europe 2014 a million heartbeats

Europe 2014 A Million Heartbeats by rt Ahlin 2 Who am I? 3 What - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Europe 2014 A Million Heartbeats by rt Ahlin 2 Who am I? 3 What do I do? 4 Why QS? 5 What do I log? 6 The problem 7 Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 8 Horizontal axis 0 start of day (midnight) 0.5 middle of

  1. Europe 2014

  2. A Million Heartbeats by Črt Ahlin 2

  3. Who am I? 3

  4. What do I do? 4

  5. Why QS? 5

  6. What do I log? 6

  7. The problem 7

  8. Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 8

  9. Horizontal axis 0 – start of day (midnight) 0.5 – middle of day (noon) 1 – end of day (midnight) 9

  10. A day of data heart beats per minute 0 – start of day (midnight) 0.5 – middle of day (noon) 1 – end of day (midnight) 11

  11. Two days … heart beats per minute 0 – start of day (midnight) 0.5 – middle of day (noon) 1 – end of day (midnight) 12

  12. Data gathering - tools 13

  13. Data gathering - process 14

  14. 0 – start of day (midnight) 0.5 – middle of day (noon) 1 – end of day (midnight) 17

  15. 19 0 – start of day (midnight) 0.5 – middle of day (noon) 1 – end of day (midnight)

  16. 20 0 – start of day (midnight) 0.5 – middle of day (noon) 1 – end of day (midnight)

  17. The tools used 22

  18. 23

  19. 25

  20. AddiRonal data 26

  21. 27

  22. Steps count: 11719 Steps count: 12207 28 0 – start of day (midnight) 0.5 – middle of day (noon) 1 – end of day (midnight)

  23. BoUom line 29

  24. What is your curve? 30

  25. App v Card LinkedIn hUp:// hUp:// Thank you … 31

  26. Europe 2014


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