new abundance, id eas & opportunities. Know that you have the power to cr eate b eyond the obstacles. Our fr uits: What ar e our takeaway lear nings from these days? Natur e, Failur e (whoo hoo!), Self- nurtur e, Str ength, Resiliance, Connected ness, Potj ie Pot, Diver sity, Relationship. Our pioneer ing tend r ills : What keeps us moving For ward? Deter mination, Collab oration, Passion, the Kids, b eing Wond er- full, Remeb er ing the Kid in your self, Healing your inner child, M aking your self vulnerable, Tr usting the process, Family & Community Rememb er ing that ‘I am not alone’.
EDU- CHANGE facilitated b y: Anouk Ver heijen / anouk@ Jenily n Deyzel / jenily nd eyzel@ M ichèle Twomey /micheletwomey@ Ir is Hofstet ter / ir is- hofstet ter@ Visual Har vest by Clair e Homewood / car eonelove@ Car eOneLove